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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Inclusion Job Day (100%)

    27-ott-2023 10.10.09

    Inclusion Job Day articolo, notizia, unipa, Inclusion Job Day, malattie_rare, placement L’Inclusion Job Day offre alle persone con disabilità e/o appartenenti alle categorie protette ai sensi della legge 68/99 l’opportunità di: Conoscere aziende inclusive Entrare in contatto diretto con i recruiter Cogliere opportunità di lavoro in tutta Italia Crescere professionalmente ANGELO MISURACA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/

  • 2. Glossary_Global-ANSWER (60%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.58

    .....................................................................................................84 Social inclusion ... in how these practices promote the social inclusion of migrants and peo- ple seeking international ... and APPROACH resources for inclusion of a person, group or community due to cultural discrimination ... and inclusion. In Ad- Hargreaves, S. (2023). Codesigning an vances in Design for Inclusion: Proce ... International the national level by developing protection ac- Conference on Design for Inclusion and

  • 3. Guide-on-conceptual-and-methodological (60%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.59

    entities. Today, the reception and socio-economic inclusion of migrants, as well as the iden ... for the reception and social inclusion of newcomers. This guide presents the preliminary concept of good practices ... to the phenomenon of reception and social inclusion. Secondly, the research is approached from a gender and inter- sectoral perspective. Thirdly, a good practice of social inclusion in the field ... in the primary social inclusion, once they are already within the public or private system

  • 4. Workshop - Fostering Entrepreneurial and Resilient Organizations through Diversity and Inclusion (52%)

    24-giu-2024 9.46.34

    Hyatt New Orleans Workshop - Fostering Entrepreneurial and Resilient Organizations through Diversity and Inclusion convegni_seminari_seas, terza missione, ricerca, Academy of Management Professional Development Workshop (PDW): “Fostering Entrepreneurial and Resilient Organizations through Diversity and Inclusion” Aim: While existing research acknowledges the influence of human resources ... , Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Social Issues in Management (SIM), and Human Resources (HR) divisions

  • 5. 4° Meeting of the Partners in Nicosia, Cyprus (43%)

    12-giu-2024 8.45.24

    4° Meeting of the Partners in Nicosia, Cyprus articolo, notizia, unipa, Talent, training, drop-out, inclusion. Il 4° incontro transnazionale dei partner del progetto Talent si è svolto il 3 e 4 giugno 2024 a Nicosia, Cipro. È stato ospitato dal Centro per l'innovazione sociale. L'incontro si è concentrato sui seguenti risultati principali: - Lo sviluppo della piattaforma E-STOP. - la finalizzazione del materiale formativo - la pianificazione della fase di pilotaggio. La piattaforma E-STOP sarà

  • 6. Seminario internazionale "Fostering inclusion and participation of migrants: the role of sharing mobility" - Jean Monnet - Rider - 13 maggio 2019 ore 09:00 (42%)

    6-mag-2019 18.13.15

    Seminario internazionale "Fostering inclusion and participation of migrants: the role of sharing mobility" - Jean Monnet - Rider - 13 maggio 2019 ore 09:00 articolo, notizia, unipa, seminari Si comunica che giorno 13 maggio p.v. a partire dalle 09:00 presso l'Aula Capitò della Scuola Politecnica (Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 - Palermo) si terrà il seminario internazionale dal titolo "Fostering inclusion and participation of migrants: the role of sharing mobility"


    16-mar-2023 10.21.50

    TALENT PROJECT CLOUD-BASED EDUCATION FOR CREATIVE SPORT TALENTS articolo, notizia, unipa, Talent, Dual Career, drop-out, inclusion, bacheca terza missione, ERASMUS + project di UNIPA in collaborazione con 6 partner europei Clicca sulle immagini per ingrandirle Al via il progetto ERASMUS + TALENT di UNIPA il cui obiettivo è quello di promuovere la parità di istruzione, promuovere l'inclusione, sostenere la Dual Career, creare nuovi modelli di comportamento a beneficio dei giovani talenti

  • 8. TALENT PROJECT – Cloud-based education for creative sport talents (41%)

    22-mag-2023 12.44.10

    TALENT PROJECT – Cloud-based education for creative sport talents articolo, notizia, unipa, Talent, Dual Career, drop-out, inclusion, bacheca terza missione, ERASMUS + project di UNIPA, resoconto del meeting di Palermo 11-12 maggio 2023 L’11 e il 12 maggio 2023 si è svolto il primo meeting del progetto ERASMUS + TALENT, a conclusione dei primi sei mesi di progetto. Nel progetto, finalizzato alla promozione della parità di istruzione e di inclusione nell’ambito della Dual Career, Unipa è

  • 9. Programma_Mid-Term_13-15_04 (38%)

    12-apr-2023 9.52.15

    Justice and Inclusion in Education 1 13 April 2023 AULA MAGNA " ... /higher education and social inclusion Chair: Fabio Massimo Lo Verde (University of Palermo ... in France: between inclusion and assignment, Pierre-Yves Bernard, Céline Jacob, Gérald Houdeville ... , Mara Clemente (Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon; CIES- Iscte) • Challenges for the inclusion ... – h. 16:30 SESSION 13 – School/higher education and social inclusion Chair: Gabriele Pinna

  • 10. Language in global migration: policies and practices of inclusion (37%)

    14-set-2017 9.48.40

    Language in global migration: policies and practices of inclusion workshop, locandina, itastra 14-16 settembre 2017 Complesso di S. Antonino – Aula 101 Seminario internazionale nell’ambito del progetto “The protective role of language in global migration: language policies and practices in refugee settings (ProLanguage)”, finanziato dall’Economic and social research council (UK) Programma Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 11. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (33%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 12. solelunaPA21_Catalogo (32%)

    5-lug-2021 16.33.55

    , Alessandro Lo Cascio di Palermo, Elisa Sozzi Dipartimento servizio video, audio, luci produzione ... / shooting Mia Zdrale di Palermo, — Bernardo Giannone, Dipartimento In collaborazione ... to welcome and encourage the Sole Luna contrasto alla violenza di genere e al bullismo, inclusion, equal ... della themes of solidarity and social inclusion. The ed amplificata la platea dei destinatari ... di esperienze inclusion and equal opportunities, to stimulate positive, di promuovere inclusione

  • 13. 23 (32%)

    25-gen-2017 15.28.05

    Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, Dei Materiali DICAM IMPROVED ... of inclusion to matrix material are considered (10:1, 100:1, 1000:1). Two material microstructures ... inclusion diameter. The inclusion volume fraction of the RVE is 0.10. The RVEs constructed differ ... . The first microstructure morphology was generated by uniformly placing inclusion center points ... , center points of inclusion “clusters” were uniformly randomly placed using a Poisson process

  • 14. InFolio nr 40 - dicembre 2022 (27%)

    17-apr-2023 11.48.26

    40 RIVISTA DEL DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN ARCHITETTURA, ARTI E PIANIFICAZIONE DELL’UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO - DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA INNER AREAS IN FOLIO_40 | ISSN 1828-2482 Direttore ... , Elif Sezer, Salvatore Siringo Contatti Sede Dipartimento di Architettura ... highlighted how inner areas are a crucial part of our di ricerca del Dipartimento di Architettura ... participation in the redevelopment and renovation of abandoned, agriculture, social inclusion and

  • 15. Brochure RdC (ENG) (26%)

    19-gen-2021 20.54.34

    that aims at the labour integration and the promotion of social inclusion. It is an economic ... contact us by telephone. inclusion pact that is aimed at overcoming the state of poverty and it Can ... of summoned by the municipalities for the submission of the residence or domicile. Social Inclusion ... Inclusion Pacts. These projects are of the applicant’s whole family

  • 16. Projects (26%)

    12-apr-2022 19.24.22

    with disabilities inclusion in recreational environments during childhood. It aims to develop good practices and ... on play: Play as an inclusion facilitator" to introduce students to the benefits of inclusive play ... an educational community: strategies for raising awareness towards inclusion" to present good ... to collaborate with the common goal of promoting inclusion in school playgrounds. "Guide

  • 17. Projects (26%)

    20-lug-2022 19.14.51

    with disabilities inclusion in recreational environments during childhood. It aims to develop good practices and ... on play: Play as an inclusion facilitator" to introduce students to the benefits of inclusive ... for leading an educational community: strategies for raising awareness towards inclusion" to present ... members to collaborate with the common goal of promoting inclusion in school playgrounds. - "Guide


    24-set-2013 11.53.56

    nationality. In soccer teams a proxy that indicates lower racial discrimination (or higher inclusion and ... specific projects addressing racism and social inclusion; it also organizes activities for school-age ... that wanted to fight racism and foster social inclusion and diversity. We interpret this as evidence ... inclusion and diversity. H is not rejected, so we cannot detach interest on the social cause ... towards racial discrimination and to foster social inclusion in football, the KIO did not develop

  • 19. Mid-term International Conference di AIS-EDU (23%)

    12-apr-2023 9.53.00

    Mid-term International Conference di AIS-EDU articolo, notizia, unipa, Convegno internazionale, Sociologia dell'educazione, Education as Commons Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion in Education Con il supporto del progetto Horizon 2020 “SMOOTH. Educational Commons and Active Social Inclusion” Https:// , il 13-14-15 si terrà presso il nostro Ateneo il convegno ... Il programma dell’evento GIUSEPPE GIACONIA Education as Commons Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion

  • 20. sv75_group_report (Inguglia) (22%)

    18-mar-2014 13.06.50

    ) in order to foster their social inclusion as well as their sense of participation in the community ... people) in order to foster their social inclusion as well as their sense of participation ... education is often related to the issues of intercultural coexistence, inclusion of foreigner students ... countries there is a particular interest in the issues related to the inclusion and integration