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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Area-economico-aziendale-2007 (100%)

    30-mag-2013 14.45.58

    Imprese presso la Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione - Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali - Università ... di Scienze Motorie - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Finanziarie - Università ... - body could be negated the access to the good when produced. 12 PAOLO DI BETTA - CARLO AMENTA ... or by setting the rules of access to the facility. In the first case we see the public entity ... the firm (or belonging to firms whose access is guaranteed) (4). (3) Williamson (1985: ch. 2 par. 2.1a

  • 2. Di Stefano Artes EDIH PSTS (97%)

    23-apr-2024 17.31.04

    and tools capable of guaranteeing adequate access to finance for companies and PA. The promotion ... with services and tools capable of guaranteeing adequate access to finance to make feasible the improvements. WP4 aims to facilitate the access to finance bridging the investment gap by means of technical ... of technological and financial needs, access to European/national/regional financings, access to finance and business and access to capital market/equity. Addressing both private company and public

  • 3. Immatricolazione LM82-LMData (86%)

    23-apr-2024 9.23.03

    procedure for access to the Master’s Degree for NON-EU students living abroad applying for a visa ... pubblicate anche sul sito del Dipartimento. Il trasferimento di studenti da altri Corsi di Laurea ... -enrolment procedure, the university offices carry out an initial check of the access requirements. If ... ), the student is invited to carry out an interview with an access committee which will evaluate motivations ... invited by the access committee can carry out the interview via Microsoft Teams platform according

  • 4. Area-Economico-Finanziaria-2007 (84%)

    30-mag-2013 14.45.39

    in- terrelationship with the economy of the territory considered with its speci- ficity. (*) Dipartimento di Scienze

  • 5. ANNALI-2009_LXIII (84%)

    30-mag-2013 14.43.12

    . * Professore associato di Economia e gestione delle imprese - Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali ... percentage (hence its “probabilistic” membership). Analogously, by securing the access to facilities ... consequenty lower investment. Notice that a remains the same. If the bidding firm can have access to lower

  • 6. CV Mineo (77%)

    17-set-2021 14.40.49

    SECS- S/01 Statistica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Stati- stiche dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Attualmente è Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche ... Universitario in Statistica, settore S01A-Statistica, presso il Dipartimento di Tecnologia ... SECS/S01 – Statistica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Stati- stiche ... di Ricerca in Statistica del Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche e Matematiche ”Silvio Vianelli

  • 7. Articoli di Ricerca Comuni a tutti i Corsi di Laurea - Lingua Inglese - Corso di Recupero (77%)

    28-ott-2013 10.06.44

    offered easier access to destinations (Peric, 2005). The rapid spread of information technology has ... that allowed for market access for private carriers, the formation of international alliances ... value for money. Consumers have also begun to demand easier access to information technology, lower

  • 8. Studio ed esercitazione GLOBALIZATION, TOURISM AND CULTURE (77%)

    28-ott-2013 10.05.42

    offered easier access to destinations. glossario minimo suppliers = fornitori reservation ... that allowed for market access for private carriers, the formation of international alliances, privatization

  • 9. Bando di concorso per l'ammissione ai corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca XXXVI Ciclo (70%)

    24-giu-2020 11.28.01

    ) Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof.ssa Antonina PIRROTTA Dipartimento Ingegneria Totale Posti ... Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Filippo SCHILLECI Dipartimento Architettura Totale ... FORESTRY Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Tiziano CARUSO Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie ... BUCCHIERI Dipartimento Biomedicina, Neuroscienze e Diagnostica Avanzata Totale Posti con borsa 10 ... Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Giorgio Domenico Maria MICALE Dipartimento Ingegneria Totale Posti

  • 10. Annali2014 (70%)

    31-mar-2015 12.40.24

    E REDAZIONE Dipartimento SEAS Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 13 90128 Palermo E-mail: bibliotecaeconomia

  • 11. Workshop_Banking_Palermo_2016_web (70%)

    12-apr-2016 7.37.40

    access to financial services after the Spanish bank restructuring. Prof. Alfredo Martín, University ... /seas/Workshop_Palermo_2016 Contact details Prof. Enzo Scannella University

  • 12. Brochure_Master_hospitality_2016_2017_web (70%)

    8-mar-2016 7.38.28

    information on how to access INPS grants see Tourism and Hospitality Research, Education, Consultancy

  • 13. locandina_Master_HFB_2016_high 2 (70%)

    8-mar-2016 7.38.20

    on how to access INPS grants see the notice online atthe following link button INPS HFB / Giving your

  • 14. Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche (70%)

    8-apr-2013 13.11.20

    open access, etc.) Biblioteche Regione Sicilia Repertori Bibliografici (EconLit) Banca Dati ARIANNA

  • 15. procedura convenzione-eng (70%)

    23-set-2019 13.09.23

    Procedure to stipulate an internship agreement 1) Registration To conclude an internship agreement with the University of Palermo, the company must register on the Almalaurea web portal available at the following links:  Modulo di registrazione per Enti/Aziende 2) Login into the Almalaurea web portal After registration, the company will receive the login credentials for access to the Almalaurea web portal:  Accesso

  • 16. Dottorandi (70%)

    30-mar-2022 13.13.04

    Francesco Frangiamore Italian XXXVI Applied Macroeconomics Empirical analysis of SME's access

  • 17. CICLO DI SEMINARI_Mendola_2122_ENG (70%)

    5-apr-2022 9.25.47

    in English both online and in presence or exclusively online. To access the Teams platform, please send

  • 18. PhDs' students and Phds (70%)

    27-lug-2023 15.27.25

    del Dipartimento della Lekie in Camerun. D/SEAS Working Paper (in press). Cinzia Pinello Italian Business ... ), Dipartimento SEAS, UNIPA Augugliaro L, Sottile G, Vinciotti V (2020). The conditional censored graphical lasso ... analysis Francesco Frangiamore Italian Applied Macroeconomics Empirical analysis of SME's access

  • 19. Dottorandi e Dottori di ricerca (70%)

    27-lug-2023 15.25.54

    , Bioinformatics Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipologia A (PON AIM linea 1), Dipartimento SEAS, UNIPA ... -history analysis Francesco Frangiamore Italian Applied Macroeconomics Empirical analysis of SME's access ... Bissene, N.F. (2021). La povertà rurale in Africa Sub-sahariana: il caso del Dipartimento della Lekie in Camerun. D/SEAS Working Paper (in press). Cinzia Pinello Italian Business Management Marketing

  • 20. Dottorandi (70%)

    10-nov-2023 15.06.22

    analysis of SME's access to finance Debora Gambina Italian Economic Policy Implementation and evaluation