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1. Learning Outcomes and Professional Opportunities (100%)
31-gen-2020 9.20.39Learning Outcomes and Professional Opportunities learning outcomes, professional opportunities, electronics engineering, ingegneria elettronica, unipa The Master Degree in Electronics Engineering enables the training of professionals capable of covering a wide variety of roles in different work contexts, thanks to the theoretical education received during the course, also supported by more general and interdisciplinary knowledge and laboratory experience. Graduates will be able to apply
2. Learning Outcomes and Professional Opportunities (46%)
12-nov-2019 20.43.55Learning Outcomes and Professional Opportunities learning outcomes, professional opportunities, electronics engineering, ingegneria elettronica, unipa The Master Degree in Electronics Engineering enables the training of professionals capable of covering a wide variety of roles in different work contexts, thanks to the theoretical education received during the course, also supported by more general and interdisciplinary knowledge and laboratory experience. Graduates will be able to apply
3. Degree course in TOURISM SCIENCE (24%)
18-dic-2019 11.03.39an indication of the topics on which to linger for the final exam. Professional opportunities Profile ... advertising, tourism marketing, website development, etc. Professional opportunities: Public bodies ... . Professional opportunities: Public bodies, territorial public bodies, hotel companies, etc. Profile ... . Professional opportunities: Local public bodies, private facilities. Employees for reception and information ... organizer, party manager, conference centre manager. Professional opportunities: In companies and public
4. Building Engineering Degree Course (Code 2027) (18%)
7-feb-2020 21.45.22program is completed by stages, internships, and the preparation of the degree dissertation.. Professional opportunities 2nd cycle graduates may find professional opportunities not only in self-employment ... Class: Construction engineering (LM-24) Total credits:120 Educational objectives Professional opportunities Final examination features course outline See explaination Teachings first year credits
5. CivilEngineeringDegree (15%)
7-apr-2017 16.50.32in individual courses and through the final test. Professional opportunities Profile: Civil and Construction ... ) Civil and environmental engineering (L-7) credits total:180 Educational objectives Professional opportunities Final examination features course outline Teachings first year \ in common
6. Brochure Scienze umane - english (15%)
9-ott-2015 9.23.142015 Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School ambiti disciplinari, offerta formativa, Subjects, Educational Offer, sbocchi occupaziona INFO Professional opportunities Manager didattici Scuola Marilena Grandinetti delle Scienze Umane marilena.grandinetti@unipa.it e del Patrimonio Culturaledi ... , to the conservation and verbal and visual diplomatic careers or knowledge of the Humanities, Cultural, Professional opportunities restoration, as well as communication, in the private national and psycho
7. brochure_scuola_politecnicaINGLESE (15%)
8-giu-2015 16.00.002015 Polytechnic School Subjects, Educational Offer, Professional opportunities INFO Manager didattici ScuolaPolitecnica di Palermo Roberto Gambino roberto.gambino@unipa.it tel: + 39 091 23865306 Viale delle Scienze, 90128 PALERMO (PA) Valentina Zarcone +39.09123867527 valentina.zarcone@unipa.it tel: + 39 091 23864208 scuola.politecnica@unipa.it | Agribusiness | Architecture ... the interaction software, industrial plants, etc.) Professional opportunities balance between theory and
8. medicina_e_chirurgiaINGLESElight (15%)
11-giu-2015 13.40.242015 School of Medicine and Surgery Subjects, Educational Offer, Professional opportunities Scuola di Medicina INFO e Chirurgia di Palermo Manager didattico Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico “Paolo Giaccone” Alice Cala ore Via del Vespro 131 alice.cala ore@unipa.it 90127 Palermo - Italy Tel : +39.09123867525 Referente per l’orientamento | Clinic | Surgery | Diagnostics ... . Professional opportunities health professionals, education especially when called to techniques
9. scienze_giuridicheINGLESE light (15%)
8-giu-2015 16.03.24sciences” and two master “Law“, in Palermo, Agrigento e Professional opportunities Labour Consultancy ... 2015 Law and Social-Economic Studies school Subjects, Educational Offer, Professional opportunities Scuola delle Scienze Giuridiche ed Economico - Sociali INFO di Palermo Manager didattico Via Maqueda, 172 90134 PALERMO (PA) Alessia Vaccaro alessia.vaccaro@unipa.it ITALY tel: + 39 091 23892718 +39.09123867523 | Administration http://portale.unipa.it/scuole/scienzegiur.ecosociali Referente
10. scienze_umaneINGLESE light (15%)
11-giu-2015 13.58.442015 Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School ambiti disciplinari, offerta formativa, Subjects, Educational Offer, sbocchi occupaziona INFO Professional opportunities Manager didattici Scuola Marilena Grandinetti delle Scienze Umane marilena.grandinetti@unipa.it e del Patrimonio Culturaledi ... , to the conservation and verbal and visual diplomatic careers or knowledge of the Humanities, Cultural, Professional opportunities restoration, as well as communication, in the private national and psycho
11. Student Information Booklet (15%)
4-dic-2015 17.09.53Student Information Booklet LM-82, LM-82_Eng, scienze statistiche, Professional opportunities Professional opportunities for Statisticians with postgraduate training are numerous and spread in many different areas, such as: i) private healthcare companies and public (national, regional or local) healthcare departments, within the clinical, epidemiological, planning, experimentation, and management units; ii) private companies and public agencies in the ecological-environmental area; iii
12. Faculty of Agriculture (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.23’ E QUALITA’ PER IL SISTEMA AGROALIMENTARE Educational objectives – professional opportunities ... -food industry. Graduates may find professional opportunities in the agro-food system as managers
13. Faculty of Architecture (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.24, Urbanistica ed Ambientale Educational objectives - professional opportunities for graduates The 2nd ... . Graduates might fInd professional opportunities in all the activities in which they are able to build
14. Faculty of Arts and Humanities (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.26DELL’ANTICHITÀ Educational objectives and professional opportunities for graduates 2nd cycle ... professional opportunities in the publishing industry, in the preparation and management of cultural
15. Faculty of Arts and Humanities (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.28– HISTORY OF ART LM-89 – STORIA DELL’ARTE Educational objectives and professional opportunities ... . The professional opportunities envisaged for 2nd cycle graduates in History of Art are: - art historian
16. Faculty of Educational Science (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.31- professional opportunities for graduates The educational programme of this 2nd cycle degree course aims ... professional opportunities in: international bodies and agencies; EU offices; bilateral and multilateral
17. Faculty of Engineering (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.33Engineering LM-29 Ingegneria Elettronica e Fotonica Educational objectives - professional opportunities ... electronics for communications). Graduates of this course might find professional opportunities
18. Faculty of Engineering (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.34Educational objectives – professional opportunities for graduates The course focuses on the managerial ... phenomena. For these reasons, there is a wide range of professional opportunities for graduates
19. Faculty of Engineering (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.35Engineering LM-4 Ingegneria Edile-Architettura Educational objectives - professional opportunities ... and recuperating existing architectural organisms. Professional opportunities for the 2nd cycle
20. Faculty of Science (15%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.40Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali Educational objectives - professional opportunities ... in this course might find professional opportunities in public and private agencies, where they might carry