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  • 1. . (100%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.47

    . Summer School, Italian courses, unipa Intensive italian courses Palermo: a town where you can travel, a town where you can study At the center of the Mediterranean Sea there is an island that has been the meeting point of people, languages and cultures for three thousand years. That island is Sicily. In Sicily there is a town, Palermo, that, more than any other, has witnessed a long history. Palermo is the ideal place where you can study and also enjoy your summer thanks to its climate, its

  • 2. . (100%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.47

    . Winter School, Italian courses, unipa Intensive italian courses Winter School 2016 – Italian Version – English version – Chinese version Palermo, an alive city with a clearskyeven in Winter Palermo, the capital of Sicily, one of the biggest and most beautiful islands of the Mediterranean. Here you can explore the rich art, the good food, the beautiful coastline and enjoy the perfect weather, spending the day both in the city and by the sea. Palermo is the capital of art and culture thanks

  • 3. Summer School (100%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.37

    Summer School Summer School, intensive italian courses, unipa Intensive italian courses Palermo: a town where you can travel, a town where you can study At the center of the Mediterranean Sea there is an island that has been the meeting point of people, languages and cultures for three thousand years. That island is Sicily. In Sicily there is a town, Palermo, that, more than any other, has witnessed a long history. Palermo is the ideal place where you can study and also enjoy your summer thanks

  • 4. Summer School (100%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.41

    Summer School News, Summer school, italian courses, unipa Intensive italian courses Palermo: a town where you can travel, a town where you can study At the center of the Mediterranean Sea there is an island that has been the meeting point of people, languages and cultures for three thousand years. That island is Sicily. In Sicily there is a town, Palermo, that, more than any other, has witnessed a long history. Palermo is the ideal place where you can study and also enjoy your summer thanks

  • 5. Corsi Erasmus (91%)

    22-ago-2013 12.52.26

    Corsi Erasmus erasmus, palermo, italian, courses La Scuola organizza corsi di Lingua italiana per gli Studenti Erasmus. Ogni corso ha la durata di 40 ore e ogni classe è composta da un massimo di 15 studenti. Ogni corso di 40 ore dà diritto all'acquisizione di 3 CFU secondo delibera del Senato Accademico dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo. I crediti verranno rilasciati solo a fronte di una frequenza complessiva pari all' 80% delle ore di lezione. Date e iscrizione I corsi

  • 6. Programma "Un anno di italiano" (91%)

    12-dic-2022 15.04.16

    Programma "Un anno di italiano" italian, courses, school, palermo Il programma può comprendere da un minimo di 5 a un massimo di 12 corsi intensivi e/o semi-intensivi. La durata del programma varia dai 5 ai 12 mesi. Per informazioni sui prezzi o per periodi più lunghi contattare la Scuola all'indirizzo GIUSEPPE PATERNOSTRO

  • 7. 联系我们 (83%)

    4-feb-2016 16.50.57

    联系我们 italian, courses, 联系我们 Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri - Università di Palermo Piazza Sant'Antonino n° 1 90134 - Palermo Tel.+3909123899202 Tel.+3909123869601 GIUSEPPE PATERNOSTRO

  • 8. I corsi di lingua e cultura italiana (75%)

    12-feb-2018 20.15.12

    I corsi di lingua e cultura italiana italian, language, school, italian courses, italian school Il metodo L’approccio si ispira alle più moderne teorie e pratiche glottodidattiche. L’impianto di base è di tipo funzionale-comunicativo. All’interno della pratica didattica è tuttavia frequente il ricorso a metodi diversificati, sia per approccio che per tecniche e materiali utilizzati: da quello umanistico- affettivo al project-work, alla realizzazione di progetti di tipo collaborativo

  • 9. PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST #selfietaliAmo selfietaliAmo and WIN AN ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE (75%)

    10-apr-2014 10.56.34

    PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST #selfietaliAmo selfietaliAmo and WIN AN ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE photograpy, contest, summer, school, italian, courses, palermo Would you like to spend the summer in one of the most exotic places in Italy and to study Italian for free? Itastra Language School offers two free courses, for a total of 500 Euros, to the winner of the photography contest #selfietaliAmo. 1. Would you like to win a Standard Italian Language and Culture course and a Special Course of your choice

  • 10. La Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo (75%)

    24-mar-2017 13.06.26

    La Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo scuola lingua italiana, italian courses, italian language school palermo, La Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri ItaStra dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo nasce nel 2008 con l’obiettivo di promuovere attività didattiche, di formazione, di consulenza e di ricerca nel campo dell’insegnamento dell’italiano come lingua seconda e straniera. Si tratta di una struttura che, lavorando in stretta sinergia

  • 11. Italian Courses for Erasmus Students (72%)

    28-apr-2020 7.30.45

    Italian Courses for Foreign Erasmus students articolo, notizia, unipa To foster the integration of foreign incoming students, the University of Palermo set-up courses in italian for foreign Erasmus+ incoming students. GIORGIO MANNINA Registration articolo, notizia, unipa To enrol it is necessary to send an email to with these documents: - the application form (please download here yours); - the Erasmus document (realised by Internation Relations Office of the University

  • 12. Intensive italian courses (72%)

    24-gen-2017 13.36.11

    Intensive italian courses summer, school, unipa Palermo: a town where you can travel, a town where you can study At the center of the Mediterranean Sea there is an island that has been the meeting point of people, languages and cultures for three thousand years. That island is Sicily. In Sicily there is a town, Palermo, that, more than any other, has witnessed a long history. Palermo is the ideal place where you can study and also enjoy your summer thanks to its climate, its geographical

  • 13. Attività formative (30%)

    2-lug-2024 8.22.27

    ) organizes language training courses open to PhD students. The CLA also provides Italian courses ... . The CLA also provides Italian courses for foreigners open to foreign students of the PhD program. Seminar

  • 14. Educational activities (30%)

    2-lug-2024 8.25.25

    provides Italian courses for foreigners open to foreign students of the PhD program. Seminar ... ) organizes language training courses open to PhD students. The CLA also provides Italian courses

  • 16. summer-2016-chinese (30%)

    29-apr-2016 15.53.33

  • 18. Winter School Unipa (29%)

    28-feb-2019 11.52.51

    January - 10 March Italian, music, art, photography, cookery Intensive italian courses Palermo ... an email to ROSARIO MARRARO UNIPA winter, school, unipa Intensive italian courses Winter School 2016

  • 19. SUMMER 14 NEW (25%)

    12-mar-2014 18.27.00