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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Poland (100%)

    18-apr-2016 12.26.20

    Poland summer, poland, unipa Quantitative and qualitative methods in management ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 2. Summer School Poland (94%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.02

    Summer School Poland Summer, School, Poland Quantitative and qualitative methods in management ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 3. Accordo triennale di scambio studenti post-dottorato e ricercatori tra il Dipartimento Dichirons e Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering - Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) (78%)

    11-nov-2021 18.51.28

    Accordo triennale di scambio studenti post-dottorato e ricercatori tra il Dipartimento Dichirons e Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering - Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) Accordo ... of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, Giuseppina Campisi ... University of Technology (Poland) Dipartimento di Discipline Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Stomatologiche Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) - Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering L'accordo

  • 4. Summer School Poland 2015 (76%)

    2-feb-2015 14.09.57

    Main theme: Quantitative and qualitative methods in management Summer Sc hool Poland 201 5 04 Up to -18 Ju 8 ECTS ly 2015 More on . pl : oo l www.sum mersch Plakat Summer School 2015.cdr Mateusz CorelDRAW X7 Corel PDF Engine Version

  • 5. poland (57%)

    8-mar-2013 17.34.49

  • 6. Per generare pagina Delle Università straniere (46%)

    8-mar-2013 17.20.02

    /index.html Poland Poland PL CZESTOC01 Czestochowa University of Technology 48(0)343250431 48(0)343254066 ... Poland Poland PL GDANSK02 Gdańsk University of Technology 48(0)583471780 48(0)583471780 Gdańsk Poland Poland PL GDANSK03 Medical University of Gdansk 48(0)583491200 48(0)583491200 Gdańsk Poland Poland PL KATOWIC01 University of Silesia 48(0)323592071 Katowice http

  • 8. Poland (42%)

    22-gen-2020 11.44.06

    1 of 2 dooble degrees, Wroclaw, Poland, unipa Wrocław University of Science and Tecnology Polytechnic School LM 28 - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Agreement (Prof. Riva Sanseverino) Contacts +39.09123860262 Study program email: ROSARIO MARRARO 2 of 2 Double degrees, Gdańsk University of Technology, Politechnika Gdańska, Polonia, unipa Gdańsk University of Technology - Politechnika Gdańska Polytechnic School Civil engineering LM-23 - Environmental engineering LM-35

  • 9. Poland (42%)

    21-apr-2016 14.08.39

    Poland articolo, notizia, unipa Quantitative and qualitative methods in management ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 10. Poland (42%)

    22-apr-2016 10.06.57

    Poland articolo, notizia, unipa Quantitative and qualitative methods in management ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 11. Poland (42%)

    22-apr-2016 10.16.39

    Poland articolo, notizia, unipa Quantitative and qualitative methods in management ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 12. Agreement Double (or more) degrees - EU - Poland (37%)

    16-set-2020 14.28.28

    Poland Agreement, Double Degree, Poland, unipa 1 of 2 Wrocław University of Science and Tecnology Polytechnic School LM 28 - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Agreement (Prof. Riva Sanseverino) Contacts +39.09123860262 Study program LM 28 email: 2 of 2 Gdańsk University of Technology - Politechnika Gdańska Polytechnic School Civil engineering LM-23 - Environmental engineering LM-35 Agreement LM 23 (Prof. Giorgio Mannina) Annex 1 - Annex 2 Agreement LM 35 (Prof. Giorgio

  • 13. Programma_ICWRR 2024 - IWA-RMTC 2024 (36%)

    13-giu-2024 19.14.55

    , Netherlands Jacek Makinia, Poland Johannes Vrouwenvelder, Saudi Menachem Elimelech, USA Simos Malamis ... AGH UST – Poland E_cient Uranium Uptake by the Maciej Sobczyk, Eco-designed Cocamidopropyl ... :40 Mateusz Skalny AGH University of Krakow – Poland Immobiliza•on of exDNA and Mateusz Skalny ... University of Technology – Advancements in MXene-based Anna Grzegórska and Poland Photocatalysis ... treatment opKmizaKon Chairman: DominikaSobotka Poland Time Presenter ABliaKon Title Authors 16:00-16

  • 14. Summer School Poland (35%)

    13-apr-2016 12.40.20

  • 15. Bando Experiencing Europe | FORTHEM Campus at University of Opole (Poland) (34%)

    10-nov-2023 11.42.22

    Bando Experiencing Europe | FORTHEM Campus at University of Opole (Poland) articolo, notizia, unipa Si comunica la pubblicazione all'Albo di Ateneo (n.3829 del 08/11/2023) del bando ERASMUS+KA 131 per mobilità studenti a fini di studio, relativo alla selezione per la partecipazione al FORTHEM Campus “Experiencing Europe” University of Opole (Poland) - a.a. 2023-2024 - II semestre. Il bando rimarrà aperto fino al 24 Novembre. Per tutte le informazioni e i termini di presentazione delle domande

  • 16. Lezioni del Dr Dawid Juszka in visita attraverso il programma Erasmus dalla U. of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. (33%)

    16-dic-2021 19.49.04

    Lezioni del Dr Dawid Juszka in visita attraverso il programma Erasmus dalla U. of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. ingegneria biomedica, notizia, unipa Si informano gli interessati che il Dr Dawid Juszka, in visita attraverso il programma Erasmus dalla U. of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, terrà un seminario nelle seguenti date: - 17 Dicembre 2021 ore 11-13 aula A 220 - 21 Dicembre 2021 ore 11-13 aula A 210 Short course title: Subjective quality assessment of video

  • 17. Lezioni del Dr Dawid Juszka in visita attraverso il programma Erasmus dalla U. of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. (33%)

    23-ago-2022 18.39.00

    Lezioni del Dr Dawid Juszka in visita attraverso il programma Erasmus dalla U. of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. ingegneria biomedica, notizia, unipa Si informano gli interessati che il Dr Dawid Juszka, in visita attraverso il programma Erasmus dalla U. of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, terrà un seminario nelle seguenti date: - 17 Dicembre 2021 ore 11-13 aula A 220 - 21 Dicembre 2021 ore 11-13 aula A 210 Short course title: Subjective quality assessment of video

  • 18. Main Challenges in the Integration of Ukrainians in Poland: A Research Overview - Marcin Deutschmann (University of Opole, Polonia) (33%)

    6-mag-2024 9.48.22

    Main Challenges in the Integration of Ukrainians in Poland: A Research Overview - Marcin Deutschmann (University of Opole, Polonia) articolo, notizia, unipa, lunch_seminars, This lecture aims to discuss the primary challenges faced by Ukrainian migrants integrating into Polish society. It draws upon a diverse array of empirical data collected from several research initiatives, including findings ... studies in Poland. Since 2015, he has engaged with this field, initially as a member of student

  • 19. allegato A (32%)

    8-mar-2013 21.19.48

    /cfeiwm/eng/index.html Poland PL CZESTOC01 Czestochowa University of Technology ul. Dabrowskiego 69 ... :// Poland PL GDANSK02 Gdańsk University ... :// Poland PL GDANSK03 Medical University of Gdansk ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 3A ... Poland PL KATOWIC01 University of Silesia ul. Bankowa 12 48(0)323592071 Katowice Poland PL KOSZALI01 Technical University

  • 20. Programma_SICP19 (32%)

    18-ott-2019 16.19.54

    toracico nelle forme complesse di Sindrome di Poland (3+2) Aprono il Congresso Maria Victoria Romanini