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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Seminario Making Public Displays Interactive: From Application Design to Long-Term Deployment (100%)

    22-ott-2017 16.30.55

    Seminario Making Public Displays Interactive: From Application Design to Long-Term Deployment articolo, notizia, unipa, seminario, public display, interactive, diid Giovedì 26 ottobre 2017, alle ore 14, presso l'aula "Rubino" (Viale delle Scienze, edificio 8, I piano il dott. Ivan Elhart dell'Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) di Lugano (CH), terrà un seminario dal titolo: Making Public Displays Interactive: From Application Design to Long-Term

  • 2. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (64%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.34

    interactive forum that improves upon the content and functionality of the New European Wind Atlas

  • 3. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (64%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    interactive forum that improves upon the content and functionality of the New European Wind Atlas

  • 4. Programma-Erasmus-Course-on-Cardiovascular-MRI-with-ct-correlation (49%)

    17-dic-2023 22.39.33

    referenced in AHA/ACC guidelines on acute chest pain C. Harz 11.30 INTERACTIVE SESSION 1 CMR and CCT ... 16.00 INTERACTIVE SESSION 2 CMR and CCT mentored case review: Imaging of Ischemic Heart Disease ... referenced in AHA/ACC guidelines on acute chest pain C. Harz 11.30 INTERACTIVE SESSION 1 CMR and ... . Lamb 16.00 INTERACTIVE SESSION 2 CMR and CCT mentored case review: Imaging of Ischemic Heart ... ? 11.30 INTERACTIVE SESSION 1 G. Novo CMR and CCT mentored case review: anatomy and technique


    27-set-2023 9.27.44

    seminario di presentazione dei risultati del progetto Erasmus BIP "INTERACTIVE LEARNING ... del progetto Erasmus BIP "INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS TO ENHANCE THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR IMPROVING ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE" coordinato dal Dipartimento DEMS ... un seminario di presentazione dei risultati del progetto Erasmus BIP "INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS ... " coordinato dal Dipartimento DEMS dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo, al quale

  • 6. SEMINARIO | Data analysis and interactive coaching tool: the “coaching cube” (42%)

    5-dic-2022 10.22.39

    AULA MAGNA | Via Giovanni Pascoli n. 6 - 90144 Palermo articolo, notizia, unipa, bacheca terza missione, sppeff, Ore 15,30 Saluti del Delegato del Rettore al coordinamento delle politiche sportive di Ateneo Prof. Antonio Palma e del coordinatore del corso di studi di scienze motorie Prof. Antonino Bianco Ore 15,40 Dott.ssa Alessandra Amato “coaching cube”: software innovativo di interactive ... analysis and interactive coaching tool: the “coaching cube” GIUSEPPE ALAMIA /sites/portale/dipartimenti

  • 7. The interactive Learning Environment (38%)

    2-ott-2023 13.23.59

    The interactive Learning Environment articolo, notizia, unipa CIRO BENANTI

  • 8. curriculum_MANCUSO_ANTONIO - Antonio Mancuso (34%)

    9-apr-2022 11.18.07

    -15 maggio 2013. Master post-lauream “Innovation Virtual Design II” organizzato dal Dipartimento ... Laboratorio di CAD. Master post-lauream “Innovation Virtual Design I” organizzato dal Dipartimento ... , International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, ed International Journal of Solids and ... del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica, Meccanica dal 2012 al 2015 ... to predict structural performances of a sailing dinghy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND

  • 9. PROGRAMMA "Museologia e gestione dei beni museali" A.A. 2023-2024 (32%)

    19-giu-2024 16.45.07

    of an Interactive Museum Experience Arianna Candela Ideas y opiniones del educador de museos ... media and cultural interactive experiences in museums Francesca Miceli Museum website features ... Content Selection Parameters for Designing the Interactive Kiosk Software for Museums Adriana ... could have told me!” Collaboration on the Design of Interactive Pieces for Museums Martina Migliarba ... !”: Patterns of collaboration around an interactive information visualization exhibit Giorgia Maria Alaimo

  • 10. 2017 locandina invito Workshop Ivan Elhart (27%)

    22-ott-2017 16.28.18

    ) di Lugano (CH), terrà un seminario dal titolo: Making Public Displays Interactive ... , we will explore opportunities and challenges of making public displays interactive. We will look into and discuss how to 1) design interactive display applications that can take content from different sources ... simultaneously run a number of interactive applications and make real-time scheduling decisions based ... for networked public displays, in particular designing interactive applications, providing system support

  • 11. Brochure BIP (25%)

    24-apr-2023 16.22.29

    ERASMUS + P ROGRAMME 2021-2027 TRAINING COURSE Interactive learning environments to enhance the REMOTE TRAINING (43 hrs)role of human resource management practices for improving organizational ... is to encourage European universities to use an innovative teaching methodology called Interactive ... is titled “Interactive Learning Environments to enhance the role of Human Resource Management (HRM ... designed and delivered several system-dynamics based interactive learning environments for Higher

  • 12. Annali2014 (22%)

    31-mar-2015 12.40.24

    E REDAZIONE Dipartimento SEAS Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 13 90128 Palermo E-mail: bibliotecaeconomia

  • 13. Tabella LM -63 (22%)

    15-ott-2015 10.50.51

    , Dynamic Decision Making, Interactive Learning Environment, Goal Setting, Organizational Culture ... , Dynamic Decision Making, Interactive Learning Environment, Goal Setting, Organizational Culture ... , Dynamic Decision Making, Interactive Learning Environment, Goal Setting, Organizational Culture

  • 14. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (21%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 15. NECS2021 Official Programme (20%)

    8-giu-2021 8.05.35

    14th annual conference, Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies, hosted by the Dipartimento ... the workshop session. At this interactive session, we start with two brief interventions from Claudy ... Gutenberg University of Mainz Fictional Refugee Cartographies: Re-Tracing Human Understanding Interactive

  • 16. INGRASSIA _ok (19%)

    23-set-2022 11.58.18

    -Ind Industriale, presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria (già Dipartimento ) POSIZIONI PREGRESSE Dal 27/12 ... del triennio di prova) nel S.S.D. Ing- presso il Dipartimento Innovazione Industriale e Digitale (già Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica, Meccanica) degli Studi di Palermo ... , collaboratore alla ricerca, presso il Dipartimento di Meccanica Università degli Studi di Palermo ... intelligente per il periodo 2014-2020 - Dipartimento Attività Produttive - Regione siciliana Componente

  • 17. Agathon_2008_2 (18%)

    8-mar-2013 20.06.14

    AGATHON_2008_2:AGATHON.qxd 06/12/2008 23.22 Pagina 1 U n i v e r s i t à d e g l i S t u d i d i P a l e r m o Dipartimento di Progetto e Costruzione Edilizia AGATHÓN R e c u p e r o e F r u ... di- Dipartimento di scepoli, riporta i temi presentati dai Docenti del Collegio di Dottorato, su questioni ... e amministrativo del Dipartimento. Maurizio De Luca Alberto Sposito Gillo Dorfles Maria Luisa Germanà ... Tricoli rivolgersi alla Biblioteca del Dipartimento di NELL’ALTRA RIMINI: LA DOMUS DEL CHIRURGO


    9-mag-2019 12.57.31

    characteristics, compensation, and job mobility of executives in family firms. An interactive ... Massimo Picone Alfredo De Massis PART 1 – INTERACTIVE SCHOLARLY CONVERSATIONS Executive psychological

  • 20. Abstract Prin Tedesco inglese (18%)

    3-giu-2020 16.46.49

    , second, to provide an analysis and visualization of these data in thematic and interactive maps ... , will be merged and integrated with the thematic and interactive maps. MML is the first italian