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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Ciclo di seminari Per-forming Space – I incontro (100%)

    10-dic-2019 14.28.19

    Aula 1.4, Dipartimento di Architettura - Edificio 14, viale delle Scienze Ciclo di seminari Per-forming Space – I incontro articolo, notizia, unipa, Per-forming Space, progetto, seminari I Dipartimenti Cultura e Società, Scienze Umanistiche e Architettura dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo, organizzano un Ciclo di Seminari nell’ambito del progetto interdipartimentale “Per-forming Space”, che si propone di creare un network per investigare, sia dal punto di vista storico-teorico che pratico

  • 2. cv cao (49%)

    8-gen-2018 12.36.08

    ISRU and ISFR processes for space exploration G. Participation to financed research projects ... – present Expert for the evaluation of projects submitted to the Italian Space Agency April 2001 ... at National Congress, Space Renaissance Italia May 2014 Editorial Board Member Global ... of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference “Space, not war 2016” April 2015 Expert for the Incomera project April 2015 – present Member of the Scientific Committee of Space

  • 3. La promozione della competenza democratica e interculturale a scuola: il progetto Children’s Voices for a new human Space (45%)

    10-dic-2021 10.51.40

    e interculturale a scuola: il progetto Children’s Voices for a new human Space” dedicata ai docenti delle ... “Children’s Voices for a new human Space (CVS)”, in collaborazione con l’associazione Identità, Sviluppo ... for a new human Space FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb/.content/immagini/miniatura_logo

  • 4. Children’s voices for a new human space (44%)

    22-nov-2018 15.59.06

    Children’s voices for a new human space articolo, notizia, unipa, erasmus+, unione europea, bergen, surrey, scuola primaria Il progetto “Children’s voices for a new human space” (CVS) dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo, finanziato dal Programma Erasmus+ dell’Unione Europea, sarà presentato venerdì 23 novembre dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 nella Sala delle Capriate del Complesso Monumentale dello Steri (piazza Marina, 61). L'iniziativa, realizzata in collaborazione con l'Università di Bergen

  • 5. EFACIS Book of Abstracts (44%)

    12-mag-2015 18.19.24

    SPACE IN GERARD DONOVAN’S COUNTRY OF THE GRAND In his 2008 short story collection Country ... . The car is presented as a liminal space and a heterotopia of crisis, either mirroring ... the unique liminal space occupied by the rock guitarist and singer Rory Gallagher which signifies ... Clare is transformed into a liminal festive space during the Willie Clancy Summer School each year ... diaspora fiction depicts ‘home’ as a liminal space in twofold ways. On one side of the Atlantic

  • 6. Terzo trimestre 2020 (43%)

    16-nov-2020 18.04.29

    elettrica pagamento SPA BIO-TECHNE Di S.R.L. (Già SPACE 170020 8358 03/07/2020 1,171.00 44606 SX.U. Prodotti chimici pagamento IMPORT-EXPORT S.R.L.) BIO-TECHNE Di S.R.L. (Già SPACE ... . pagamento attività produttive (IRAP) BIO-TECHNE Di S.R.L. (Già SPACE 170020 8384 06/07/2020 ... Di S.R.L. (Già SPACE 170020 8384 06/07/2020 1,152.00 44606 SX.U. Prodotti chimici ... attività produttive (IRAP) BIO-TECHNE Di S.R.L. (Già SPACE 170020 8388 06/07/2020 3,088.50 44606

  • 7. Book of Abstracts - _definitivo_ (42%)

    1-giu-2015 10.11.23

    PARALYSIS: CELTIC TIGER IRELAND AND THE CAR AS A LIMINAL SPACE IN GERARD DONOVAN’S COUNTRY OF THE GRAND ... streets are the leitmotifs that connect Donovan’s stories. The car is presented as a liminal space and ... This paper highlights the unique liminal space occupied by the rock guitarist and singer Rory ... Malbay in west Clare is transformed into a liminal festive space during the Willie Clancy Summer School ... depicts ‘home’ as a liminal space in twofold ways. On one side of the Atlantic, the homeland

  • 8. Ad UniPa la FORTHEM Summer School “Migrants’ rights in European space” (40%)

    20-giu-2022 14.18.58

    Ad UniPa la FORTHEM Summer School “Migrants’ rights in European space” articolo, notizia, unipa, forthem, summer school, diversity and migration Si è svolta all'Università degli Studi di Palermo la Summer School sul tema “Migrants’ rights in European space” promossa dal Lab Diversity and Migration del progetto FORTHEM. Il prof. Francesco Lo Piccolo, il prof. Giuseppe Paternostro e la prof.ssa Annalisa Mangiaracina, coordinatori del laboratorio a livello di Alleanza, e il prof. Vincenzo Todaro

  • 9. cv_campana (39%)

    14-apr-2021 10.06.53

    of HIST, the Governing Board of the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and ... of the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage, under the auspices ... of the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage in Beijing, under ... December 2012 – From Space to Place, in collaboration with the University of California, Merced (USA ... Seminar on Space Technologies for World Heritage (9 December 2013). Keynote presentation: Geophysical

  • 10. BIP “Migrants and Cities: Intersectional Studies on the Mutual Interaction Between New Citizens and Urban Space” (39%)

    19-giu-2024 13.23.00

    BIP “Migrants and Cities: Intersectional Studies on the Mutual Interaction Between New Citizens and Urban Space” articolo, notizia, unipa Dal 10 al 14 giugno 2024 si è svolto con grande successo presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli studi di Palermo il BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) “Migrants and Cities: Intersectional Studies on the Mutual Interaction Between New Citizens and Urban Space” (parte in presenza), finanziato dall’Ateneo di Palermo con il relativo bando

  • 11. OrdinativI primo semestre 2019 (2) (38%)

    23-lug-2019 17.00.28

    e riparazioni di impianti e macchinari BIO-TECHNE S.R.L. (Già SPACE IMPORT- 50 18/01/2019 1.173,00 44606 SX.U. Prodotti chimici EXPORT S.R.L.) BIO-TECHNE S.R.L. (Già SPACE IMPORT- 50 18/01/2019 ... BIO-TECHNE S.R.L. (Già SPACE IMPORT- 52 18/01/2019 586,50 44606 SX.U. Prodotti ... S.R.L. (Già SPACE IMPORT- 65 18/01/2019 586,50 44606 SX.U. Prodotti chimici EXPORT

  • 12. Quarto trimestre 2020 (38%)

    7-gen-2021 12.02.01

  • 13. deidda cv (38%)

    2-apr-2020 16.27.58

    “Analysis of space-time variability of remotely-sensed rainfall fields”. Finanziamento: Agenzia ... of homogeneous space-time rainfall cascades to account for orographic influences, Natural Hazards and Earth ... ). Space-time Multifractality of Remotely Sensed Rainfall Fields, Journal of Hydrology, 322, 2-13, ISSN ... . Badas, and E. Piga (2004). Space-time scaling in high intensity Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere ... downscaling in a space-time multifractal framework, Water Resources Research, 36 (7), 1779-1794

  • 14. HE_Panoramica, opportunità, regole ed esperienze (37%)

    9-nov-2023 14.39.41

    Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space ERC – European Research Council Aree di competenza trasversali HE ... LIFE Europe Fund and Instrument for Border Maritime & Space EU4Health Fisheries Fund ... and Space Mobility 29% 30% Pillar II 55% ERC CL 4-5 EIC • Relevant to all programme components ... , Industry and Space ecosystems Actions • Climate, Energy and Mobility • Food, Bioeconomy, Natural ... ; Space Environment CL2 CL5 Culture, Climate, Creativity Energy and and

  • 15. cv villani (36%)

    16-gen-2018 13.49.07

    funded by ASI–Italian Space Agency. 2002–2005 FAIROBOT, Web Learning for Human Resources Quality ... by ASI–Italian Space Agency. Key roles 2017–2020 REFILLS, Robotics Enabling Fully-Integrated Logistics Lines ... funded by the European Commission under FP6–6th Framework Programme. 2008 SUPER, Space Unmanned Planetary Exploration Rover, Space Technology Research Project funded by ASI– Italian Space Agency. 2004–2008 ... by Regione Campania. 2006 ROMANCE, RObotics for Moon AutomatioN and Cosmic Exploration, Space

  • 16. de pascale (36%)

    16-apr-2020 8.02.14

    competitivi dal MiUR, dal MiPAAF, dall’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), dalla UE e dall’European Space Agency ... (ULTIMI 10 ANNI) PROGETTI EUROPEI Responsabile nazionale: - European Space Agency (ESA) 2013–2015 ... Selection (CulSel) - European Space Agency (ESA) 2009–2011- MELISSA - Micro Ecological Life Support ... del progetto Ground Demonstration of Plant Cultivation Technologies for Safe Food Production in Space ... of Arizona nel progetto National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Steckler/Space Grant

  • 17. tortora_cv tortora eng (35%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.52

    Systems L ▫ Fundamentals of Orbital Mechanics L ▫ Satellites and Space Missions L ▫ Spacecraft ... (taught in English) ▪ Founder and Head of the “Microsatellites and Space Microsystems Lab” ▪ Founder ... of the University of Bologna Company created from the Microsatellites and Space Microsystems Lab ... operating in the space sector and with an undisputed national and international leadership in the area ... ▫ Fundamentals of Orbital Mechanics L ▫ Space Systems LM ▪ Founder and Head

  • 18. Children's Voices for a new human Space (35%)

    24-ago-2023 10.46.17

    Children's Voices for a new human Space articolo, notizia, unipa Abstract: The overall aim of the current project was to foster the democratic and intercultural competences of both teachers and students in the primary school context, by drawing on the RFCDC. Its objectives were: - to enhance teachers’ access to DI education practices; - to increase teachers’ knowledge about DI education; - to equip teachers with tools, techniques and methods to promote and assess pupils’ DI competences

  • 19. curriculum-deseri-june-2021 (35%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.51

    govern the space-time evolution of the cell membrane. The mechanobi- ology involving remodelling and ... Space Transportation, European Space Agency (ESA), ESTEC, AB-Technologies. Project Manager: Dr. Eng

  • 20. curriculum deseri-july 2019 (34%)

    21-apr-2020 15.49.18

    of the project X-Fast, Advanced Space Transportation, European Space Agency (ESA), ESTEC, AB