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  • 1. Alagna_Vincenzo (96%)

    2-mar-2017 13.05.37

    inverting K(h) relationship s  K (hs )q   hs hsc Kc  Lc Rc R   hs R   hs  Lcc Khs  c Khs ... of infiltration (S1 approach) 2. slope of the straight line describing the I vs. √t relationship

  • 2. Carmelo Santonoceto (93%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.42

    maintains a working relationship with dr. Peter J. Hocking of the Division Plant Industry CSIRO

  • 3. Mauro sarno (93%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.44

    Mauro sarno unipa, portale, universita I taught and I teach “Agronomy” and “Turfgrass science” in different degree courses. Recently I also taught “Field crops" in international degree course in "Organic farming and quality management”. The research activity covers many aspects of Agronomy, from soil-plant-atmosphere relationship to the agronomic techniques (fertilization, irrigation, water quality, organic matter, etc. ..), in Mediterranean environment. 2002 – Present: Associate

  • 4. PhD Doctors (93%)

    8-mar-2013 23.21.16

    PhD Doctors unipa, portale, universita XXIII Cicle (2009-2011) Roberta Alessandro Relationship between production and quality of strawberry through propagation techniques, cultivars and field management, under plastic tunnels in Sicily Tutor: Fabio D'anna Simona Aprile titolo Tutor: Claudio Leto mail Benedetta Camilli Anthropogenic soils in hyperarid environments: farm management effects on terraced soils genesis. Tutor: Carmelo Dazzi Co-tutor: Maria Teresa

  • 5. 34_bando_dottorati (88%)

    22-gen-2019 15.41.28

    ), i titoli di accesso, le modalità di selezione. Di cui con Borsa Dipartimento Totale Posti Titolo