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  • 1. ISS_application form_2015312 (100%)

    17-apr-2015 12.49.12

    ): Yes(有) time(s)(回数)  / No(無) 10. Family already residing in Japan(在日家族): Relationship 本人と ... ): Relationship(本人との関係): Address(住所

  • 2. 5461133 bando_prin 2022pnrr_proff. visconti-bivona_en (94%)

    7-giu-2024 10.15.34

    of Political Science and International Relations (DEMS); GIVEN its decree no. 3309 of 04/15/2024 ... Science and International Relations (DEMS), received on 05/17/2024 with prot. no. 81301, with which ... in a relationship of kinship or affinity up to the fourth degree included, among them and with the candidates ... , unless termination of the relationship due to voluntary resignation in the case of attribution

  • 3. ebook english Prof Armao 8 giugno 15(1) (89%)

    29-set-2015 10.39.53

    GAETANO ARMAO OPEN GOVERNMENT Total trasparency and implementation in Italy and in the Sicilian Region Department of Political Science and InternGaAtiEoTnAaNlO RAeRlaMtiAoOnships 2015 – Dipartimento ... ISBN 978-88-940096-3-7 2 A popular government without popular information ... , in Abstract 97 Foreword This short essay collects contributions and docu ... is available on, completed with the collaboration

  • 4. ebook english Prof Armao 8 giugno 15(1) (89%)

    23-nov-2015 15.10.02

    Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali via Maqueda, 324 – 90134- Palermo ISBN 978-88-940096-3-7 2 A popular government without popular information ... , in Abstract 97 Foreword This short essay collects contributions and docu ... The Report is available on, completed with the collaboration

  • 5. Caroniti - La cittadinanza (89%)

    26-gen-2015 16.18.06

    !!! !! ! NLELA P ECNSIIETTADINANZA !! A!RcuOra !dPiOLITICO AMERICANO !DARIO!CARONITI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SupSptluemdie!nsuto!!Pa!oSltiotriicaa)e,))sPtoolirtiicaa)!e/!)Aisntnitou!VzIi!o/!n2i0)14! 2vpi0oar1 tM4a la–eq .Duuniepdiapara,t .i3imt2/e4dn i–pt oa9 rd0ti1i mS3t4eun- dtPii/a Edleuermrmo spo ei (DEMS) SEuISpSpNle m20e3n7to-0 a5 2S0to ria e Politica, VI, 2014 ISBN 978-88-940096-2-0 Prefazione Dario Caroniti

  • 6. Attività a.a. 2020/2021 (89%)

    5-mag-2021 15.52.29

    - Focus on Sub-Saharian Africa and the MENA region (*) “Eritrea-Ethiopia: a hate-love relationship

  • 7. negotiate (89%)

    3-ott-2016 11.13.55

    Negotiate to win 11 novembre 2016 ore 10.00 “AULA FALCONE” Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali Via Antonio Ugo Amico 4 - Palermo Barney Jordaan (Professor of Management Practice: Negotiation, Con ict Management, Mediation - Vlerick Business School di Bruxelles) terrà un seminario su “Negotiate to win”. Saranno analizzate varie tecniche/consigli dell'arte ... - Gaining and using power wisely - Building a working relationship with your counterpart

  • 8. customer (89%)

    20-nov-2019 17.12.38

    :// Department of Political Sciences and International Relations - DEMS Via Maqueda 324, 90134 - Palermo (PA) Sponsors Department of Political Sciences and International Relations - DEMS Monday 2 December (3 p.m. ) Wednesday 4 ... in the declarant's records The union customs law The acts related to the customs relationship The centralized

  • 9. Negotiate to win (89%)

    29-gen-2019 11.08.39

    Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali Via Antonio Ugo Amico 4 - Palermo Barney ... claiming value in negotiation - Gaining and using power wisely - Building a working relationship with your ... al dipartimento di cumulare crediti formativi aggiuntivi. Locandina Salva Salva Salva Salva Salva Salva Salva SALVATORE LORITO 11 novembre 2016 ore 10.00 “AULA FALCONE” Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e delle ... agli studenti dei corsi afferenti al dipartimento di cumulare crediti formativi aggiuntivi Salva

  • 10. locandina27NOV (89%)

    11-nov-2019 12.14.34

    PAKISTAN AS AN ANCHOR OF stability in South Asia Complesso monumentale dello Steri Sala delle Capriate | PALERMO The Ambassador of Pakistan in Italy , His Excellence Mr. Nadeem Riyaz, will deliver a Lecture on “Pakistan as an anchor of stability in South Asia” Greetings Prof. Fabrizio Micari, Rector of the University of Palermo Prof. Antonello Miranda, Unipa delegate for the diplomatic relationship Mr. Angelo Tagliavia, honorary consul of Pakistan in Sicily Introduction Prof. Salvatore

  • 11. Curriculum Vitae (For Graduate Internship Applicants) (89%)

    17-apr-2015 12.48.49

        Fax     Email Relationship Your Name

  • 12. University of Palermo flyer (89%)

    12-mag-2023 12.23.10

    Organized Crime in Film & Society University of palermo penn state department of political university science May 15 - 23, 2023 t Organized Crime in Film & Society examines the PALERMO University of relationship between criminological and justice theories regarding organized crime and the portrayal of the mafia in You will explore the historical and palermo popular Italian American film. criminological contexts of films from the early 20th century to today Political Science

  • 13. 2009 Misuraca et al. - Il carico cognitivo della decisione d’acquisto (85%)

    10-apr-2020 11.59.13

    concentrando nella ricerca sui Siti d’Aiuto alle Decisioni, come il Dipartimento di Computer Science and ... over aversive stimuli and its relationship to stress. Cap. 04_Misuraca 14-02-2009 18:12 Pagina 13 4

  • 14. Attività (85%)

    7-apr-2022 17.05.26

    Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, nell’ambito del dottorato in dinamica dei sistemi. SALVATORE LORITO ... Borsellino (DEMS) Dicembre 2021 1 dicembre h. 10am The Indian legal tradition (Professor Francesco Paolo Traisci, University of Molise, Italy) - Aula Borsellino (DEMS) 1 dicembre h. 3:30pm Metodo ... Diritto e Immigrazione. Un quadro aggiornato delle questioni attuali più rilevanti - DEMS 14 ... ) - Aula Borsellino (DEMS) Marzo 2022 11 marzo Insegna Creonte. Tre errori nell’esercizio del potere

  • 15. curriculum_PERA_ALESSANDRA (8) (85%)

    11-apr-2022 16.26.36

    Nome ALESSANDRA Cognome PERA Recapiti Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Relazioni Internazionali - DEMs ... per l’Ente di Formazione Mediare con Unipa, istituito presso il Dipartimento DEMS dell'Università ... ai lavoratori dipendenti della Regione Siciliana, organizzati dal Dipartimento DEMS dell’Università ... nei Corsi di amministrazione e gestione dei patrimoni immobiliari, organizzati dal Dipartimento DEMS ... 2015 - Professore Associato di Diritto Privato Comparato – IUS 02 – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche

  • 16. Curriculum vitae prof. Muscolino - Chiara Venturella (85%)

    25-ott-2021 15.58.09

    in Filosofia politica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali D.E.M.S ... -58. - 2016: Christianity and Enlightenment: Two hermeneutical approaches to their relationship

  • 17. ProgrammaConvegnoAispeDefinitivo (85%)

    3-ott-2023 12.54.57

    CONVEGNO AISPE-SISE 2023 Università degli Studi di Palermo Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali - DEMS Steri - Piazza Marina 61 (PA) ems Collegio San Rocco - Via ... Costantino Visconti, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e delle Relazioni ... , Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e delle Relazioni internazionali, Via Maqueda 324, Palermo 8.30-10.30 ... -periphery economic, social and political relationship on crisis basis: Iraq under Saddam (discussant

  • 19. AUTUMN_TERM_SEMINARS_REV_compressed (58%)

    8-nov-2019 18.05.51

    am Aula DEMS (Collegio San Rocco) THE PRACTICE OF DIPLOMACY IN CONTEMPORARY UNITED STATES AND ... for the diplomatic relationship Mr. Angelo Tagliavia, honorary consul of Pakistan in Sicily Introduction Prof ... of the Department of Political Sciences and International Relations - DEMS Prof. Salav tore CASABONA Coordinator

  • 20. SEMINARI_AUTUNNALI_ConLocandine_REV (58%)

    8-nov-2019 13.09.17

    _______________________________________________________________ Lunedì 2 dicembre ore 10:00 Aula DEMS (Collegio San Rocco) THE PRACTICE OF DIPLOMACY ... relationship Mr. Angelo Tagliavia, honorary consul of Pakistan in Sicily Introduction Prof ... of Political Sciences and International Relations - DEMS Prof. Salav tore CASABONA Coordinator