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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. 2-cv_anastasi (78%)

    28-apr-2020 8.46.21

    di sensori • Energy/performance optimization in reti di sensori IEEE 802.15.4/ZigeBEE - 2 ... Sharing for Residential BitTorrent Users”, IEEE International Symposium on Computers and ... 2006-07 Power Management in IEEE 802.16e (WiMax) Networks Contratto di Ricerca finanziato da Nokia ... prestazioni del meccanismo di power management in reti IEEE 802.16e (WiMax). 7. PROMOZIONE ... Guest Editor • G. Anastasi, Y. Liu, D. Nicklas, S. Ward, Special Issue of Selected Papers from IEEE

  • 2. cv prof. anastasi (78%)

    14-apr-2022 17.09.31

    di sensori • Energy/performance optimization in reti di sensori IEEE 802.15.4/ZigeBEE - 2 ... Sharing for Residential BitTorrent Users”, IEEE International Symposium on Computers and ... 2006-07 Power Management in IEEE 802.16e (WiMax) Networks Contratto di Ricerca finanziato da Nokia ... prestazioni del meccanismo di power management in reti IEEE 802.16e (WiMax). 7. PROMOZIONE ... Guest Editor • G. Anastasi, Y. Liu, D. Nicklas, S. Ward, Special Issue of Selected Papers from IEEE

  • 3. TRAINING / IEEE Webinar Standards (75%)

    3-dic-2015 11.50.45

    TRAINING / IEEE Webinar Standards training, biblioteca digitale, ieee Martedì 8 Dicembre IEEE terrà ... at IEEE Standards" This training will cover: - New standards from partner organizations now available in IEEE Xplore - A preview of upcoming additional Standards features - Locating valuable learning tools related to IEEE Standards - A review of the new layout with added features - Creating " ... -at-ieee-standards-december-2015 LUCIA GALLUZZO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/attivita/

  • 4. IEEE Xplore Digital Library (74%)

    17-apr-2024 15.57.49

    IEEE Xplore Digital Library IEEE Xplore Digital Library, IEEE, biblioteca digitale, unipa, Consente l’accesso alla IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL), che comprende le pubblicazioni edite dall'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) e dall'Institution of Engineering and Technology ... dati consente l'accesso anche alla collezione di 45 eBook IEEE-Wiley e-book frontlist 2015. Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) e Institution of Engineering and Technology

  • 5. IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - IEEE MELECON 2022 (69%)

    20-mag-2022 14.49.29

    Sala Magna, Steri | Polididattico - Ed. 19 Campus di viale delle Scienze articolo, notizia, unipa, IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, IEEE MELECON 2022 Da martedì 14 a giovedì 16 giugno al Polididattico - Edificio 19 del Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze si tiene la ventunesima edizione della conferenza internazionale “IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - IEEE ... IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - IEEE MELECON 2022 FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale

  • 6. 4th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (IEEE RTSI 2018) (67%)

    2-ago-2018 10.15.15

    Scuola Politecnica, viale delle Scienze 38.1037308 13.345778800000062 4th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (IEEE RTSI 2018) articolo, notizia, unipa, International Forum, IEEE, scuola politecnica, Dal 10 al 13 settembre 2018, si svolgerà il 4th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (IEEE RTSI 2018). General chairs: prof. Guido Ala (UNIPA - DEIM), Dr. Tiziana Tambosso (IEEE Italy Section Chair). L’evento avrà

  • 7. cv_boggia-corretto (67%)

    14-apr-2021 10.06.52

    al grado di IEEE Senior Member nel 2009. • Best paper Award [C.18] all’IEEE VTC Fall Conf., 2004. Gennaro ... : • Associate Technical Editor (dal 2017 ad oggi) della rivista “IEEE Communication Magazine ... challenges” nell’ambito della conferenza “IEEE Int. Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and ... . • Co-chair del track “Factory Automation & Industrial Informatics” nell’ambito della conferenza “IEEE ... Organizzativo della conferenza “IEEE Int. Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2010”, 4-7 luglio

  • 8. cv prof. cecati (65%)

    14-apr-2022 17.09.31

    . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol. 36, p. 1804-1813, ISSN: 0885-8993, doi: 10.1109/TPEL ... with an LCL-filter for Weak Grids. IEEE ACCESS, p. 1, ISSN: 2169-3536, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3061141 ... space vector structure for drives. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol. 67, p. 126-135 ... 2020 Unipolar Pulsewidth Modulation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol. 67, p. 3573 ... : Advantages, Challenges, and 9 2020 Corresponding Technical Solutions. IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE

  • 9. cv ferrara (65%)

    16-gen-2018 13.49.07

    . As a student at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Genova, she got the "IEEE North Italy ... are international journal papers. From 2000 to 2004 she has been Associate Editor of the IEEE ... of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Since January 2014, she is Associate Editor of the IEEE ... Conference ECC14 held in Strasbourg, France, and Program Vice Chair of the 22nd IEEE Mediterranean ... Publication Chair for IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2019 to be held in Nice, France. She

  • 10. cv prof. alippi (65%)

    14-apr-2022 17.09.30

    applications  2016 IEEE CIS Outstanding Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Paper ... , M.Roveri, IEEE TNLS, 2013.  Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society ... by the President of the Italian Republic), 2011  IEEE Fellow, “for contributions to robustness and application-level synthesis of embedded information processing systems”, 2006  2003 IEEE ... .”  IEEE Senior Member, “for contributions to robustness and application-level synthesis of embedded

  • 11. cv villani (62%)

    16-gen-2018 13.49.07

    , translated in Italian (2008), Greek (2014) and Chinese (2015). He is Senior Member IEEE. He was Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology from 2005 to 2011, Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Robotics from 2007 to 2011, Associate editor of the Conference Editorial Board of IEEE Control System Society from 2000 to 2010, as well as Program Committee member of various international conferences with peer-reviewed papers. Since June 2015 he is Associate Editor of IEEE

  • 12. IEEE MELECON 2020 - 20th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (61%)

    15-giu-2020 8.58.26

    online IEEE MELECON 2020 - 20th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference articolo, notizia, unipa, melecon 2020, ieee, electrotechnologies Lunedì 15 giugno prende il via con una sessione di "tutorial" online la ventesima edizione della conferenza internazionale "IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - IEEE MELECON 2020" con il patrocinio dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo. I lavori del convegno si inaugurano con una opening session martedì 16 alle 14.00

  • 13. cv_cuomo (61%)

    14-apr-2021 10.06.53

    (IEEE VTC 2016, IEEE WoWMoM 2019)  1 BEST PRESENTATION AWARD (ICCAI 2019)  Vincitrice di 3 BORSE ... )  3 MEMBERSHIPS in enti scientifici internazionali (IEEE Senior Member dal 2011, COMSOC, N2WOMEN ... editoriali  ASSOCIATE EDITOR di 4 riviste scientifiche internazionali - IEEE Transactions on Mobile ... -Hoc Networks”)  GENERAL CHAIR di 1 workshop internazionale (IEEE INFOCOM SMILING 2019)  TPC ... '14, ICCCN 2016, IEEE WiMoB’17, ICCAI 2020)  WORKSHOP CHAIR di 1 conferenza internazionale

  • 14. cv prof antonio pietrosanto (61%)

    14-apr-2022 17.09.30

    of air quality. IEEE INSTRUMENTATION & MEASUREMENT MAGAZINE, vol. 23, p. 51-56, ISSN: 1094-6969 ... of 5 2020 the Inshell Hazelnuts Based on TD-NMR Analysis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND ... Pipeline Cathodic Protection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, vol. 69, p. 873 ... in Semiactive Motorcycle Suspension Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, vol. 69, p ... of temperature tests for 12 2020 inertial measurement units in avionic applications. In: 2020 IEEE

  • 15. IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library (Archivi) (61%)

    27-giu-2024 12.08.59

    IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library (Archivi) IEEE-Wiley eBooksLibrary, ebooks, ieee, biblioteca digitale, Archivio disponibile: anno 2015 La collezione di eBook si estende a numerose aree disciplinari tra cui bioingegneria, potenza ed energia e tecnologie delle comunicazioni e altre aree di ricerca in crescita. a collezione comprende manuali pratici, testi introduttivi e avanzati, opere di consultazione ... =BookType:Wiley-IEEE%20Press> Area disciplinare: ingegneria elettrica, elettronica ed informatica Tipologia

  • 16. IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering e IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Conference EUrope (60%)

    11-giu-2018 12.14.04

    Edificio 19 (Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze), Complesso monumentale dello Steri (piazza Marina 61) IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering e IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Conference EUrope articolo, notizia, unipa, IEEE EEEIC18, I&CPS Europe L'Università di Palermo ospita la 18a edizione dello IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering e la 2a IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Conference

  • 17. IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering e IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Conference Europe (60%)

    11-giu-2018 12.11.08

    Edificio 19 (Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze), Complesso monumentale dello Steri (piazza Marina 61) IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering e IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Conference Europe articolo, notizia, unipa, IEEE EEEIC18, I&CPS Europe L'Università di Palermo ospita la 18a edizione dello IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering e la 2a IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Conference

  • 18. BANCHE DATI / Formazione a distanza su IEEE Xplore (59%)

    2-dic-2014 9.17.37

    BANCHE DATI / Formazione a distanza su IEEE Xplore banche dati online, biblioteca digitale, formazione a distanza, webinar, IEEE La responsabile dei training per la IEEE, la Dr.ssa Eszter Lukacs terrà un corso online sull’utilizzo della piattaforma Xplore , rivolto a blibliotecari, professori, studenti e ricercatori Martedì 9 Dicembre alle 11.00 Per partecipare sarà sufficiente registrarsi ... for Using IEEE Xplore: Get an in-depth look at the IEEE Xplore interface, features, and tools. Free

  • 19. cv_liguori (58%)

    17-apr-2020 12.00.55

    of the Environmental Noise Through Sampling Approach: Selection of the Measurement Time. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ... for Estimating the Workers' Exposure to Acoustic Noise. In: 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2018) Proceedings. p. 1062-1067, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5386-2222-3 ... of the inshell hazelnuts 4 2018 quality parameters. In: 2MTC 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation ... , Proceedings. p. 1-6, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5386-2222-3, Royal Sonesta HotelHouston;, United States; 14 May

  • 20. Premio Internazionale “IEEE Italian Fuzzy Pioneer Award” al prof. Settimo Termini (58%)

    21-lug-2017 13.31.20

    Premio Internazionale “IEEE Italian Fuzzy Pioneer Award” al prof. Settimo Termini Premio Internazionale, IEEE Italian Fuzzy Pioneer Award, Settimo Termini, Il prof. Settimo Termini, già ordinario ... ” dalla Associazione Europea di Logica Fuzzy, Eusflat congiuntamente con la IEEE, “for his valuable ... riconoscimento gli è stato conferito lo scorso 10 luglio nel corso della cerimonia di apertura della “IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy systems” (FUZZ-IEEE 2017) tenutasi per la prima volta in Italia