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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Religion, ideology, politics, and law. A multidisciplinary approach in the frame of European history (100%)

    4-mar-2020 13.37.18

    Religion, ideology, politics, and law. A multidisciplinary approach in the frame of European history articolo, notizia, unipa, storia europea, religion, ideology, politics, law Nell’ambito della Terza Missione dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo è organizzato il convegno internazionale dal titolo "Religion, ideology, politics, and law. A multidisciplinary approach in the frame of European history", che si propone di sondare, in prospettiva storica e con approccio multidisciplinare

  • 2. cv_leone (58%)

    14-apr-2021 10.47.55

    ● Semiotics; Semiotics of Culture; Semiotics of Religion; Visual Semiotics; Semiotics of Law; Linguistic ... Conferences Scheme, for the organization of the symposium “Law, Religion, And Space: Trends, Problems, And ... ; LA: linguistic anthropology; SC: semiotics of culture; SL: Semiotics of Law; SR: semiotics of religion ... in the Study of Religion. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter [series “Semiotics of Religion]. [BR; SR ... * 437. LEONE, M. 2020. “Semiotics of Religion: A Map”, 1-25. The American Journal of Semiotics, online

  • 3. EFR ATELIER DOCTORAL Archéologie et Religion (47%)

    17-apr-2014 9.40.29

    1 É c o l e f r a n ç a i s e d e R o m e – É c o l e f r a n ç a i s e d ’ A t h è n e s Des espaces et des rites. Pour une archéologie du culte dans les sanctuaires du monde méditerranéen Réseau de savoir-faire et de compétences dans l’archéologie des cultes antiques ATELIER DOCTORAL « Archéologie et Religion : définir les lieux de culte, restituer les pratiques religieuses ... « Archéologie et Religion : définir les lieux de culte, restituer les pratiques religieuses antiques

  • 4. cv prof. marco ventura (46%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

    of religion or Belief. In: (a cura di): H. Schilling and S. Seidel Menchi, The Protestant Reformation ... . The challenge 10 2015 for European law and religion. In: M. Lugato (ed). (a cura di): M. Lugato ... . In: Silvio Ferrari. Routledge Handbook of Law and Religion. p. 161-178, Routledge:Abingdon (UK ... of Religion in Italy. In: V. Pacillo (a cura 14 2014 di). (a cura di): V. Pacillo, Il finanziamento ... Gods to Our Gods. A History of Religion in Indian, South African and British Courts. Eugene

  • 5. CV kearney Richard (46%)

    20-mag-2013 10.49.15

    , no 4, Spring 2010; Religion and the Arts, vol. 14-5, 2010 8. Screenwriter, editor or producer ... (ACPA) American Association of Religion (AAR) Society for Ricoeur Studies (SRS) Comitée ... , in Italian) The God Who May Be: A Hermeneutics of Religion (Indiana University Press, 2001 ... and extended book edition of the special issue of The Inter-religious Imagination, Religion and ... journals: “The Interreligious Imagination”, Religion and the Arts: Vol 12--1-3 (Boston/Leiden, 2008

  • 6. PhD in Classics for Contemporaneity-Luisa Dominici Project (43%)

    22-lug-2024 9.41.17

    is no less embedded in Greek religion than Greek religion is in rhetoric (…) Religion is always open ... religion is phrased, discussed, analyzed and propagated” (Serafim 2021, pp. 10, 32). The reference ... because, despite the profound wave of rationalism6, religion plays a particular and still central ... as A. Taddei writes in the introduction to the same volume, religion in Athens between the 5th and 4th ... FOR CONTEMPORANEITY Athenian popular religion and to obtain certain information he used some orators, but he

  • 7. Mythos_2_2008_Kunz (33%)

    8-mar-2013 22.55.07

    Zusammenfassung Abstract Der Aufsatz untersucht die Religion der römischen The article analyzes the religion ... in the perspective of centrality and Zentralität und Religion. Der Kontakt mit Rom, dem religion ... in the diffusion of Roman regionale religiöse Zentren aus. Die Kolonien spielen auch religion. eine Rolle bei der Verbreitung römischer Religion; sie sind selbst Zentren für ihr Umland. Schlüsselwörter ... dieser Aufsatz methodisch an die Forschungen zu Zentralität und Religion an3: Am Beispiel der Kolonien

  • 8. 13_Clelia_Martinez-Maza_Hormos3ns_2011 (32%)

    8-mar-2013 22.32.55

    , L’Égypte des astrologues, cit., 142; Guilmot, Le Sarapieion, cit., 372-373; F. Dunand, Religion ... under Ptolemaic Rule, en M. Beard - J. North (Eds.), Pagan Priests. Religion and Power in the Ancient ... : Aspects of Religious Mentality in the Ancient World, Studies in Greek and Roman Religion 2, Leiden 1981 ... . Gabillot, Les origines du monachisme chrétien et l’ancienne religion de l’Egypte, «RSR» X (1920), 303 ... dans la religion isiaque, L’expérience de la prière dans les grandes religions, «Homo religiosus» V (1980

  • 9. Glossary_Global-ANSWER (31%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.58

  • 10. Concessione Patrocinio dell’Ateneo e utilizzo del Logo – Convegno “European Academy of Religion” – 20 / 23 maggio 2024 – Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza - Palermo (31%)

    21-set-2023 12.11.59

    0 131835 0,00 Concessione Patrocinio dell’Ateneo e utilizzo del Logo – Convegno “European Academy of Religion” – 20 / 23 maggio 2024 – Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza - Palermo concessione, patrocinio, cerimoniale, rettorato ROSANNA CUFFARI /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/

  • 11. 7.Nicola Reggiani (Hormos 6_2014) (29%)

    13-lug-2015 15.29.56

    » [1891], 387-407: 390). 5 Cf. R. Parker, Athenian Religion: A History, Oxford 1996, 211. 6 Plut ... of the Social Origins of Greek Religion, Cambridge 1912, 52-4 («the typical medicine-man of antiquity ... in der griechischen Religion und Literatur, Heidelberg 1984], 63; Tortorelli Ghidini, Epimenide a Creta, cit.; J ... : Messy Margins of Polis Religion?, «Kernos» XXIII (2010), 13-35: 28. Per la connessione ... Religion, Oxford 19492 [Geschichte der griechischen Religion], 203-4). 25 Epē: Paus. I 14,4 = Epim

  • 12. direttiva dell'unione europea (29%)

    8-mar-2013 20.21.36

    , religion, descent or national or ethnic origin. – Publicly condoning, denying or grossly trivialising ... a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin, and ... to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin. Member States may choose to punish only ... is threatening, abusive or insulting. The reference to religion is intended to cover, at least, conduct which ... committed on the grounds of race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin. It does not

  • 13. Mythos_2_2008_autori (29%)

    8-mar-2013 22.55.10

    , Fernelmont 2007, 279- tury), Tübingen 2001 (Religion der Römischen Provinzen 1). 300; L’Evangile ... - Claude Pouzadoux, il volume Image et religion dans l’Anti- so una tesi dal titolo: Simbolo e narrazione ... di dottorato pres- römischen Sizilien (Religion der Römischen Provinzen 4), Diss. so l’École pratique ... .), bus (Apulée). Rites et rituels ‘magiques’ dans la religion publi- Antike Religionsgeschichte ... . Rüpke (Hrsg.), Die Religion des Imperium Romanum. Koi- tedra «Gnose et manichéisme» Le sue ricerche

  • 14. Elezioni 2 2022-Giunta Dipartimento-CV-RTD Braghi (29%)

    24-feb-2022 15.03.53

    internazionale annuale della European Academy of Religion (Bologna), con un intervento in lingua ... Socialism and Christianity alla conferenza internazionale annuale della European Academy of Religion ... Se souvenir des guerres de religion / Remembering the French Wars of Religion (Institut Protestant ... Academy of Religion (Bologna), con un intervento in lingua inglese dal titolo Between Cateau-Cambrésis ... Academy of Religion. Dal 01/01/2016 – oggi Membro della Société Henri IV, FISIER (Fédération

  • 15. Concessione spazi al Complesso Monumentale dello Steri, Patrocinio dell’Ateneo e utilizzo del Logo – “European Academy of Religion (EuARe)” – Sala Magna – Sala delle Capriate – Chiesa Sant’Antonio Abate - 20 – 21 maggio 2024 –ore 08.00 / 20.30 – 23 maggio 2024 Chiesa Sant’Antonio Abate– ore 9.00/19.00. (28%)

    15-feb-2024 17.17.26

    0 186237 0,00 Concessione spazi al Complesso Monumentale dello Steri, Patrocinio dell’Ateneo e utilizzo del Logo – “European Academy of Religion (EuARe)” – Sala Magna – Sala delle Capriate – Chiesa Sant’Antonio Abate - 20 – 21 maggio 2024 –ore 08.00 / 20.30 – 23 maggio 2024 Chiesa Sant’Antonio Abate– ore 9.00/19.00. concessione,spazi, cerimoniale, rettorato ROSANNA CUFFARI /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/

  • 17. UNIPA SPRINGER SERIES Book Proposal Form (27%)

    20-apr-2020 12.33.38

    of Religion E34000 Philosophy of Science E34010 Philosophy of Biology E34020 Philosophy of Mathematics ... Ethnicity Studies X22190 Research Methodology X22210 Sociology of Religion X22220 Sociology of Sport and ... Y45000 Sport Psychology Y46000 Religion and Psychology 4 Cultural and Media Studies 400000 Cultural ... 911250 Politics and Religion 911260 Politics and Gender 912000 International Relations 912010 ... Religious Studies 1A0000Religious Studies, general 1A1000Comparative Religion 1A2000Buddhism

  • 18. SAGGIORO CV (27%)

    6-apr-2020 9.18.21

    Religion as a colonial concept in Modern History. (America, Asia)”, SMSR 82/2 (2016), pp. 521-524. 2014 ... di vissuto religioso/ Sacred Space and Sacred places. Expressions and Experiences of Lived Religion ... 2014 La polarizzazione del sacro nel Codice Teodosiano, in - Politica, religion y legislacion ... Association for the History of Religions World Congress 2015, Erfurt «Dynamics of Religion: Past and ... ” for the Conference in Erfurt of the International Association for the History of Religions (“Dynamics of Religion

  • 19. European Convention (27%)

    8-mar-2013 20.21.35

    , conscience and religion 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance. 2. Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such ... , race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin

  • 20. Relazione congedo Daniela Bonanno (26%)

    6-nov-2013 13.41.43

     in der griechischen Religion”. Il congedo è stato fruito presso due centri di ricerca tedeschi:  il Max ...   Religion  Effective  in  Everyday  Life  (organizzato  nell’ambito  del  progetto Lived Ancient Religion: Questioning “Cults” and “Polis Religion”  finanziato dall’European  Research Council da R ...   religion:    a  historical  and  comparative  conference (organizzato da Clifford Ando e J. Rüpke, 3‐5