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  • 1. Welcome Day for Incoming Students (100%)

    14-ott-2021 10.37.07

    Orto Botanico, via Lincoln 2 articolo, notizia, unipa, Welcome Day for Incoming Students, Erasmus+ L’Università degli Studi di Palermo organizza il “Welcome Day for Incoming Students", una giornata di accoglienza dedicata agli studenti in mobilità in ingresso nell'ambito del programma Erasmus ... dell'associazione Erasmus Students Network (ESN) e lo staff del Servizio Speciale Relazioni Internazionali ... Visualizza la locandina Welcome Day for Incoming Students GIULIO CACI /sites/portale/redazioneweb

  • 2. Welcome day for incoming students A.A. 2023-2024 - secondo semestre (93%)

    13-mar-2024 10.51.48

    Aula Magna - Ed. 14, Campus UniPa articolo, notizia, unipa, incoming students, welcome day Lunedì 18 marzo, dalle 10:30, nell'Aula Magna "Margherita De Simone" - Edificio 14 (Campus ... students" per l'A.A. 2023-2024 - secondo semestre. Durante l'evento, a cui partecipa ... . Visualizza la locandina Welcome day for incoming students A.A. 2023-2024 - secondo semestre FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb/.content/immagini/miniatura_Welcome-day-for-incoming-students-A.A.-2023

  • 3. Welcome day for incoming students (92%)

    23-mar-2022 9.46.25

    Orto Botanico - via Lincoln, 2 articolo, notizia, unipa, welcome day, incoming students Martedì 22 marzo, dalle 10:00, all'Orto Botanico dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo (via Lincoln, 2) si tiene il "Welcome day for incoming students" per l'A.A. 2021-2022 secondo semestre. Durante l'evento, a cui partecipa anche l'associazione ESN-Erasmus Student Network, gli studenti incoming ... . Visualizza la locandina Welcome day for incoming students FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb

  • 4. Opuscolo_Stud_22_23 (89%)

    6-giu-2024 10.08.00

    Students AY 22-23 Students Welcome from the Rector ... from the Rector "Dear International students, Welcome to the University of Palermo. We are thrilled ... orientation and community. Our main goal is to provide our international students with a stimulating ... Entrepreneurship and Management, provides students with a solid knowledge of business, management, economic, mathematics, and statistics. The course enables students to work in the different areas

  • 5. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (84%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    installation and field trips for the practical work, capacity building for the staff and students ... , employability and professionalization of students will be promoted. The sustainability of the proposed plan

  • 6. Incoming Students SAAF (83%)

    23-mar-2023 11.30.00

    Incoming Students SAAF saaf, agraria, didattica, erasmus, erasmus +, students, incoming GUIDELINES All the subjects indicated in the table below, with the exception of the first three indicated for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels, will be held in Italian and, under request, the teaching materials will be provided in English. For these subjects, if requested by the student, the written and/or oral exam ... + students. 1ST CYCLE (B.Sc.) SUBJECTS 2ND CYCLE (M.Sc.) SUBJECTS 1 1 Subject title (in English

  • 7. Important news for extra UE students requiring Visa | Avviso importante per gli studenti Extra EU che richiedono il Visto (82%)

    23-giu-2020 12.21.21

    Important news for extra UE students requiring Visa | Avviso importante per gli studenti Extra EU che richiedono il Visto articolo, notizia, unipa, extra UE students, visa, visto According to the new procedures issued by the Italian University Ministry, the prospective students wishing to pre-enrol have to register both on UniPa portal and Universitaly portal. For more info and details, look at and follow the new instructions. Secondo le nuove procedure emanate dal Ministero

  • 8. Welcome day for incoming students: al Campus UniPa l'evento dedicato agli studenti stranieri in ingresso (82%)

    2-ott-2023 14.35.35

    Welcome day for incoming students: al Campus UniPa l'evento dedicato agli studenti stranieri in ingresso articolo, notizia, unipa, welcome day, incoming students Si è svolto al Campus di Viale delle Scienze il "Welcome day for incoming students", evento dedicato agli studenti stranieri in ingresso che hanno scelto l'Università di Palermo come sede dei propri studi per il primo semestre dell’A.A. 2023-2024. Durante l'incontro gli oltre 250 studenti, provenienti da tutta Europa

  • 9. Welcome Day Students from Tunisi (82%)

    27-gen-2017 13.45.02

    Welcome Day Students from Tunisi Welcome Day, Students from Tunisi, uob5bis, unipa ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 10. Welcome Day Students from Tunisi (82%)

    8-feb-2016 13.12.34

    Welcome Day Students from Tunisi Welcome Day, Students Tunisi, double degress, unipa ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 11. Mid-term Workshop on "Students' Mobility" (80%)

    10-lug-2022 8.52.40

    Mid-term Workshop on "Students' Mobility" prin 2017, attanasio, students' mobility On 11 and 12 July 2022, the Project's mid-term Workshop will take place. The event will be held in Palermo, at the plexus of the church of S. Antonio Abate at Steri Complex (Piazza Marina 61, Palermo). The workshop will aim to take stock of what has already been achieved and to illustrate future prospects in view of the Project's conclusion. Representatives from all the Research Units as well as other

  • 12. Incoming students guide (73%)

    30-ott-2014 10.15.46

    “INCOMING STUDENTS”:  Click on “NEW APPLICATION FORM” (at your arrival): if you need to insert all

  • 13. sez 11 - international students (71%)

    8-mar-2013 18.38.32

    ........................................................................... 57 Impaginazione di Francesco Mangiapane International students ... Stampato dal Centro Stampa d'Ateneo 2 3 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ... altogether counts 55,000 students. - Agricolture - Engineering - Architecture h - Arts and ... will be sufficient. If you In accordance with the Rectoral Decree 2565 of 2010, extra-UE students ... of the zero-income range, while UE students to submit any certificates, since your status is set

  • 14. Welcome Day Incoming students 28/09/2021 (64%)

    3-dic-2021 13.33.49

    Welcome Day Incoming students 28/09/2021 articolo, notizia, unipa Incoming Erasmus Welcome Day 2021 14th October Dear student, we are glad to invite you to our "Welcome day for incoming students ... representatives of the facilities offered to all Incoming Students. The Rector, Rector’s Delegate ... facilities offered to the students. You will be also offered a tipical sicilian snack! Due to Covid19 we can welcome only 110 students to the event, so hurry up to register by filling in the form! Please

  • 15. Esempio Convenzione Inglese_PIS (60%)

    25-lug-2018 15.04.06

    hereby sign an agreement that regulates the conditions under which students may access and opt ... of students enrolled at the _________ Program at ________ and students enrolled ... admission Maximum ___ students per institution may opt for the integrated program every academic year ... by adding an addendum. The students who opt for the integrated study program must be accepted into ... institution, where a first selection of students who may opt for the integrated study program

  • 16. 8.-Esempio-Convenzione-Inglese_PIS (60%)

    3-set-2019 12.01.09

    hereby sign an agreement that regulates the conditions under which students may access and opt ... of students enrolled at the _________ Program at ________ and students enrolled ... admission Maximum ___ students per institution may opt for the integrated program every academic year ... by adding an addendum. The students who opt for the integrated study program must be accepted into ... institution, where a first selection of students who may opt for the integrated study program

  • 17. Regolamento mob stud estratto parte Visiting Students (59%)

    8-mar-2013 17.20.52

    Regolamento LLP/Erasmus e Visiting Students Estratto dal Regolamento d’Ateneo per la disciplina ... (Visiting Students) OMISSIS Titolo II – IL RICONOSCIMENTO DEI PERIODI DI STUDIO ALL'ESTERO (VISITING STUDENTS) Premessa. Oggetto del presente Titolo è il riconoscimento delle attività formative ... LLP/Erasmus e Visiting Students A conclusione del periodo di studi all'estero, lo studente esibirà ... Regolamento LLP/Erasmus e Visiting Students 3 Microsoft Word - Regolamento mob stud estratto

  • 18. SCHOLARSHIPS (56%)

    24-nov-2015 10.22.01


  • 19. hrs4r form_euraxess (54%)

    27-mar-2023 14.39.45

    * are compulsory. STAFF & STUDENTS FTE Total researchers = staff, fellowship holders, bursary holders, PhD. students either full-time or part-time involved in research * 2835 Of whom ... are stage R1 = in most organisations corresponding with doctoral level * 984 Total number of students ... Centre, an Italian school for foreign students, a Guidance Centre. The AA2021/2022 educational offer ... foreign students, is hosting 351 incoming ERASMUS students within the framework of 186 inter

  • 20. cv_fanelli (53%)

    8-apr-2021 13.35.32

    is aimed at establishing an independent unit with supervision of postdocs and PhD students. ?1 ... ) Electromagnetism, Mechanical Engineering, 60 hours, 250 students. 2) Physics of Complex Systems, 50 hours, 25 students. Academic year 2018-2019 1) Electromagnetism, Mechanical Engineering, 60 hours, 200 students. 2) Physics of Complex Systems, 50 hours, 15 students. Academic year 2017-2018 3) Electromagnetism, Mechanical Engineering, 60 hours, 200 students. 4) Physics of Complex Systems, 50 hours