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  • 1. Religion, ideology, politics, and law. A multidisciplinary approach in the frame of European history (100%)

    4-mar-2020 13.37.18

    Religion, ideology, politics, and law. A multidisciplinary approach in the frame of European history articolo, notizia, unipa, storia europea, religion, ideology, politics, law Nell’ambito della Terza Missione dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo è organizzato il convegno internazionale dal titolo "Religion, ideology, politics, and law. A multidisciplinary approach in the frame of European history", che si propone di sondare, in prospettiva storica e con approccio multidisciplinare

  • 2. Inguglia_Mediating and moderating processes in the relationship (41%)

    7-mag-2020 9.20.10

    multicultural ideology and attitudes towards immigrants in emerging adults Pasquale Musso1, Cristiano ... multicultural ideology and attitudes towards immigrants. Additionally, the moderating role of context ... the relationship between multicultural ideology and attitudes towards immigrants. Also, this indirect ... ideology and attitudes towards immigrants and suggest important implications for practitioners interested in promoting intercultural relations among emerging adults. Keywords: Multicultural ideology

  • 3. Three_Late_Qing_Chinese_translations_of (36%)

    19-gen-2021 10.45.43

    of Robinson Crusoe 81 Crusoe is explicitly enabled by an ideology of overseas expansion—directly ... through a critical historical juncture, the novelistic representation of colonialist ideology in Robinson ... of the colonized. Imperialist ideology is dependent on these two complimentary aspects, power and submission ... implicit in the social order and logic of Christianity and imperialist ideology. In some ways ... . In the context of missionary ideology in China at this time, such revision may be read as a type

  • 4. ordine 038 | Acquisto libri (25%)

    18-mar-2021 12.19.00

    13 1 ; W ? + $ * atic Polis. Ideology and Critique in Classical ... Polis. Ideology and Critique in Classical +)€ +)€ Y ` < = }~'ƒ ZQ?!> ... ? + $ * c Polis. Ideology and Critique in Classical +)€ +)€ Y ` < ... ? + $ * c Polis. Ideology and Critique in Classical +)€ +)€ Y ... ? + $ * c Polis. Ideology and Critique in Classical +)€ +)€ Y ` <

  • 5. cv_leone (23%)

    14-apr-2021 10.47.55

  • 6. determina-prot-1549-del-23-04-2020 (23%)

    29-apr-2020 16.04.03

    . Mario Varvaro per la pubblicazione degli Atti del Convegno Nazionale su “Religion, Ideology ... contributo stampa e consegna di 10 copie degli Atti del Convegno Nazionale su “Religion, Ideology ... copie degli Atti del Convegno Nazionale su “Religion, Ideology, Politics, And Law

  • 7. giorgio pino_cv (20%)

    29-apr-2020 12.12.34

    2014. 2014 “Legal Disagreements, Legal Ideology, Judicial Duty - and Other Puzzles Surrounding ... , 13 dicembre 2013. 2013 “Legal Disagreements, Legal Ideology, Judicial Duty - and Other Puzzles ... Disagreements, Legal Ideology, Judicial Duty - and Other Puzzles Surrounding the Rule of Recognition”, KJuris

  • 9. Area-lingue-straniere-2004-06 (19%)

    30-mag-2013 14.44.47

    . Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology, Routledge, London, pp. 75-85. HATIM B., MASON I. (1997 ... Text”, in L. VENUTI, Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology, Routledge, London ... Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology, Routledge, London. VENUTI L. (1995

  • 10. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (19%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 11. Programma_Documenting legal multiculturalism (19%)

    16-giu-2022 16.40.10

    di Palermo The Byzantine legal tradition in Norman Sicily: texts, practice, ideology CHAIR Emanuele Conte ore ... Eduardo MANZANO | CSIC – Madrid Legal practice and political ideology in al-Andalus CHAIR Isabel Trujillo

  • 12. summer-school-2022-allegato-1 (19%)

    13-giu-2022 10.26.02

    di Palermo The Byzantine legal tradition in Norman Sicily: texts, practice, ideology CHAIR Emanuele Conte ore ... Eduardo MANZANO | CSIC – Madrid Legal practice and political ideology in al-Andalus CHAIR Isabel Trujillo

  • 14. CV kearney Richard (16%)

    20-mag-2013 10.49.15

    Journal , Vol. 9, No. 2, ibid., pp. 5-7 “Religion and Ideology: Ricoeur's Hermeneutic conflict ... “Transitional Narratives” in: The Honest Ulsterman , No. 82, Belfast, 1986 “Religion and Ideology ... ” in: Modern Irish Poetry, ed. E. Andrews, McMillan, London, 1990 “Ideology and Religion

  • 15. curriculum lancioni (16%)

    24-apr-2020 7.26.38

    Generativa, Milano, 23-25 febbraio 1995. 1995 “Rhetoric and Ideology in Abū Hayyūn’s Kitāb ... Ideology in Abū Ḥayyān’s Kitāb al-Idrāk”, The Arabist 17 (Proceedings of the Colloquium on Logos, Ethos

  • 16. 19_Matteo Zaccarini_Hormos3ns_2011 (16%)

    8-mar-2013 22.32.58

    political ideology see F. Ollier, Le mirage spartiate. Étude sur l’idéalisation de Sparte

  • 17. cv bessone (16%)

    17-apr-2018 9.36.04

    -Champaign, 23-25/04/2010; – “Critical Interactions: Constructing Heroic Models and Imperial Ideology

  • 18. PRE TAL C1.1 modello esame da giugno 2020 (16%)

    18-mag-2020 9.13.41

    , ideology, and the symbolic meanings that colours convey. How to make sense of all of these elements ... as iconography, ideology, and the symbolic meanings that colours convey. How to make sense of all of these

  • 19. Programma_ReSignifications conference (13%)

    5-giu-2018 12.55.26

    Moderator: Maurizio Calbi bodies appears to function as the symbolic bridge connecting the ideology

  • 20. ReSignifications conference booklet (13%)

    6-giu-2018 12.38.44

    Moderator: Maurizio Calbi bodies appears to function as the symbolic bridge connecting the ideology