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  • 1. Manufacturing Technology: il team UniPa “MeccaNetici” vince la ManuThon2024 (100%)

    30-apr-2024 11.59.10

    Manufacturing Technology: il team UniPa “MeccaNetici” vince la ManuThon2024 articolo, notizia, unipa, Manufacturing Technology Group, ingegneria, MeccaNetici, ManuThon Un gruppo di studenti e dottorandi del Manufacturing Technology Group dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo ha vinto la ManuThon2024, competizione/hackathon sul manufatturiero promossa a livello nazionale da AITeM - Associazione Italiana delle Tecnologie Manifatturiere. Il team “MeccaNetici” - accompagnato dall’Ing. Davide

  • 2. ESAFORM 2018 - International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (94%)

    20-feb-2018 10.30.22

    ESAFORM 2018 - International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming articolo, notizia, unipa, diid, esaform 2018, esaform, material forming, conference, livan fratini, manufacturing technology group PALERMO (ITALY) - 2018 - April 23rd - 25th ESAFORM is an association with the mission to stimulate applied and fundamental research in the field of material forming. Its annual conference ... Fratini and Organized by the Manufacturing Technology Group. GIUSEPPE CUFFARI /sites/portale

  • 3. Il team “MeccaNetici” del Dipartimento di Ingegneria vince la Manuthon 2024 (28%)

    23-apr-2024 13.37.32

    di Tecnologia e Sistemi di Lavorazione (Manufacturing Technology Group) del Dipartimento di Ingegneria ed è ... . “Siamo particolarmente soddisfatti dell’affermazione dei ragazzi - ha commentato il Manufacturing Technology Group - Il team fin dalle prime ore ha mostrato grande spirito di squadra, riuscendo a dar

  • 4. ING-IND/16 – Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione (20%)

    10-giu-2019 14.55.35

    ING-IND/16 – Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione Ingegneria, Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione, Ricerca Descrizione: Il Manufacturing Technology Group (MTG) è un gruppo di ricerca che lavora presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università di Palermo. L’MTG dispone di un’esperienza ventennale nel settore del manufacturing, caratterizzata dalla pubblicazione di svariati articoli su riviste internazionali e dalla partecipazione alle più importanti conferenze nazionali e internazionali

  • 5. ING-IND/16 – Manufacturing technology and systems (20%)

    10-giu-2019 14.55.58

    ING-IND/16 – Manufacturing technology and systems Engineering, ING-IND/16 – Manufacturing technology and systems, Research Description: The Manufacturing Technology Group (MTG) is a group of researchers working at the Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation of the University of Palermo. MTG carries out research and teaching activities and looks back to more than 20 years of research in manufacturing science and continuous participation to the most important international scientific

  • 6. ING-IND/16 – Manufacturing Technology and Systems (20%)

    25-giu-2019 15.40.41

    ING-IND/16 – Manufacturing technology and systems Engineering, ING-IND/16 – Manufacturing technology and systems, Research Description: The Manufacturing Technology Group (MTG) is a group of researchers working at the Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation of the University of Palermo. MTG carries out research and teaching activities and looks back to more than 20 years of research in manufacturing science and continuous participation to the most important international scientific

  • 7. Seminario Prof. Ragai (20%)

    17-mag-2022 7.18.28

    Palermo 24-05-2022 aula Rubino ore 15.30 Seminar on: Electrically-Assisted Manufacturing and research activities at Penn State University Ihab Ragai, Ph.D., PE, FASME Associate Professor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology Chair, Scientific Committee, North American Manufacturing Research Institution (NAMRI/SME) DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA – Manufacturing Technology Group PowerPoint Presentation gianluca buffa Acrobat PDFMaker 15 per PowerPoint Adobe PDF Library

  • 8. Seminario Prof. Ragai (20%)

    20-mag-2022 10.44.53

    Palermo 24-05-2022 aula Rubino ore 15.30 Seminar on: Electrically-Assisted Manufacturing and research activities at Penn State University Ihab Ragai, Ph.D., PE, FASME Associate Professor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology Chair, Scientific Committee, North American Manufacturing Research Institution (NAMRI/SME) DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA – Manufacturing Technology Group PowerPoint Presentation gianluca buffa Acrobat PDFMaker 15 per PowerPoint Adobe PDF Library


    6-mag-2024 16.19.48

    ”rsuvilpuppaoto dneell’la mbito dei dottorandi, tesisti e collaboratori del Manufacturing Technology Group