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1. Problematizing Migrations: Mobility and Vulnerablization in an Age of Abandonment and Inequalities - International Conference (in person) University of Palermo, July 17 – July 19, 2023 (100%)
10-lug-2023 12.32.01Problematizing Migrations: Mobility and Vulnerablization in an Age of Abandonment and Inequalities - International Conference (in person) University of Palermo, July 17 – July 19, 2023 Conference, Program, Problematizing Migrations, Studi Umanistici, dottorato Conference Program Problematizing Migrations BIAGIA RUSSO
2. scheda-trasparenza-geopolitics-of-migrations (97%)
10-gen-2022 14.14.20DEPARTMENT Giurisprudenza ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 SECOND CYCLE (7TH LEVEL) COURSE MIGRATIONS, RIGHTS, INTEGRATION SUBJECT GEOPOLITICS OF MIGRATIONS TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY B AMBIT 50646 ... understand the most recent evolutions of geopolitics (the ideas of nation, identity, migrations, popular ... The Geopolitics of Migrations course aims at teaching students new points of view for the analyses of geopolitical issues and migrations, through an interdisciplinary approach (shared and designed
3. scheda-trasparenza-international-and-comparative-law-of-migrations (86%)
10-gen-2022 14.14.20DEPARTMENT Giurisprudenza ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 SECOND CYCLE (7TH LEVEL) COURSE MIGRATIONS, RIGHTS, INTEGRATION INTEGRATED COURSE INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW OF MIGRATIONS - INTEGRATED ... understanding of international law of migrations and an appropriate studying methodology, which ... activities MODULE MIGRATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Prof. MASSIMO STARITA SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) V. Chetail, International Law of Migrations, Oxford, 2019, Part I, Chapter 2 (pp.75-95; 119-164); Part II
4. scheda-trasparenza-history-of-migrations (75%)
10-gen-2022 14.14.20DEPARTMENT Giurisprudenza ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 SECOND CYCLE (7TH LEVEL) COURSE MIGRATIONS, RIGHTS, INTEGRATION SUBJECT HISTORY OF MIGRATIONS TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY B AMBIT 50648-storico ... migrations, with particular reference to the history of immigration to Italy - Applying knowledge and comprehension: Students will learn to understand the history of migrations at an advanced ... Historiographic analysis of the main trends of history of migrations with particular reference to the history
5. scheda-trasparenza-economics-of-migrations (64%)
10-gen-2022 14.14.20DEPARTMENT Giurisprudenza ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 SECOND CYCLE (7TH LEVEL) COURSE MIGRATIONS, RIGHTS, INTEGRATION SUBJECT ECONOMICS OF MIGRATIONS TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY B AMBIT 50646-economico-statistico CODE 20913 SCIENTIFIC SECTOR(S) SECS-P/01 HEAD PROFESSOR(S) LAVEZZI ANDREA Professore ... proposed by the international debate on migrations. 5) Learning skills At the end of the course ... empirical analyses, relevant to analyze migrations. TEACHING METHODS Teaching we be based on lectures
6. Conference Program Problematizing Migrations (64%)
10-lug-2023 12.27.23Problematizing Migrations: Mobility and ... Antoine Tome Bodiong , MITRA (Migrations Transnationales), LA Post-métropole : Quand les corps ... e Mattia Montes, Università di Palermo, Experiments in Migrations and Perspectives. 17.05-17.25 Gaetano Sabato, Università di Palermo, On migrations and boundaries: between authorship and autobiography
7. 2020-06-30 LM-90 Esami (62%)
30-giu-2020 15.10.42Presidente commissione Componenti commissione Dal 09/11 al 13/11 Economics of migrations 09/11/2021 ... Constitutional law and migrations 18/01/2021 01/02/2021 15/02/2021 Cavasino Elisa M. Armanno, M.E. Bucalo, L. De Grazia. Economics of migrations 19/01/2021 02/02/2021 16/02/2021 Lavezzi Andrea M. Battisti, A. Perrone, R. Signorino. Politics of migrations and human rights 20/01/2021 03/02/2021 17 ... commissione Componenti commissione Dal 06/04 al 16/04 Constitutional law and migrations 06/04/2021 Cavasino
8. 2020-07-01 LM-90 Esami (62%)
2-lug-2020 9.56.02Presidente commissione Componenti commissione Dal 09/11 al 13/11 Economics of migrations 10/11/2021 ... commissione commissione Constitutional law and migrations 18/01/2021 01/02/2021 15/02/2021 Cavasino Elisa M. Armanno, M.E. Bucalo, L. De Grazia. Economics of migrations 26/01/2021 09/02/2021 23/02/2021 Andrea Mario M. Battisti, A. Perrone, Lavezzi R. Signorino, G. Bernardo. Politics of migrations and ... law and migrations 06/04/2021 Cavasino Elisa M. Armanno, M.E. Bucalo, L. De Grazia. Economics
9. 2020-07-01 LM-90 Esami (62%)
2-lug-2020 9.56.02Presidente commissione Componenti commissione Dal 09/11 al 13/11 Economics of migrations 10/11/2021 ... commissione commissione Constitutional law and migrations 18/01/2021 01/02/2021 15/02/2021 Cavasino Elisa M. Armanno, M.E. Bucalo, L. De Grazia. Economics of migrations 26/01/2021 09/02/2021 23/02/2021 Andrea Mario M. Battisti, A. Perrone, Lavezzi R. Signorino, G. Bernardo. Politics of migrations and ... law and migrations 06/04/2021 Cavasino Elisa M. Armanno, M.E. Bucalo, L. De Grazia. Economics
10. 2020-07-14 Decreto Calendario lezioni.prot (59%)
5-ott-2020 10.11.35, Ma, Me 10:00-12:00)  Economics of Migrations (9 CFU): 5 ottobre - 23 dicembre (Gi, Ve 11:00-14:00)  Constitutional Law and Migrations (6 CFU): 16 novembre - 23 dicembre (Lu, Ma, Me: 11:00-13:00)  Politics of Migrations and Human Rights (6 CFU): 16 novembre - 23 dicembre (Me, Gi, Ve: 09:00-11 ... of Migration 16 Novembre - 23 Dicembre Lunedi: 11:00-13:00 Constitutional Law of Migrations Martedì: 11:00-13:00 Constitutional Law of Migrations Mercoledì: 11:00-13:00 Constitutional Law
11. 2020-07-14 Calendario lezioni (59%)
29-lug-2020 14.35.49novembre (Lu, Ma, Me 10:00-12:00)  Economics of Migrations (9 CFU): 5 ottobre - 23 dicembre (Gi, Ve 10:00-13:00)  Constitutional Law and Migrations (6 CFU): 16 novembre - 23 dicembre (Lu, Ma, Me: 11:00- 13:00)  Politics of Migrations and Human Rights (6 CFU): 16 novembre - 23 dicembre (Gi, Ve: 10:00 ... Law of Migrations Martedì: 11:00-13:00 Constitutional Law of Migrations Mercoledì: 11:00-13:00 Constitutional Law of Migrations Mercoledì: 09:00-11:00 Politics of Migrations and Human Rights
12. 2020-07-14 Decreto Calendario lezioni.prot (59%)
5-ott-2020 10.11.35, Ma, Me 10:00-12:00)  Economics of Migrations (9 CFU): 5 ottobre - 23 dicembre (Gi, Ve 11:00-14:00)  Constitutional Law and Migrations (6 CFU): 16 novembre - 23 dicembre (Lu, Ma, Me: 11:00-13:00)  Politics of Migrations and Human Rights (6 CFU): 16 novembre - 23 dicembre (Me, Gi, Ve: 09:00-11 ... of Migration 16 Novembre - 23 Dicembre Lunedi: 11:00-13:00 Constitutional Law of Migrations Martedì: 11:00-13:00 Constitutional Law of Migrations Mercoledì: 11:00-13:00 Constitutional Law
13. Seminario Geopolitics of Migrations - 03/04/2023 e 06/04/2023 - Aula L. Sturzo - H. 11.30 (57%)
31-mar-2023 10.51.29Seminario Geopolitics of Migrations - 03/04/2023 e 06/04/2023 - Aula L. Sturzo - H. 11.30 seminario, migrazioni diritti integrazione, geopolitica, SEMINARIO - Geopolitics of Migrations - Aula L. Sturzo (P.zza Bologni) Master Course in Migrations, Rights, Integration 03/04/2023 - H. 11.30 - Chiara Denaro "The sea as a public space: reconfiguration, bordering and battlegrounds in the Central ... of Migrations (Prof. M. Picone) ALBERTO CURZI /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/
14. Seminario Geopolitics of Migrations - 03/04/2023 e 06/04/2023 - Aula L. Sturzo - H. 11.30 (57%)
31-mar-2023 10.51.29Seminario Geopolitics of Migrations - 03/04/2023 e 06/04/2023 - Aula L. Sturzo - H. 11.30 seminario, migrazioni diritti integrazione, geopolitica, SEMINARIO - Geopolitics of Migrations - Aula L. Sturzo (P.zza Bologni) Master Course in Migrations, Rights, Integration 03/04/2023 - H. 11.30 - Chiara Denaro "The sea as a public space: reconfiguration, bordering and battlegrounds in the Central ... of Migrations (Prof. M. Picone) ALBERTO CURZI /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/
15. Programma-Conference Problematizing Migrations 2023 (56%)
17-lug-2023 7.36.01State Actor. 15.25-15.45 Jacques Antoine Tome Bodiong , MITRA (Migrations Transnationales), LA Post ... e Mattia Montes, Università di Palermo, Experiments in Migrations and Perspectives. 17.05-17.25 Gaetano Sabato, Università di Palermo, On migrations and boundaries: between authorship and autobiography
16. 2024-02-14 Calendario esami II semestre (52%)
15-feb-2024 17.02.49Prove in Presidente commissione Componenti commissione Itinere Constitutional law and migrations 03 ... of migrations 09/04/2024 Lavezzi Andrea Mario M. Battisti, A. F. Gravina, G. Maggio, S. Ajovalasit, M.R. Pappalardo, M. Quatrosi History of migrations 11/04/2024 Di Sanzo Donato T. Baris Storia ... Rosalba Geopolitics of migrations 10/04/2024 Picone Marco C. Giubilaro, A. Giampino 1 Via ... @unipa.it PEC dipartimento.giurisprudenza@cert.unipa.it Politics of migrations and human rights
17. 2024-02-14 Calendario esami II semestre (52%)
15-feb-2024 17.02.49Prove in Presidente commissione Componenti commissione Itinere Constitutional law and migrations 03 ... of migrations 09/04/2024 Lavezzi Andrea Mario M. Battisti, A. F. Gravina, G. Maggio, S. Ajovalasit, M.R. Pappalardo, M. Quatrosi History of migrations 11/04/2024 Di Sanzo Donato T. Baris Storia ... Rosalba Geopolitics of migrations 10/04/2024 Picone Marco C. Giubilaro, A. Giampino 1 Via ... @unipa.it PEC dipartimento.giurisprudenza@cert.unipa.it Politics of migrations and human rights
18. Seminario 29/03/2023 - H. 9.00 - Master Course in Migrations, Rights, Integration (50%)
28-mar-2023 11.13.04Seminario 29/03/2023 - H. 9.00 - Master Course in Migrations, Rights, Integration seminario, migrazioni diritti integrazione, workshop, SEMINARIO 29/03/2023 - H. 9.00 Master Course in Migrations, Rights, Integration "A Case Study with Médecins Sans Frontières: From torture to health. The project of rehabilitation for migrants survivors of violence in Palermo: an Interdisciplinary approach ... is hosted by the Course in International Law of Migrations (Prof. Massimo Starita) Sarà possibile
19. Seminario 29/03/2023 - H. 9.00 - Master Course in Migrations, Rights, Integration (50%)
28-mar-2023 11.13.04Seminario 29/03/2023 - H. 9.00 - Master Course in Migrations, Rights, Integration seminario, migrazioni diritti integrazione, workshop, SEMINARIO 29/03/2023 - H. 9.00 Master Course in Migrations, Rights, Integration "A Case Study with Médecins Sans Frontières: From torture to health. The project of rehabilitation for migrants survivors of violence in Palermo: an Interdisciplinary approach ... is hosted by the Course in International Law of Migrations (Prof. Massimo Starita) Sarà possibile
20. Annex Unipa-Nottingham (50%)
23-mag-2023 16.27.10migrations, 6 credits 2) Economics of migrations, 9 credits 2) Economics and Policy Analysis - 10 credits ... of migrations and human rights, 6 credits semester 4) Globalisation, Europeanisation and Public ... of migrations, 6 credits 7) Dynamics of International Social Policy, - 7) International and comparative law of migrations, 9 credits 30 credits, second semester 8) Dynamics of International ... 60 credits) First Semester: 1)Constitutional law and migrations, 6 credits 2) Economics