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  • 3. guida_web_2020_POLI (87%)

    16-dic-2020 13.35.04

    eeunmt eq ruapisp roerrtiia ceo nc loer iempp-rese Almalaurea: la job-bank d’Ateneo tatem quas ... della job-bank di Ateneo finalizzato alla formazione universitaria e Almalaurea. all'occupazione dei

  • 4. CITE _PRIN 2017 (86%)

    5-dic-2023 11.38.51

    PRIN 2017 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS OR GRANTS SECTION ENG This paper has been supported from Italian Ministerial grant PRIN 2017 “From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis ... (PRIN 2017) dal titolo “From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis ... to the job placement: analysis of university careers and university mobility from Southern ... ;From high school to the job placement: analysis of university careers and university mobility

  • 5. master_HFB_4edition (74%)

    26-ott-2016 11.17.26

    DSEAS Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Statistiche e Aziendali HFB 4th Alta Scuola in cooperation with edition International Master Degree MASTER OF ECONOMICS Hospitality Management and Food & Beverage HFB HFB - Master of Economics Hospitality Management and Food & Beverage An international higher education path to immediately enter the job market in the major local and foreign companies. Giovanni Ruggieri Coordinator HFB Master

  • 6. Galleria di articoli (69%)

    21-mar-2013 10.05.13

    job for search index optimization. • Improved handling of deleted users in permissions dialog

  • 7. Galleria di documenti (69%)

    21-mar-2013 11.18.44

    job for search index optimization. • Improved handling of deleted users in permissions dialog

  • 8. Proposta di Tirocinio Curricolare Interno - Studenti L-37 (69%)

    11-dic-2018 10.53.17

    /it/job/326231 Il tirocinio inizierà a partire dal mese di Gennaio 2019 e prevederà un impegno

  • 9. Offerte di Tirocinio Curricolare (69%)

    5-dic-2018 18.26.05

    Proposta di Tirocinio Curricolare Interno - Studenti L-37 L-37, tirocinio, scaccia Si comunica che il CICS in SECIM-COSVI del 20 novembre 2018 ha approvato l'attivazione di un Tirocinio Cuirricolare interno per gli studenti del SECI iscritti al III anno (o comunque entro I FC) e per gli studenti iscritti al II anno del SECIM. Le candidature potranno essere presentate tramite il portale di almalaurea. L'annuncio è visionabile al seguente indirizzo:

  • 10. Master Hospitality Management (69%)

    18-feb-2016 11.29.50

    in lingua inglese), che prevede 700 ore dedicate all’on the job training (da giugno ad ottobre), 400 ore

  • 11. On behalf of Bridge Education Abroad Institute (69%)

    8-apr-2015 10.15.18

    in the global job market. For the summer of 2015, we have programs scheduled in Cape Town and

  • 13. SUA22-23 (59%)

    7-dic-2023 10.04.59

  • 15. Outcomes (50%)

    24-ott-2023 10.31.37

    Outcomes attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, outcomes These products and actions have been supported from Italian Ministerial grant PRIN 2017 “From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide.”, n. 2017HBTK5P - CUP B78D19000180001 Note for authors: how to cite the Project and the Database (update 06/07/2021) Outcomes here reported have been produced by PRIN's RUs and by all the MUR agreement