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  • 1. Seminar series "Statistics and Demography for Migration Studies" (100%)

    28-mar-2024 17.05.20

    Seminar series "Statistics and Demography for Migration Studies" Migration, Refugees, unipa 2024 2023 2022 2020 2019 DARIA MENDOLA

  • 2. Geopolitics of Migration Program (2020-2021) - What to do if you do not follow the lessons (88%)

    4-mar-2021 13.10.26

    Geopolitics of Migration Program (2020-2021) - What to do if you do not follow the lessons Geopolitics of Migration, 2020-2021, Cosvim For more information on the program, register you on the portal: 19768 - GEOPOLITICS OF MIGRATIONS - 6.0 Cfu 2232 - COOPERAZIONE, SVILUPPO E MIGRAZIONI - CLASSE LM-81 - or 19768 - GEOPOLITICS OF MIGRATIONS - 6.0 Cfu 2244 - MIGRAZIONI, DIRITTI, INTEGRAZIONE - CLASSE LM-90 - please do not register you in previous courses Then read the file: 2021 Geopolitics of M

  • 3. From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide (69%)

    18-set-2019 9.37.38

    From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide attanasio, prin, student, migration Welcome ... occurred only recently. At the same time, student migration from the southern to the central and ... . The agreement’s aim is to study Italian students’ migration and universities student careers in terms ... of the educational background and of the high school attended on student migration choices and performance

  • 4. Expected Results (67%)

    17-set-2019 20.07.00

    Expected Results attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, expected results Impacts The databases ... expand work opportunities to stop intellectual migration. At the same time, the connection drawn ... be used to reduce the migration of intellectual capital toward the North. Moreover, these databases ... time local stakeholders will be informed about educational migration flows, which in turn can ... at placement. Chain migration maps; profile of the “weak” and “strong” student. Probability mobility profiles

  • 5. Target (65%)

    17-set-2019 19.47.30

    Target attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, target, Premise Definition of movers and stayers. Mover/stayer: individual who enrols at a university outside/inside his/her area of origin ... universities in the last three years, this is due, in part, from increased student migration ... a school’s influence on student migration choices? What is more important, the perceived quality ... background? Is there a migration chain in the student flows? Are there new universities/new

  • 6. PRIN 2017 (65%)

    8-ott-2019 13.48.29

    , prin, student, migration Welcome to the Home Page of the PRIN 2017 This site collects ... , increased enrolment in the southern regions has occurred only recently. At the same time, student migration ... of Florence, Naples, and Sassari in 2017. The agreement’s aim is to study Italian students’ migration ... migration choices and performance?”, “Is there any high school effect?”, "How do students

  • 7. Project Development (56%)

    17-set-2019 19.13.12

    Project Development attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, working packages The following table outlines the Work Package (WP) activities, the Research Units (RU) involved and their workloads. LP=Lead Participant, P=Participant WP1: Refinement and sharing of the data warehouse The database (L ... of the university context and the role of migration chain will be investigated. This survey will be conducted ... , in the migration network that, attract the largest numbers of southern students. The online survey

  • 8. Data (53%)

    17-set-2019 19.51.19

    Data attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, data The data regard three entities or, in a broader sense, statistical units: the student, the high school, and the university. The Student The MIUR has been collecting administrative data – called Anagrafe Nazionale Studenti (ANS) – at student-level from all higher education institutions for more than a decade. These do not allow for deep ... interesting because it encapsulates the second student migration flows. These datasets will be linked

  • 9. Progetto FAMI n. 2740 Mi.Main: Migration Mainstreaming (53%)

    1-mar-2024 10.49.39

    Progetto FAMI n. 2740 Mi.Main: Migration Mainstreaming articolo, notizia, unipa, progetti 2019-2021 – Responsabile scientifica del Progetto FAMI n. 2740 Mi.Main: Migration Mainstreaming (Ministero dell’Interno, Fondo Asilo e Migrazione 2014-2020, Obiettivo specifico 2.Integrazione / Migrazione legale; Obiettivo nazionale/Azione ON 3 - Capacity building - lett. j) Governance dei servizi - Capacity ... – Responsabile scientifica del Progetto FAMI n. 2740 Mi.Main: Migration Mainstreaming (Ministero dell’Interno

  • 10. Seminar series Migration (49%)

    26-mar-2024 12.30.22

    Seminar series "Statistics and Demography for Migration Studies" Migration, Refugees, unipa 2023 2022 2020 2019 DARIA MENDOLA

  • 11. Methodology (44%)

    17-set-2019 19.55.22

    Methodology attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, methodology The methods can be briefly summarised in three groups: Survival (life course) methods The (L-ANS) and the (L-ANS-ALM) databases will be suitable to apply statistical models for retrospective cohort settings, such as multilevel models, and multistate models in the presence of competing risks. In order to gain more insight into student history, we will explore the possibility of applying extended Cox Models and eventually methods

  • 12. Contacts (44%)

    20-set-2019 17.16.51

    Contacts attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, contacts Principal Investigator & Palermo RU Leader Massimo Attanasio - University of Palermo Tel: 0039 091 23895301 Email: Naples RU Leader Giancarlo Ragozini - University of Naples "Federico II" Tel: 390039 081 2537460 Email: Cagliari RU Leader Mariano Porcu - University of Cagliari Tel: 390039 070 6753751 Email: Sassari RU Leader Danilo Delpini - University

  • 13. Outcomes (41%)

    24-ott-2023 10.31.37

    Outcomes attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, outcomes These products and actions have been supported from Italian Ministerial grant PRIN 2017 “From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide.”, n. 2017HBTK5P - CUP B78D19000180001 Note for authors: how to cite the Project and the Database (update 06/07/2021) Outcomes here reported have been produced by PRIN's RUs and by all the MUR agreement

  • 14. Research Units (41%)

    13-set-2021 17.21.27

    Research Units Attanasio, prin; 2017, student, migration, research unit Palermo Massimo Attanasio - Full Professor in Statistics Department of Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche University of Palermo 0039 091 23895301 Other members of RU: Ornella Giambalvo Full Professor in Statistics University of Palermo Antonella Plaia Full Professor in Statistics University of Palermo Vito Muggeo Associated Professor in Statistics University of Palermo Giovanni Boscaino

  • 15. Progetto PRIN ATTANASIO (38%)

    17-set-2019 20.22.36

    recently. At the same time, student migration from the southern to the central and northern regions ... aim is to study Italian students migration and universities student careers in terms of the students ... and of the high school attended on student migration choices and performance?”, “Is there any high ... universities in the last three years, this is due, in part, from increased student migration ... because it encapsulates the second student migration flows. These datasets will be linked to data

  • 16. State of the Art (28%)

    17-set-2019 19.37.49

    – from South to North – mirroring internal economic migration. Internal student mobility has been ... that universities can be a source of a selective migration process. On the whole, these studies show ... men: gender differences in UK graduate migration behavior. J Regional Sci, 47(3), 517-539. [3] Sà C ... (Mis)Match and Interregional Migration: Italian University Graduates' Transition to Work. Reg Stud, 49

  • 17. Working Packages (25%)

    17-set-2019 19.00.07

    Project Development attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, working packages The following table outlines the Work Package (WP) activities, the Research Units (RU) involved and their workloads. LP=Lead Participant, P=Participant WP1: Refinement and sharing of the data warehouse The database (L ... of the university context and the role of migration chain will be investigated. This survey will be conducted ... , in the migration network that, attract the largest numbers of southern students. The online survey

  • 18. malta23 (23%)

    5-feb-2024 21.37.26

    Perception of the Dayuan’s Daoyi zhilüe “Migration” of Roman Malta and the Mediterranean: The Sea ... in of British Sinology and Chinese migration to generated in Malta: the western periphery

  • 19. AVVISO ESAMI (18%)

    27-mar-2021 17.44.42

    AVVISO ESAMI ESAMI SESSIONE ESTIVA, MENDOLA-BUSETTA, SECIM, Si comunica agli studenti di SECI e SECIM che gli esami di MISURE DI POVERTA' E DEMOGRAFIA, STATISTICA SOCIALE E DEMOGRAFIA e di STATISTICS AND DEMOGRAPHY FOR MIGRATION STUDIES si svolgeranno giorno 14 aprile 2021 a partire dalle ore 9. Codice di accesso a Teams: 9zzzu4j DARIA MENDOLA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/


    2-mag-2021 11.16.32

    ESAMI SESSIONE ESTIVA MENDOLA-BUSETTA, secim, date esame, sessione estiva Si comunica agli studenti di SECI e SECIM che gli esami di MISURE DI POVERTA' E DEMOGRAFIA, STATISTICA SOCIALE E DEMOGRAFIA e di STATISTICS AND DEMOGRAPHY FOR MIGRATION STUDIES si svolgeranno nei giorni 16 giugno 2021 (ore 10:00); 30 giugno 2021 (ore 10:00) e 12 luglio (ore 15:00). Si prega di prenotarsi all'appello solo se realmente intenzionati a presentarsi all'esame. Non appena deliberato dall'Ateneo, verrà comunicato