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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. lecture (100%)

    22-ott-2014 14.37.51

  • 2. lecture miranda (70%)

    22-ott-2014 14.45.55

    RISKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC FINANCE - BACK TO BASICS Aula 7 - Dipartimento DEMS lecture miranda Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Macintosh) Mac OS X 10.9.4 Quartz PDFContext

  • 3. MA 63-14 (64%)

    29-set-2014 15.33.43

    individual gaps. 2nd week Lecture topic: Democratic decision making I: values & principles ... references 3rd week Lecture topic: Democratic decision making II: procedures & goals ... . 3 Further bibliographic references 4th week Lecture topic: Democratic decision making ... deadline: Sunday 9th of November 24:00 5th week Lecture topic: New Modes of Governance and ... Theoretical Economics 157, 1, pp. 57-78. Further bibliographic references 6th week Lecture topic

  • 4. DTG (LM-52, CFU 9) 2015-2016 (long) (63%)

    1-ott-2015 12.52.22

    introductory lecture by the unit leader at the beginning of the week; two seminars of two hours each ... individual gaps. Each Wednesday will be a formal lecture introducing the topic discussed in the following week, on the 7th the topic of the lecture will be: Democracy: meanings and models. 2nd week (Monday 12th October – Wednesday 14th October) Lecture topic: Democracy: meanings and models Questions ... October – Wednesday 21st October) Lecture topic: Procedural conceptions of democracy Questions

  • 5. MA 52-14 (61%)

    29-set-2014 15.33.43

    for each single assessment. Teaching timetable: October to December. Introductory lecture Friday 3rd ... teaching hours and is divided in: a two-hour introductory lecture by the unit leader at the beginning ... to fill up individual gaps. 2nd week Lecture topic: Democracy: meanings and models. Questions ... ", Journal of the History of Ideas 19, 2, pp. 225-42. 3rd week Lecture topic: Procedural ... Democratic Theory", Annual Review of Political Science 11, pp. 387-412. 4th week Lecture topic

  • 6. locandinaWorking e networking (47%)

    23-giu-2023 16.08.51

    of Political Science and 12:00 – 13:00 KEYNOTE LECTURE (ESS6) International Relations, University ... – 15:15 COFFEE BREAK Sara Savastano (Director Research and 15:00 – 15:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE Impact ... the Robinson 12:00 – 13:00 KEYNOTE LECTURE Chair at the Department of Agricultural World Bank

  • 7. Mobilities. Place, Home and Identity in Global Terrain (43%)

    21-mag-2018 14.29.39

    Mobilities. Place, Home and Identity in Global Terrain unipa, dems, eventi Dal 16 al 22 maggio ... il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali, Via Maqueda 324. I seminari ... , Program in Anthropology and History at the University of Michigan, will hold a lecture series ... si svolgerà presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali, Via Maqueda 324 ... - Director, Program in Anthropology and History at the University of Michigan, will hold a lecture

  • 8. The World refugees Made Decolonization and the Foundation of Postwar Italy (43%)

    4-dic-2020 14.26.52

    The World refugees Made Decolonization and the Foundation of Postwar Italy evento, eventi, unipa, dems, seminaridems2020 Master of Arts in International Relations, Program in International Studies Dear Students, the MAIR faculty is pleased to invite you to attend the lecture of Professor Pamela Ballinger, Fred Cuny Chair in the History of Human Rights at the University of Michigan, on Friday ... in International Studies Dear Students, the MAIR faculty is pleased to invite you to attend the lecture

  • 9. ebook english Prof Armao 8 giugno 15(1) (37%)

    29-set-2015 10.39.53

    Region Department of Political Science and InternGaAtiEoTnAaNlO RAeRlaMtiAoOnships 2015 – Dipartimento ... ISBN 978-88-940096-3-7 2 A popular government without popular information ... , in Abstract 97 Foreword This short essay collects contributions and docu ... International Relation- ships department lecture hall at the University of Pa- lermo. It is the result ... Martino' on Administrative Transparency. Subsequently it was the subject of a lecture held on May

  • 10. ebook english Prof Armao 8 giugno 15(1) (37%)

    23-nov-2015 15.10.02

    Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali via Maqueda, 324 – 90134- Palermo ISBN 978-88-940096-3-7 2 A popular government without popular information ... , in Abstract 97 Foreword This short essay collects contributions and docu ... International Relation- ships department lecture hall at the University of Pa- lermo. It is the result ... of San Martino' on Administrative Transparency. Subsequently it was the subject of a lecture held on May


    16-apr-2020 10.16.39

    policy making Video lesson by Daniel Kahneman - Lecture on Intuition Video lesson by Ruth Chang

  • 12. Ballinger_Lecture_TheWorldRefugeesMade (37%)

    2-dic-2020 12.31.10

    Professor Pamela Ballinger Fred Cuny Chair in the History of Human Rights - University of Michigan 4 December 2020 h 14:00 - 16:00 Seminar of the Contemporary World History Course - Professor Manoela Patti Master of Arts in International Relations - LM52 The lecture will be held on Teams Platform For more information please contact Prof. Manoela Patti, laguerradelmezzogiorno Adobe Illustrator 25.0 (Macintosh) Adobe PDF library 15.00

  • 13. LocandinaLezioneGarillli (37%)

    23-nov-2020 17.13.03

    Dr. Maria Luisa Cirrincione O cer at Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM) The lecture will be held on Teams Platform be4f2c83d1038130e3db66%40thread.tacv2/conversatio ns?groupId=2bd93346-f16f-40b6-b573-f343d567b18d&t enantId=bf17c3fc-3ccd-4f1e-8546-88fa851bad99” For more information please contact Prof. Chiara Garilli, LocandinaLezioneGarillli Adobe Illustrator 24.3 (Macintosh) Adobe PDF

  • 14. locandina27NOV (37%)

    11-nov-2019 12.14.34

    PAKISTAN AS AN ANCHOR OF stability in South Asia Complesso monumentale dello Steri Sala delle Capriate | PALERMO The Ambassador of Pakistan in Italy , His Excellence Mr. Nadeem Riyaz, will deliver a Lecture on “Pakistan as an anchor of stability in South Asia” Greetings Prof. Fabrizio Micari, Rector of the University of Palermo Prof. Antonello Miranda, Unipa delegate for the diplomatic relationship Mr. Angelo Tagliavia, honorary consul of Pakistan in Sicily Introduction Prof. Salvatore

  • 15. ISS_application form_2015312 (37%)

    17-apr-2015 12.49.12

    the Political Science lecture scheduled to be on August 18th to 21st. ( I would like

  • 16. ISS_guideline_2017 (37%)

    2-mag-2017 8.29.38

    National University, Sungkyunkwan University 4. Activities : -One Lecture (2 credits

  • 17. ISS (37%)

    28-apr-2022 14.44.39

    AULA FALCONE | Department of Political Sciences and International Relations | Via Ugo Antonio Amico, 4 | PALERMO Dr. NURLAN ALIYEV Lecture at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw Russia’s Security and Foreign Policy Wednesday 04/05/2022 | 12:00-14:00 Russia’s Afghanistan Policy Wednesday 04/05/2022 | 15:00-17:00 Military Cooperation between Russia and China Thursday 05/05/2022 | 10:00-12:00 War in Ukraine Thursday 05/05/2022 | 17.00-19:00 ISS Adobe Illustrator 26.1

  • 18. Qualità e innovazione della didattica 2021 (37%)

    17-dic-2021 12.34.54

    Qualità e innovazione della didattica 2021 articolo, notizia, unipa Il Dipartimento di Scienze ... per il Dipartimento è il Prof. Antonino Blando. Il tema della formazione dei docenti universitari ... il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e della Relazioni Internazionali ha proposto a propri ricercatori ... il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e della Relazioni Internazionali ha attivato delle procedure valutative ... di nuovi ricercatori nell’anno 2021, Il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali

  • 19. LOCANDINATechnology (37%)

    3-mag-2024 8.25.18

    ems Lecture series, Prof. Ba ris S oyer, Director of the Institute of Shipping and Trade Law, School of Law, Swansea University Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali ... law (liability) issues (Room Dems) Thursday, May 9, 2024 9-12 am: Cargo insurance - legal and coverage issues (Room Dems) 3-5 pm: Activities with the students on cargo insurance and technology (Room Dems) Friday, May 10, 2024 9-12 am: Use of insurtech in consumer and commercial insurance (legal

  • 20. CIMDU (35%)

    9-gen-2024 10.09.49

    , nell'ambito dei temi dedicati alla didattica e alla sua innovazione, il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche ... /dipartimenti/dems/cimdu/ In particolare PILLOLE DI METODO PROF.SSA GIUSI TUMMINELLI, Delegata ... DEL SETTORE DELL'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE Giovedì̀ 14 dicembre 2023 alle ore 16.00 presso l’Aula DEMS (II Piano) PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l., in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche ... di eccellenza. L’appuntamento è per giovedì 14 dicembre alle 16.00, presso l'aula DEMS (via Ugo Antonio