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  • 1. BORSA DI STUDIO ALL'ESTERO - Education New Zealand “Dream NEW” (100%)

    12-mag-2016 11.58.48

    BORSA DI STUDIO ALL'ESTERO - Education New Zealand “Dream NEW” articolo, notizia, unipa, new zealand, nuova zelanda, dream new, borsa di studio, dicgim, ingegneria Education New Zealand – “Dream NEW” (borsa di studio) Istituzione: Education New Zealand Nome: “Dream NEW” borsa di studio Sito web: E-Mail: Paesi ammissibili: Nuova Zelanda Le borse di studio “Dream NEW” hanno ognuna un valore fino a NZD$ 12,500 (circa 7,500 €) e vi

  • 3. Seminario prof. Charles Clifton - University of Auckland (New Zealand) (49%)

    5-nov-2019 11.23.46

    Seminario prof. Charles Clifton - University of Auckland (New Zealand) Sistemi Edilizi, news, Unipa Nell'ambito delle attività formative del DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, in data Giovedì 7 Novembre alle ore 15.15 presso l’aula connferenze dell’ex DICAM a p.t. il Prof. Charles Clifton dell’University of Auckland (New Zealand) terrà un seminario dal titolo ... connferenze dell’ex DICAM a p.t. il Prof. Charles Clifton dell’University of Auckland (New Zealand) terrà

  • 4. Avviso_seminario_Clifton_Palermo (36%)

    5-nov-2019 11.17.10

    dell’University of Auckland (New Zealand) terrà un seminario dal titolo Low Damage Design of Steel ... New Zealand consulting engineering firm, (now) Beca Consultants, then from 1981 to 1983 ... University. In 1983, Charles started the Structural Division of the New Zealand Heavy Engineering ... , with the current market share in New Zealand being 70%, compared with 0% in 1983. A long and productive ... frames which are now used in a number of high profile New Zealand buildings. In 2008, he joined

  • 5. Avviso_seminario_Fleischman (33%)

    13-giu-2019 10.26.19

    STRUCTURES IN THE 2010-11 NEW ZEALAND, CHILE AND JAPAN EARTHQUAKES DEVELOPMENT AND SHAKE TABLE ... COURSES SUMMARY: Performance of concrete structures in the 2010-11 New Zealand, Chile and Japan earthquakes: Concrete construction was the dominant construction form in New Zealand the past half-century. In particular, precast concrete construction is widely used in New Zealand ... developments in New Zealand in these last quarter of the 20th century. The strong earthquake that hit

  • 6. BRIDGE HANDBOOK (32%)

    8-mar-2013 17.33.52

  • 7. WILEY elenco titoli (20%)

    15-mar-2021 11.31.25

    Journal on Ageing 1467- ANZS 842X Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics AUAR 1835-2561 Australian Accounting Review 108 ANZF 1467-8438 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 1479- AJO 828X Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ADJ ... 1745-7939 New Zealand Geographer NBM 1099-1492 NMR in Biomedicine NJB 1756-1051 Nordic Journal

  • 8. WILEY TITOLI ELEGGIBILI complessivo (20%)

    4-lug-2024 11.16.14

    on Ageing 17416612 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 1467842X Australian Accounting Review 18352561 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 14678438 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1479828X Australian Dental Journal 18347819 ... Learning 15360768 New Phytologist 14698137 New Technology, Work and Employment 1468005X New Zealand Geographer 17457939 NMR in Biomedicine 10991492 Nonprofit Management & Leadership

  • 9. cv prof. nicola (18%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

    (APHC), the Australian Society for Horticultural Science (AuSHS) and the New Zealand Institute

  • 10. 20180220-2018_RIBA_Norman_Foster_Scholarship_Application_Form (1) (17%)

    8-mar-2018 15.55.30

    Netherlands Technische Universiteit Delft Netherlands UNITEC Institute of Technology New Zealand University of Auckland New Zealand Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand Ahmadu Bello

  • 11. Seminari del Prof. Robert B. Fleishman dell’Università dell’Arizona (USA) (16%)

    13-giu-2019 10.29.19

    structures in the 2010-11 New Zealand, Chile and Japan earthquakes" "Development and shake table ... "Performance of concrete structures in the 2010-11 New Zealand, Chile and Japan earthquakes"

  • 12. Simona Noè (16%)

    1-mar-2016 13.06.46

    was involved in a research project about the study of foraging behaviour of New Zealand fur seals ... variation in foraging behaviour of New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) using archival tissues. X

  • 13. TAL1prototype2019 (16%)

    4-dic-2018 16.05.05

    of New Zealand, there is a very dangerous passage through the D’Urville Islands called French Pass ... b) Ships couldn’t get through c) With Jack, French d) New Zealand is ships during the day. French

  • 14. CV_Brunone (14%)

    10-apr-2020 9.22.45

  • 15. cv_brunone (14%)

    17-apr-2018 9.54.05

  • 17. InFolio nr 42 - dicembre 2023 (14%)

    25-mar-2024 13.51.09

    of the Polytech- Agenda at local levels. in New Zealand and Australia can be very different nic of Turin created ... . In cifically for the creation of a short documentary, later Inequality. New Zealand for example, up to 1.5 ... topic of 10. Giovanni Michellucci has been an important Ita- Sitografia discussion. Source: New Zealand parliament website: lian urban planner and architect, who, among his well

  • 18. Inguglia Intercultural Profiles and Adaptation Among Immigrant and Autochthonous (14%)

    4-mag-2020 16.27.09

    adolescents living in different countries (e.g., Australia, Canada, France, Israel, New Zealand, Portugal

  • 19. cv -albertovoltolini (14%)

    24-mag-2022 15.54.21

    of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, ottobre 2007 University of Auckland, New Zealand 22 ottobre 2007 ... , New Zealand Collaborazioni a riviste scientifiche • Curatore (1999-2002) dell'ESAP News

  • 20. cv prof. montanini (14%)

    14-apr-2022 17.09.32

    . 160-165, Piscataway, NJ:IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5386- 3460-8, Auckland, New Zealand, May 20-23, 2019, doi