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  • 1. DR2979_2022_bando_dottorati_xxxviii_ciclo_prot (100%)

    6-lug-2022 9.45.54

    per la pubblica amministrazione e il patrimonio culturale”; VISTO il DM 352 del 09/04/2022 ... con le quali il Consiglio di Amministrazione in data 18/5/2022 e il Senato Accademico in data 26/5/2022 ... dal DM 351 argomento Pubblica Amministrazione; 1 finanziato dal DM 351 argomento Patrimonio ... Amministrazione; 2 finanziati dalla università di Shangai, riservate a laureati della stessa università; 1 ... Amministrazione; 4 di Ateneo. Posti senza borsa 2 10 DISEGUAGLIANZE, DIFFERENZE, PARTECIPAZIONE

  • 2. Schede_1_31 (100%)

    6-lug-2022 9.49.35

    relationship was then considered in single-dimensional thermoelastic and poroelastic multi-field

  • 3. Scheda_Biodiversity (95%)

    18-lug-2023 12.12.24

    , systemic logic and regenerative economy; The CV aims at analyzing the relationship between the business ... the examination of the systemic relationship between business organizations and biodiversity to understand the complexity of this relationship and the importance of the role of different actors ... capital it utilizes. d) The underlying dynamics of the relationship between businesses and ... driving biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) relationship under human-caused stressors

  • 4. Allegato A (91%)

    23-giu-2021 14.53.52

    issues related to graffiti will be discussed: the relationship between freedom and censorship ... complex relationship between censorship, imagination, and free expression. Censorship ... , from Germany to Turkey, from Mexico to Chile) offer the opportunity to reflect on the relationship


    10-feb-2023 11.57.17

    scholarship: in this case, the public administration, which the employment relationship ... the employment relationship is established, "compatibly with its needs", places ... is admitted to the doctoral course and retains the salary related to his/her employment relationship

  • 6. bando_dottorati_XXXIX_ciclo_v01_MP_ENG (86%)

    22-lug-2023 10.16.55

    ;]; ● “Pubblica Amministrazione”, identificate all’interno del presente bando dal codice [118.PA.< ... the public administration, with which the employment relationship is established, "compatibly ... relationship is established, "compatibly with its needs", places the employee ... relationship.  The period of extraordinary leave is useful for the purposes of career progression

  • 7. bando_dottorati_XXXIX_ciclo_v01_Biodiversity_ENG (86%)

    22-lug-2023 10.15.50

    ;, identified in this notice by the code [118.TDA.<university>]; ● “Pubblica Amministrazione ... , with which the employment relationship is established, "compatibly with its needs", places ... : in this case the public administration, with which the employment relationship is established, " ... retains the economic treatment relating to his employment relationship.  The period

  • 8. Schede-corsi (86%)

    21-lug-2023 19.45.22

    ;]; ● “Pubblica Amministrazione”, identificate all’interno del presente bando dal codice [118.PA ... administration, with which the employment relationship is established, "compatibly with its needs ... the scholarship: in this case the public administration, with which the employment relationship ... as a supernumerary and retains the economic treatment relating to his employment relationship

  • 9. DR_823_2024_bando_dottorato_XXXIX_migrazioni_unifi_EN.pdf (86%)

    8-feb-2024 14.35.10

    from the doctoral grant: in this case the public administration, with which the employment relationship ... , with which the employment relationship is established, "compatibly with its needs" ... relating to his employment relationship. • The period of extraordinary leave is useful

  • 10. Schede-corsi (86%)

    3-lug-2024 14.26.00

    administration, with which the employment relationship is established, "compatibly with its needs ... the scholarship: in this case the public administration, with which the employment relationship ... relationship. The period of extraordinary leave is useful for the purposes of career progression, retirement

  • 11. DR 824_2024 bando_dottorato_XXXIX_STUDI UMANISTICI_PRIN 2022 PNRR_EN (86%)

    8-feb-2024 14.38.51

    administration, with which the employment relationship is established, "compatibly with its needs" ... the scholarship: in this case the public administration, with which the employment relationship ... as a supernumerary and retains the economic treatment relating to his employment relationship

  • 12. Schede_1_23.pdf (85%)

    15-giu-2021 12.33.16

    of the porous medium. The fractional transport relationship was then considered in single-dimensional

  • 13. DR1885_2020_bando_dottorati_xxxvi_ciclo_v08_def_signed_prot (85%)

    24-giu-2020 17.05.10

    rispettivamente il Senato Accademico e il Consiglio di Amministrazione hanno approvato l’elenco dei corsi ... al concorso i candidati, ai sensi della delibera del Consiglio di Amministrazione n. 05 dell’11.4.2013 ... I dottorati internazionali, approvati dal Consiglio di Amministrazione nella seduta del 14.05.2020 ... di Amministrazione del 29.03.2017 e con D.R. n. 1647 del 22.05.2017, come di seguito specificati


    14-lug-2022 15.15.35

    ," as well as literary theory and comparative studies engaged on the front of the relationship ... , more precisely an ecology, that explains the significance of the relationship the human species

  • 15. bando_xxxvii_en_INPS_REGSIC_Sheets_1_7 (81%)

    4-apr-2022 13.08.39

    . The fractional transport relationship was then considered in single-dimensional thermoelastic and

  • 16. DR_1243_2022 Bando_borse_aggiuntive_INPS_REG_SIC_dottorati_XXXVII_ciclo (81%)

    21-mar-2022 11.45.34

    Accademico e il Consiglio di Amministrazione hanno approvato l’elenco dei corsi di dottorato da attivare ... amministrazione iscritti alla Gestione Unitaria delle Prestazioni Creditizie e Sociali o di pensionati ... o orfani di dipendenti e pensionati della pubblica amministrazione iscritti alla Gestione Unitaria ... dall’INPS, essere figli o orfani di dipendenti e pensionati della pubblica amministrazione ... Per la partecipazione al concorso i candidati, ai sensi della delibera del Consiglio di Amministrazione n. 05 dell

  • 17. Bando_Schede-1-7 (81%)

    22-mar-2022 15.45.32

    medium. The fractional transport relationship was then considered in single-dimensional

  • 18. albodottori2010-2011 (76%)

    25-lug-2017 12.19.00


  • 19. 3_integration_li_kcl (76%)

    25-lug-2017 12.19.00

    of Palermo to carry out the research project “Understanding the relationship between normal

  • 20. studi letterari filologico-linguistici e storico-filosofici (76%)

    25-lug-2017 12.19.00

    /amministrazione/area2/set15/uob18/ Scheda 21 Eventuali variazioni saranno pubblicate al medesimo ... relationship, according to the European Parliament's Recommendation of 18.12.2006 on Key Competences