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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. cv_leggio (46%)

    24-apr-2020 8.00.47

    – Research Activities VIIa-Research Topics Current research topics Keywords Brief Description ... aspects of the autistic disorders Research topics – in progress Keywords Brief Description ... research topics Keywords Brief Description Enviromental Characterization of the effects

  • 2. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (46%)

    10-apr-2018 10.24.45

    in full months. Free keywords Enter any words you think give extra detail of the scope of your ... in months Estimated duration of the project in full months. Free keywords Enter any words you think give


    24-apr-2020 8.00.51

    of the regional construction industry. Opportunities, Obstacles, and Policy Perspectives”, (Keywords ... ” (Keywords: Vietnam, Italy, SMEs, Human resources) promoted and financed by Emilia Romagna government ... (Keywords: Vietnam, Italy, SMEs, International industry), promoted and financed by the University

  • 4. l1-cv-piattelli (33%)

    16-apr-2020 10.35.01

    Adriano Piattelli (0000-0002-6246-8130) - ORCID | Connecting Resea... Adriano Piattelli Country Italy Keywords bone substitute materials, bone regeneration, dental implants, histomorphometry Biography Name: Adriano Piattelli Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Nationality: Italian Marital Status: Address: Telephone: Telefax: E-Mail: Prof. A. Piattelli, since 1988, teaches Oral Pathology and Medicine

  • 5. chirico_cv (33%)

    14-apr-2020 11.19.32

    ). H-factor = 27; citations = 2600 Research keywords: Biophysics, optical microscopy

  • 6. EXPO – ABF & MIT 3rd Challenge WORKSHOP (33%)

    22-ott-2015 11.25.21

    Expo Milano EXPO – ABF & MIT 3rd Challenge WORKSHOP evento, EXPO, ABF & MIT 3rd Challenge, Sabato 24 ottobre 2015 a EXPO si terrà un evento congiunto ABF (Andrea Bocelli Foundation) e MIT (Massachussets Institute of Technology), “Technology for blind: from prototype to product”. Programma: Keywords: Social inclusion via augmented senses; Impact of academia technological research on society. Technological transfer. From a prototype to a product, Social Impact 10.00-10.30 am OPENING

  • 7. 57po_c15p3_fis02_cv lippiello (33%)

    27-ott-2022 14.35.23

    ;MATRICOLA=059185. Research interest (keywords) Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics: phase ordering

  • 8. Come creare una lista (33%)

    13-feb-2017 17.09.04

    da visualizzare nella lista. Ad esempio se il percorso è /amministrazione/area7, gli articoli o i documenti che possono fare parte della lista devono essere contenuti dentro la cartella /amministrazione ... . Ad esempio se il percorso è /amministrazione/area7, e la categoria indicata è "news/primo-piano", nella lista verranno visualizzati gli articoli contenuti nella cartella /amministrazione ... presenti nella cartella /amministrazione/area7 e relative sottocartelle, che appartengono alla categoria

  • 9. Come creare un nuovo articolo (33%)

    10-feb-2017 17.49.09

    di riferimento Keywords, sono le parole chiave mostrate nel dettaglio dell'articolo ed utilizzate nelle liste

  • 10. Come creare un calendario di eventi (33%)

    13-feb-2017 19.24.50

    ; da visualizzare nel calendario. Ad esempio se il percorso è /amministrazione/area7, gli eventi che possono fare parte del calendario devono essere contenuti dentro la cartella /amministrazione/area7 o nelle ... verranno visualizzati gli eventi presenti nella cartella /amministrazione/area7 e relative sottocartelle che hanno, tra le keywords, la parola chiave "Seminario"; Numero: indica il numero

  • 11. FacsimileDomandaPRIN2022_EN (33%)

    1-feb-2022 13.42.50

    MINISTRY OF UNIVERSITY AND RESEARCH General Secretariat Directorate-General Research PRIN: RESEARCH PROJECTS OF RELEVANT NATIONAL INTEREST – 2022 Call for proposals prot. …. PART A 1 ‐ Research Project Title (Max. 500 characters) 2 – Duration (months) 36 3 ‐ Main ERC field ERC field 4 ‐ Possible other ERC field ERC field 5 ‐ ERC subfields (Max. 3, one field is sufficient) 6 ‐ Keywords (3 to 6: free) 7 ‐ Principal Investigator (Surname) (Name) (Qualification) (Date

  • 12. Facsimile_presentazione_domanda PRIN2022_ENG_28_febbraio_2022 (33%)

    9-mar-2022 11.24.13

    Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca General Secretariat Directorate-General Research PRIN: RESEARCH PROJECTS OF RELEVANT NATIONAL INTEREST – 2022 Call for proposals prot. …. PART A 1 ‐ Research Project Title (Max. 500 characters) 2 – Duration (months) 24 3 ‐ Main ERC field ERC field 4 ‐ Possible other ERC field ERC field 5 ‐ ERC subfields (Max. 3, one field is sufficient) 6 ‐ Keywords (3 to 6: free) 7 ‐ Principal Investigator (Surname) (Name) (Qualification) (Date

  • 13. NUOVO Facsimile_presentazione_domanda PRIN2022_ENG (33%)

    14-feb-2022 9.16.42

    is sufficient) 6 ‐ Keywords (3 to 6: free) 7 ‐ Principal Investigator (Surname) (Name

  • 14. le moli andrea (33%)

    27-mag-2024 10.33.28

    ways. Keywords Philosophical anthropology; “the ontological turn”; geophilosophy; comparative

  • 15. 17 ottobre 2022 Facsimile presentazione domanda PRIN PNRR EN (33%)

    27-ott-2022 12.12.51

    . 3, one field is sufficient) 9 ‐ Keywords (3 to 6: free) 10 ‐ Principal Investigator (Surname

  • 16. Saddle Pressures Factors in Road and Off-Road Cyclists of Both Genders: A Narrative Review (31%)

    27-ott-2023 8.47.40

    injuries in cyclists. Keywords: biomechanics; bicycle; cyclists; saddle pressure; perineal pressure

  • 17. masi_cv (29%)

    17-apr-2020 12.01.00

    D. Main Research Interest Keywords: - Chemical Kinetics and Chemical Reaction Engineering

  • 18. tuzzi_cv (29%)

    24-apr-2020 8.00.57

    : The History of a Discipline through the Analysis of Keywords Counts in Scientific Literature

  • 19. cv_paola valbonesi (29%)

    28-apr-2020 10.41.15

    Valbonesi: Curriculum Vitae Your Keywords Curriculum Vitae Paola Valbonesi Microsoft® Word 2010 PDF

  • 20. CV Baciocchi (29%)

    23-apr-2020 11.16.15

    Management Water, Air and Soil Pollution Minerals Engineering Parole chiave (research keywords