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  • 1. AVVISO - Visiting Students 2013/2014 - Classe L-33 (100%)

    9-giu-2014 17.01.53

    AVVISO - Visiting Students 2013/2014 - Classe L-33 visiting students, economia e finanza, bacheca_economia, DETERMINA per l’a.a. 2014-2015 gli studenti iscritti al corso di laurea triennale in Economia e Finanza– L33 interessati a frequentare periodi di studi all’estero quali Visiting Students, sulla base delle vigenti regole di Ateneo (S.A. 18.04.2013) che disciplinano la materia, sono invitati a presentare le richieste, indicando la destinazione prescelta, entro la data del 30 giugno

  • 2. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (95%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    installation and field trips for the practical work, capacity building for the staff and students ... , employability and professionalization of students will be promoted. The sustainability of the proposed plan

  • 3. Mid-term Workshop on "Students' Mobility" (87%)

    10-lug-2022 8.52.40

    Mid-term Workshop on "Students' Mobility" prin 2017, attanasio, students' mobility On 11 and 12 July 2022, the Project's mid-term Workshop will take place. The event will be held in Palermo, at the plexus of the church of S. Antonio Abate at Steri Complex (Piazza Marina 61, Palermo). The workshop will aim to take stock of what has already been achieved and to illustrate future prospects in view of the Project's conclusion. Representatives from all the Research Units as well as other

  • 4. On behalf of Bridge Education Abroad Institute (53%)

    8-apr-2015 10.15.18

    , to provide students with unique opportunities to experience different political cultures while strengthening their leadership and diplomacy skills. Our programs draw a diverse group of students ... . In a rapidly globalizing world, we believe these experiences are invaluable to the success of students ... local South Africans for a meaningful day of service The students will enrich their knowledge ... and historic places. We also encourage students to get to know one another and share cultural

  • 5. Verbale 22 Ottobre 2021 firmato (53%)

    23-nov-2021 13.18.00

    Dispositivo n 27841 del 20/07/2021 Mobilita' outgoing students: convalida insegnamenti sostenuti ... ' outgoing students: convalida insegnamenti sostenuti dallo studente FERRANTE FEDERICA pratica N.2587273 Ratifica Dispositivo n 28041 del 23/07/2021 Mobilita' outgoing students: convalida insegnamenti ... Mobilita' outgoing students: convalida insegnamenti sostenuti dallo studente ARAGONA IVAN pratica N. 2590130 Ratifica Dispositivo n 28461 del 29/07/2021 Mobilita' outgoing students: convalida

  • 6. Avviso agli studenti della L-18 interessati al Visiting Students (52%)

    30-mag-2014 13.59.18

    Avviso agli studenti della L-18 interessati al Visiting Students erasmus, economia, bacheca_economia, economia e amministrazione aziendale, Per l’a.a. 2014-2015 gli studenti iscritti al corso di laurea triennale in Economia ed Amministrazione Aziendale– L18 interessati a frequentare periodi di studi all’estero quali Visiting Students, sulla base delle vigenti regole di Ateneo (S.A. 18.04.2013) che disciplinano la materia, sono invitati a presentare le loro richieste, indicando la destinazione

  • 7. Verbale CdS Lingue 27 Aprile 2022-1 (51%)

    12-set-2022 16.20.50

    del coordinatore   Ratifica Dispositivo n 39723 del 01/03/2022 Mobilita' outgoing students: convalida ... Mobilita' outgoing students: convalida insegnamenti sostenuti dalla studentessa ROSSOFUOCO MARTINA, matricola 0725082   Ratifica Dispositivo n 39982 del 04/03/2022 Mobilita' outgoing students ... Dispositivo n 40083 del 07/03/2022 Mobilita' outgoing students: convalida insegnamenti sostenuti dalla ... ' outgoing students: convalida insegnamenti sostenuti dalla studentessa RANDAZZO NOEMI MARIA, matricola

  • 8. master_HFB_4edition (48%)

    26-ott-2016 11.17.26

    students (EU, US and Non-EU) . Grants and scholarship from institutions and companies. Why? HFB Master ... prepares students for two career paths in entrepreneurial projects; Tourism: - Experts ... marketing companies; HFB students will study business and economic marketing models, together ... of business leaders in the sector. Eligible Applicants HFB Master is open to students with degree ... Toselli 5, Palermo) at number 091 285 561. 20 Support grants for the internships of the best students

  • 10. laboratorio di analisi dei dati (42%)

    10-mag-2013 11.37.51

    to be given to some questions arranged by the teacher. During the exam, students have to select the most ... Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione (Knowledge and understanding) We expect that students ... for the achievement of this ability. All the phases of the research path are analyzed, so that students ... ) At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to interpret and communicate the results of their work, both as research results and in any other format. In order to do that, students have

  • 11. DAAD Akragas dialogue in Augsburg 12_4_16 (40%)

    20-apr-2016 11.31.02

    Concetta Parello (Parco Archaeologico Valle dei templi, Agrigento) Participants: Graduate students and ... Project presentations by participating graduate students, researchers and junior scientists – topics ... by participating graduate students, researchers and junior scientists – topics: significance of gender ... (van Rooijen) 11.00 Coffee break Project presentations by participating graduate students, researchers ... break (Mensa) Project presentations by participating graduate students, researchers and junior

  • 13. Call Summer School Gullo[2] (35%)

    18-apr-2014 8.55.27

    , the Course is open to students holding a first or second level Master degree, PhD students, PhD ... a reserve list. Students from the reserve list will be contacted in the case in which students admitted ... (Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, della Società e dello Sport) Library. Students who will attend

  • 14. Realizzazioni (35%)

    19-giu-2024 7.53.16

    ) Mobilità (incluse tutte le sottosezioni) International Students (incluse tutte le sottosezioni) Gruppi ... 21/22) Opuscolo Studenti Internazionali (A.Y. 22/23) Welcome Day for Incoming Students (25/09/2023 ... ) Welcome Week 2023 (6-10/02/2023) Welcome Day for Incoming Students (13/10/2022) Erasmus Days(13/10/2022 ... /04/2022) Welcome day for incoming students 2nd Semester (22/03/2022) Pagine web create ma non più

  • 15. guida_web_2020_POLI (35%)

    16-dic-2020 13.35.04

    PER IL DIRITTO ALLO STUDIO / ERSU 25 SERVIZI PER STUDENTI DIVERSAMENTI ABILI 26 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ... specifica di apprendimento. pag. 27 ▲ torna all'indice INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS International Students

  • 16. 20 marzo 2014 P&G Palermo NEW (32%)

    17-mar-2014 18.19.36

    SCUOLA POLITECNICA PRESIDENZA 20 marzo 2014, Ore 15.00 aula C340 (Ed.7 III piano) Scuola Politecnica Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7, 90128 Palermo Tel. 09123865301, Fax 0917028930, email, SCUOLA POLITECNICA PRESIDENZA P&G Award is the first P&G yearly challenge among students from all Italian universities. In 2013 more than 5000 students have been involved and 800 students faced in 177 working group accepting

  • 17. Linee guida VISITING (32%)

    5-giu-2017 11.52.11

    di selezione degli aspiranti “visiting students”. Ai sensi dell’art. 4, titolo II, del Regolamento ... /amministrazione/area2/uoa06/visiting-students/. 6. per ogni altra informazione lo studente è tenuto a prendere ... sul sito dell’Ateneo (


    11-mag-2016 18.17.59

    Description This course introduces students to key stylised facts about the nature and impact ... is to teach students how the new growth theory can be employed to analyse the benefits ... will increase the gap between the rich and the poor. Pre-requisites Students should have ... students this exercise will be closely linked with their research goals. For others


    25-nov-2015 16.53.21

    SEMINARIO "SICILIA 2020, TRA PROGETTUALITÀ E SPOPOLAMENTO" 1 CFU dseas-cds, dseas-bacheca, seminario, l-41 Da anni le associazioni SenzaFiltro, FareUniversità, Studenti Universitari, Foro di Giurisprudenza, Aulett@ 99, A.S.U. e Sicily Foreign Students, tra le loro numerose attività, propongono anche iniziative culturali e seminariali di alto livello, con l'obiettivo di ampliare ... Universitari, Foro di Giurisprudenza, Aulett@ 99,, A.S.U. e Sicily Foreign Students. Docente

  • 20. Salamanca02 (1) (29%)

    3-apr-2017 13.04.30

    Il Consiglio di Corso di Studio Magistrale in Giurisprudenza riconosce l’importanza che la mobilità transnazionale degli studenti, nell’ambito dei programmi di scambio Erasmus e visiting students riveste ai fini della formazione del giurista contemporaneo. Ai fini della elaborazione dei learning e del relativo riconoscimento dei crediti acquisiti all’estero rimane fondamentale il rapporto ... ai programmi Erasmus+ e Visiting students. Questi sono già stati oggetto di convalida come riportato