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1. XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Aim (100%)
26-lug-2018 15.54.03XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Aim summerschool, advanced biotechnology, recombinant proteins, drug discovery, proteomics, nanotechnology, biomedicine, bioinformatic tools The summer school focuses on developments and current methodologies in industrial biotechnology, such as: - production of recombinant proteins - drug discovery - functional genomics - nanotechnology - biomedicine - bioinformatic tools Moreover, the school promotes contacts between attendants and encourages
2. . (35%)
25-ago-2014 12.57.58:00 Drenusha Sadiku, Claudia Ralser and Marc Lechner: “Expression of recombinant proteins ... Martin Wolf: “Recombinant proteins for diagnosis and therapy of weed pollen allergies” 10:30 Coffee
3. Program Summer School Palermo 2014 (35%)
6-ago-2014 16.13.58: “Recombinant proteins for 9:15 Welcome and Opening remarks 15:00 Drenusha Sadiku, Claudia Ralser and Marc diagnosis and therapy of weed pollen Natural products Lechner: “Expression of recombinant proteins in the allergies” Chairman: A.M.Puglia microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii” 10:30 Coffee
4. Locandina dottorato XXIX ciclo (24%)
9-mar-2017 15.34.01Recombinant Proteins: Col G and Col H. Tutor: Prof. Giulio Ghersi Presentazione standard
5. Bando per doppio titolo LM BCM AA 2016 2017 (24%)
31-mar-2016 9.44.11: Recombinant proteins and protein engineering (3 CFU) Bioinformatics and biomolecular
6. Bando per doppio titolo LM BCM AA 2015 2016 (24%)
10-nov-2015 14.35.36: Recombinant proteins and protein engineering (3 CFU) Bioinformatics and biomolecular
7. Research products (24%)
3-ott-2019 16.30.07of active recombinant proteins" PA 2009 000029 Cannino G., Di Liegro C.M., Di Liegro I, Rinaldi
8. Tesi di Laurea a.a. 2012-13 BIRS (24%)
7-ott-2014 15.58.22del fattore MPB-1 in cellule di neuroblastoma umano LAN-5” “Recombinant Proteins for Plant
9. Bando_per_doppio_titolo_LM_BCM_2014 (24%)
27-ott-2014 15.57.21i seguenti CFU: - Recombinant proteins and protein engineering (3 CFU) - Bioinformatics and
10. Albo-dottori-26-29-2017 (21%)
11. cv prof ricca 2021 (21%)
20-mag-2022 12.25.25, A., Medaglini, D., Oggioni, M.R., De Felice, M., Pozzi, G. and E. Ricca. "Surface display of recombinant proteins on Bacillus subtilis spores". J. Bacteriol. 183:6294-6301 (2001). 30. Giliberti, G
12. cv prof. ricca (21%)
7-apr-2022 12.31.10., De Felice, M., Pozzi, G. and E. Ricca. "Surface display of recombinant proteins on Bacillus
13. Leonardo Antonio Sechi (17%)
7-apr-2020 9.54.13., Zanetti S., Ahmed N., and Sechi L.A. 2008. Antigenic profiles of recombinant proteins