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Risultati della ricerca
1. People (100%)
19-set-2018 22.14.16DR. GIOACCHINO ALOTTA University of Palermo, IT Post Doctoral Researchers unipa, metabiomec, olga barrera, massimiliano zingales EMANUELA BOLOGNA University of Palermo, IT PROF. OLGA BARRERA Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, University of Palermo, IT Hon Senior Research fellow, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, UK Senior lecturer ... NHS Trust, Oxford, UK INES PONT SANCHIS University of Oxford, UK People OLGA BARRERA Undergraduates
2. Papers (81%)
17-set-2018 16.30.43Papers unipa, metabiomec, olga barrera, experimental characterization of the human meniscal tissue "Experimental Characterization of the Human Meniscal Tissue" OLGA BARRERA
3. Research (45%)
17-set-2018 20.39.06. OLGA BARRERA Micro-CT micro-CT, meniscus, tissue OLGA BARRERA Multiphoton micro-CT, meniscus, tissue OLGA BARRERA Poromechanics poromechanics, meniscus, permeability OLGA BARRERA Biaxial Testing biaxial testing, tissue characterisation, viscoelasticity, OLGA BARRERA
4. MetaBioMec (35%)
19-set-2018 15.14.07metabiomec, logo, meniscus Biomechanics of Menisci: A Multiscale Experimental, Theoretical and modelling Approach for BIOmimetic meniscal replacements MetaBioMec is a two-year project funded through a Marie Slokdoska Curie individual fellowship (MSCA 2017) awarded to Dr Olga Barrera. The project is devoted to the thorough understanding of the biomechanics of human menisci with the view ... : Dr. Olga Barrera email: olga.barrera@unipa.it olga.barrera@ndorms.ox.ac.uk OLGA BARRERA
5. People (35%)
19-set-2018 22.30.37DR. GIOACCHINO ALOTTA University of Palermo, IT Post Doctoral Researchers unipa, metabiomec, olga barrera, massimiliano zingales EMANUELA BOLOGNA University of Palermo, IT PROF. OLGA BARRERA Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, University of Palermo, IT Hon Senior Research fellow, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, UK Senior lecturer ... NHS Trust, Oxford, UK INES PONT SANCHIS University of Oxford, UK People OLGA BARRERA Undergraduates
6. Galleria di articoli (35%)
26-set-2018 16.24.38metabiomec, logo, meniscus Biomechanics of Menisci: A Multiscale Experimental, Theoretical and modelling Approach for BIOmimetic meniscal replacements MetaBioMec is a two-year project funded through a Marie Slokdoska Curie individual fellowship (MSCA 2017) awarded to Dr Olga Barrera. The project ... to the clinical arena. Contact: Dr. Olga Barrera email: olga.barrera@unipa.it olga.barrera@ndorms.ox.ac.uk tel: +39 09123896725 OLGA BARRERA
7. Biomechanics of Menisci: a multiscale experimental, theoretical and modelling approach for biomimetic meniscal replacements. (28%)
19-set-2018 13.12.08Biomechanics of Menisci: a multiscale experimental, theoretical and modelling approach for biomimetic meniscal replacements. meniscus, marie curie, biomechanics MetaBioMec is a two-year project funded through a Marie Slokdoska Curie individual fellowship (MSCA 2017) awarded to Dr Olga Barrera. The project is devoted to the thorough understanding of the biomechanics of human menisci with the view ... arena. OLGA BARRERA
8. Reports (28%)
4-set-2018 11.32.20Papers unipa, metabiomec, olga barrera, experimental characterization of the human meniscal tissue "Experimental Characterization of the Human Meniscal Tissue" OLGA BARRERA
9. BarreraFinal (20%)
12-set-2018 12.50.00Experimental characterization of the human meniscal tissue Olga Barrera Emanuela Bologna and Massimiliano Zingales (a) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Viale delle Scienze, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Viale delle Scienze, ed. 8, I- ed. 8, I-90100, Palermo. 90100, Palermo. (b) Oxford Brookes University emanuela.bologna@unipa.it, Oxford, UK massimiliano.zingales@unipa.it (c) Nuffield Department
10. Summary (20%)
19-set-2018 15.29.50stress which is not reproducible in an experimental context. OLGA BARRERA
13. Poromechanics (20%)
29-ago-2018 14.57.32Poromechanics poromechanics, meniscus, permeability OLGA BARRERA
14. Biaxial Testing (20%)
29-ago-2018 14.57.49Biaxial Testing biaxial testing, tissue characterisation, viscoelasticity, OLGA BARRERA
16. BarreraFinal (20%)
12-set-2018 12.58.46Experimental characterization of the human meniscal tissue Olga Barrera Emanuela Bologna and Massimiliano Zingales (a) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Viale delle Scienze, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Viale delle Scienze, ed. 8, I- ed. 8, I-90100, Palermo. 90100, Palermo. (b) Oxford Brookes University emanuela.bologna@unipa.it, Oxford, UK massimiliano.zingales@unipa.it (c) Nuffield Department
17. Summary (20%)
19-set-2018 14.35.40stress which is not reproducible in an experimental context. OLGA BARRERA
18. 6.Esiti del CDD del 18_04_2019_OK (20%)
27-giu-2019 11.55.18della Dott.ssa Olga Barrera – Resp. Scientifico Prof. Massimiliano Zingales; SI È DELIBERATO
19. 1218 06 06 2018 esiti (20%)
8-giu-2018 11.26.36replacements - MetaBioMec”, proposto dalla Dott.ssa Olga Barrera, in qualità di fellow
20. Pieghevole_SHARPER_Palermo (17%)
20-set-2018 16.30.50, Olga Barrera, Emanuela Bologna, antropologiche in campo archeologico, museale e forense. prire