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1. Spatial distribution of soil REE in Sicily (100%)
16-ago-2024 9.30.03Spatial distribution of soil REE in Sicily articolo, notizia, unipa, soil, REY, lanthanide Spatial distribution of soil rare earth elements in Sicily [DOI:10.1016/j.geodrs.2024.e00845] Rare earth elements (REEs) are becoming increasingly interesting as indicators of soil processes, and modelling their spatial distribution has become a fundamental requirement for this purpose. This study aims to model and quantify the spatial distribution of soil REEs taking into account their compositional
3. Tesi di Laurea a.a. 2018-19 BIRS (34%)
16-apr-2020 10.34.48“Humanized archaeal ferritin and lanthanide binding ferritin: structural characterization and
4. Militello Valeria_CV (29%)
10-feb-2020 13.47.49ferritin and lanthanide binding ferritin: structural characterization and spectroscopy studies” Tesi
5. 92 bando 2023 (29%)
12-dic-2023 8.50.08, a set of novel antenna systems with appropriate lanthanide species will be encapsuled into
6. 92 english version bando 2023 (29%)
12-dic-2023 8.50.08. In parallel, a set of novel antenna systems with appropriate lanthanide species will be encapsuled