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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. State of the Art (100%)

    17-set-2019 19.37.49

    State of the Art attansio, prin; 2017, student, mobility, state of the art Empirical studies on international student mobility [1] focus primarily on the macro-level determinants of mobility choices, and they underline the influence of socio-economic and cultural conditions of theareas of origin and destination. The cost of moving abroad and quality of universities play a major role too. In contrast, studies on internal student mobility in European countries are fewer ([2] on UK, [3

  • 2. The State of the Art in Everyday Aesthetics. Reflections on Recent Debates 22 Giugno 2022 - ore 16.00-18.00 (89%)

    15-giu-2022 9.35.44

    The State of the Art in Everyday Aesthetics. Reflections on Recent Debates 22 Giugno 2022 - ore 16.00-18.00 The State of the Art in Everyday Aesthetics, tavola rotonda, Sum Dettagli Luogo di svolgimento Building 12, room A4, Viale delle Scienze La tavola rotonda The State of the Art in Everyday Aesthetics. Reflections on Recent Debates mira a presentare tre recenti ... The State of the Art in Everyday Aesthetics. Reflections on Recent Debates mira a presentare

  • 3. The State of the Art in Everyday Aesthetics. Reflections on Recent Debates (36%)

    20-giu-2022 13.10.06

    Aula A4, Ed. 12 - Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze | Online articolo, notizia, unipa, everyday aesthetics Mercoledì 22 giugno, dalle 16.00 alle 18.00, nell’Aula A4 dell’Edificio 12 del Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze si tiene la tavola rotonda dal titolo “The State of the Art ... sulla piattaforma Teams al link: Visualizza la locandina The State of the Art ... /.content/immagini/miniatura_The-State-of-the-Art-in-Everyday-Aesthetics.jpg /sites/portale/_categories

  • 4. Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment - The state of the art and perspectives (29%)

    5-lug-2017 13.07.11

    Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment - The state of the art and perspectives articolo, notizia, unipa In the framework of SDSN Mediterranean and SDSN Youth activities, the University of Palermo organizes the seminar " Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment - The state of the art and perspectives". The seminar will be held on July 13th, 2017 at the Scuola Politecnica, Viale delle Scienze Building 9 Palermo. For further info please visit CLICK HERE or contact

  • 5. Locandina_The State of the Art in Everyday Aesthetics (29%)

    20-giu-2022 13.06.33

    The State of the Art in Everyday Aesthetics JUNE 22, 2022 Building 12, Room A4, Viale Delle Scienze TEAMS: 16.00-18.00 Introduction Participants: Elisabetta Di Stefano (University of Palermo, Italy) Emily Brady (Texas A &M University) Authors Meet Readers: Re ections on Recent Debates Madalina Diaconu (University of Vienna, Austria) Discussants Marcello Di Paola (Univer sity of Palermo, Italy) Rosa Fernández Gómez (University of Malaga, Spain

  • 6. Point 5 - Draft work programme 2013 - NMP_WD2013_Draft_130312_clean (16%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.35

    with respect to the current state of the art. Proposals should also include cost/benefit

  • 7. cv prof. nicolai (16%)

    6-apr-2022 11.17.34

  • 8. Area Ricerca e Sviluppo (14%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.42

    a review of the state of the state of the art of research and innovation (capacity, main performers

  • 11. 2nd_Newsletter_EnerNETMob_EN (14%)

    1-ott-2020 9.10.16

    the report here. “Local Framework Analysis on Electro-Mobility and Energy Supply State of Art ... Energy Supply State of the Art according to regulation analysis and common planning guidelines. The Local Framework analysis defines: The current state of the art of transport supply and demand in all ... integration with intermodal terminals. Where possible, the current state of the art of energy supply and ... / regional and national authorities. Read the report here. E-mobility in Italy: what is the state of the art

  • 13. StefanoMazzoleni (12%)

    23-apr-2020 16.29.25

    della Robotica in riabilitazione” (“State of the art and views of Rehabilitation Robotics”) (ECM credits

  • 14. curriculum_iacobellis (12%)

    15-apr-2020 8.51.50

    on the State of the Art and Pathways Forward, eduited by Stewart Franks, Murugesu Sivapalan, Kuniyoshi ... Politecnico di Bari–1st Workshop on the State of the Art and Challenges of Research Efforts

  • 15. ETAR APPROVED_1 dicembre 2022 (12%)

    3-dic-2022 18.41.45

    of the state of the art, will discuss their research topic against the background of the analyzed literature ... : Reasons and expected impact; State of the art; Methodology; Originality and innovation of your ... What are the reasons for the proposed research? What is the expected impact? 2.2 State of the art Reconstruct the state of the art by briefly discussing the most relevant contributions on which the research ... of the research proposed in the panorama of the state of the art. 2.5 Future developments Please

  • 16. Description of the Courses (12%)

    4-feb-2024 11.58.07

    at the state of the art, with parƟcular interest in the different types of Prof. Salvatore Contino chemicals ... preserving manner. The course aims to provide the state of the art on the implementation of Machine ... the state of the art of ML applications on FPGAs through the analysis of concrete cases and

  • 18. be_0043_DIGITAL SECURITY-1 (11%)

    7-mag-2014 9.04.39

    di state-of -the-art, evitando singoli punti di errore. Il lavoro proposto dovrebbe includere ... essere superiore dell'approccio state-of -the- art. TIPO DI AZIONE Innovation action La capacità ... per dimostrare la fattibilità e la scalabilità dello state-of- the- art di quadri di gestione del rischio

  • 19. Progetti di Dottorato di ricerca su tecniche EPR avanzate da realizzare presso l'Università di St. Andrews, Scozia (11%)

    30-nov-2016 8.29.57

    and their analysis and transferring the insights gained to state of the art structural research ... deuterated membrane proteins. The project would also take advantage of state of the art pulse forming ... in state of the art biochemistry and molecular biology preparing the spin-labelled protein complexes

  • 20. EPR_studentships_2017 (11%)

    30-nov-2016 8.26.51

    transferring the insights gained to state of the art structural research in the nano- and biosciences ... take advantage of state of the art pulse forming technologies to maximize the relaxation time and sensitivity. The postgraduate will be trained in state of the art biochemistry and molecular biology