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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Seminario 'Wine for Landscape' - 12-13 maggio (100%)

    9-mag-2016 11.59.25

    Seminario 'Wine for Landscape' - 12-13 maggio darch, architettura, seminario, landscape Locandina ANDREA SANTORO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 2. New Approaches in Landscape Archaeology | Ciclo di seminari (96%)

    27-feb-2024 14.19.22

    New Approaches in Landscape Archaeology | Ciclo di seminari Landscape Archaeology, patrimonio culturale, scienze della terra e del mare, Cori 2023 Azione B, Culture e Società, Unipa Da 27 febbraio fino al 4 marzo 2024, presso la Gipsoteca del Dipartimento Culture e Società (Campus viale delle Scienze, Edificio 15, VIII piano), nell'ambito dell'attività formativa del dottorato di ricerca ... ; visiting professor presso Unipa nell'ambito del CORI 2023 Azione B, sul tema New Approaches in Landscape

  • 3. New Approaches in Landscape Archaeology | Ciclo di seminari (96%)

    27-feb-2024 14.19.22

    New Approaches in Landscape Archaeology | Ciclo di seminari Landscape Archaeology, patrimonio culturale, scienze della terra e del mare, Cori 2023 Azione B, Culture e Società, Unipa Da 27 febbraio fino al 4 marzo 2024, presso la Gipsoteca del Dipartimento Culture e Società (Campus viale delle Scienze, Edificio 15, VIII piano), nell'ambito dell'attività formativa del dottorato di ricerca ... ; visiting professor presso Unipa nell'ambito del CORI 2023 Azione B, sul tema New Approaches in Landscape

  • 4. cv prof. voghera_angioletta (92%)

    31-mag-2022 11.39.49

    . Politiche, Piani e valutazione /After the European Landscape Convention. Policies, Plans and ... in Europa/Landscape, Plan and Project in Europe, in Urbanistica, n. 150-151, Numero 150 luglio ... Curatele di volumi: Con Ingaramo R., Topics and Methods for Urban and Landscape Design (Springer, 2016 ... Paesaggio e del Landscape Award of the Council of Europe (2020) 2020 Membro della lista ... candidati al Dottorato di ricerca in Regional and 2011 Landscape Planning, Doctoral courses at the School

  • 5. l1-cv_voghera (89%)

    15-apr-2020 9.09.54

    candidati al Dottorato di ricerca in 2011 Regional and Landscape Planning, Doctoral courses at the School ... & HEALTH. 2009-2012 Membro del Landscape Research Group (Oxford). 2012-2015 Membro ... of Environmental Psychology (ISI), Elsevier. 2018 Agribusiness Landscape & Environment Management ... and Technologies (2190-3018), Springer. 2017 Land use policy (ISI). 2017 Landscape research (ISI ... on The Turning Point of the Landscape-cultural Mosaic: Renaissance Revelation Resilience, Gravina Palace

  • 6. Wineforlandscape_locandina e programma_02-2 (74%)

    9-mag-2016 11.58.42

    Unipa, Palermo WINE FOR LANDSCAPE [PROGRAMMA] 13 Maggio Wine for landscape è un esperimento ... sono stati messi in WINE FOR LANDSCAPE situazioni di lavoro reale, di fronte alle Architetti del futuro progettano ... Coordinatore corso di Laurea in Architettura Agrigento, Premiazione concorso WINE FOR LANDSCAPE UNIPA MARCELLA ... vitivinicole MANFREDI LEONE Docente di Architettura del Paesaggio, UNIPA MOSTRA “WINE FOR LANDSCAPE

  • 7. Cultural_Landscapes_Management (71%)

    5-giu-2024 13.01.50

    Master Degree Course ARCHITETTURA DEL PAESAGGIO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (Italian degree classification: LM-3) NORMATIVE SOURCES MD Landscape Architecture – Cultural Landscapes Management European Landscape Convention (Florence - Italy, October 20th, 2000) - ... for specialists in landscape appraisal and operations; b. multidisciplinary training programmes in landscape ... planning. …..» CULTURAL INSPIRATIONS MD Landscape Architecture – Cultural Landscapes Management

  • 8. Siamo lieti di presentare la “Winter School on Active Tectonics and Climate Change Driven Landscape Evolution”. Si terrà a Palermo (Sicilia), una delle città più storiche e antiche d'Italia, il prossimo inverno (5-8 dicembre 2022) presso il “Museo Geologico Gemmellaro” fondato nel 1861 da Gaetano Gemmellaro, geologo e paleontologo. (64%)

    31-ott-2022 10.29.30

    Siamo lieti di presentare la “Winter School on Active Tectonics and Climate Change Driven Landscape ... School on Active Tectonics and Climate Change Driven Landscape Evolution”. It will be held in Palermo ... palaeontologist. The school is about advanced techniques and new methodologies to study landscape evolution ... the activities of the Landscape Evolution Marker Online Network (LEMON)project, a project developed ... Rome 2023 congress titled: “Tectonic and Climate-driven Landscape Evolution a never-ending challenge

  • 9. Programma_Explore the European Funding Landscape for Research (63%)

    19-apr-2022 10.16.23

    the European Funding Landscape for Research – Make your Project Idea a Reality ! May 11, 2022 - 9:15 ... to be aware of these political objectives and study the funding landscape carefully in order to choose ... interest for specific research areas. The funding landscape is becoming more and more complex and ... No: 101017248 Agenda Explore the European Funding Landscape for Research – Make your Project Idea ... introduction to the European Funding Landscape for Research Nicole Birkle JGU EU Liaison Officer and

  • 10. cv_campana (63%)

    14-apr-2021 10.06.53

    in landscape archaeology, remote sensing and archaeological methodology for purposes of research ... Heritage, where I have engaged in teaching and research as associate professor in Landscape ... authority in the field of landscape and digital archaeology. In particular, I have contributed at national ... of Landscape Archaeology and Remote Sensing at the University of Siena and have directed numerous ... , moving from an essentially site-based approach to a truly landscape-scale perspective. 10-YEAR

  • 13. Lo Piccolo_Bonafede_Todaro_Changing Cities II Porto Heli2 2015 (58%)

    11-mag-2020 10.40.05

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities II Spatial, Design, Landscape ... Conference on Changing Cities II: Spatial, Design, Landscape & SocioͲeconomic dimensions ISBN ... , urban designers, landscape designers, urban planners, urban geographers, urban economists, urban ... – Branch of Peloponnese; the Association of the Greek Landscape Architects; KTIRIO - Technical ... Bastelli ‘Landscape and sustainable design in urban open spaces

  • 14. InFolio nr 39 - giugno 2022 (58%)

    7-set-2023 15.29.41

    Sicomo 30 Rural platform devices. Ecologies of adaptation from the farm to the landscape in Sardinia TESI


    19-apr-2022 17.18.53

    LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOP workshop, darch, architettura, eventidarch, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOP GROUNDWATER PALERMO 2022 APRIL 19th – 27th Locandina Opening on Tuesday, April 19th - 10.00 am – Aula Gregotti, Edificio 14 Corpo C Dipartimento di Architettura – Campus UNIPA, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo. ANTONIO VAZZANA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOP GROUNDWATER PALERMO 2022 APRIL 19th – 27th Locandina... /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 16. InFolio nr 40 - dicembre 2022 (53%)

    17-apr-2023 11.48.26

    landscape heritage: study, enhancement and fruition. Potential driver for sustainable territorial ... to Francesco Lo Piccolo 06 Inner areas’ cultural, architectural and landscape heritage: Gloria Lisi ... ’ cultural, architectural and landscape heritage: study, enhancement and fruition. Potential driver ... , architectural and areas de¿ned as ³remote´, based on their distance landscape assets offer an answer ... Franco Arminio is a landscape expert and Italian sustainable territorial development?” of the CoRi 2019

  • 17. Locandina-New Approaches in Landscape Archaeology (52%)

    13-feb-2024 18.42.22

    New Approaches in Landscape Archaeology 'Patrimonio Culturale' and 'Scienze della Terra e del Mare' PhD Program Seminars WITH JASON T. HERRMANN | CORI 2023 ACTION B VISITING PROFESSOR KOWALSKI FAMILY TEACHING SPECIALIST IN DIGITAL ARCHAEOLOGY • CENTER FOR THE ANALYSIS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIALS ... Practical Workshop Approaches to Landscape Prospects on the island of Motya: Archaeology Field ... Approaches in Landscape Archaeology DAF6_hjWVmI,BAF2fXAPwi4 sofia rosano Canva Canva

  • 18. Proroga iscrizioni al Master Erasmus Architecture Landscape Archaeology (50%)

    16-mag-2019 12.48.34

    Proroga iscrizioni al Master Erasmus Architecture Landscape Archaeology articolo, notizia, unipa Si comunica la riapertura dei termini di iscrizione (fino al 31 maggio) per l'Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Architecture Landscape Archaeology. EMJMD ALA è un Master di secondo livello di durata biennale che sarà attivato nel 2019-2020. La Sapienza è capofila di un consorzio di 4 atenei (Sapienza ... /architecture-landscape-archaeology-ala-erasmus-mundus-joint-master-degree

  • 19. Section Architectural, urban and landscape design - PACP (50%)

    19-ott-2017 9.50.00

    Section Architectural, urban and landscape design - PACP darch, architecture, section It gathers all the topics on design from the small dimension of buildings to landscape including urban design garden and parks as well as all services and infrastructures. PACP develops basic and applied research with the goal of merging the strict discipline of architectural composition with the broad context ... Architectural Design: Valentina Acierno, Giuseppe Di Benedetto; ICAR 15 Landscape architecture: Manfredi Leone

  • 20. Section Architectural, urban and landscape design - PACP (50%)

    19-ott-2017 9.50.00

    Section Architectural, urban and landscape design - PACP darch, architecture, section It gathers all the topics on design from the small dimension of buildings to landscape including urban design garden and parks as well as all services and infrastructures. PACP develops basic and applied research with the goal of merging the strict discipline of architectural composition with the broad context ... Landscape architecture: Manfredi Leone. Assistant Professors ICAR 14 Architectural Design: Valentina