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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. History of Philosophy (93%)

    8-mar-2013 20.21.10

    on the research themes at every level of academic education (PhD, MA, BA). History, of, Philosophy Some ... the necessity, for a proper understanding of the history of Western thought, of a reconstruction of the lines ... , Nietzsche and Locke. Being aware of the unavoidable relationship between theory and history ... historiographical stereotypes and at finding some promising solutions, in the history of Western thought, to some of the central contemporary problems. Scientific aim of the project History of Philosophy SISTEMA

  • 2. Global History. Theories and strategies | Ciclo di seminari (81%)

    13-giu-2024 18.35.55

    Global History. Theories and strategies | Ciclo di seminari storia, public history, world history, studi globali, Culture e Società, Unipa Fino al 24 giugno 2024, presso l'Aula 807 del Dipartimento ... History. Theories and strategies. Intervengono: Xin Chen, University of Virginia, Usa - Shangai ... of the Concept of 'World History' in the experience of globalization lunedì 24 giugno Can Public History lead to a paradigm shift in History? Visualizza la locandina > FILOMENA CIAVANNI Palermo | 18 giugno

  • 3. Global History. Theories and strategies | Ciclo di seminari (81%)

    13-giu-2024 18.35.55

    Global History. Theories and strategies | Ciclo di seminari storia, public history, world history, studi globali, Culture e Società, Unipa Fino al 24 giugno 2024, presso l'Aula 807 del Dipartimento ... History. Theories and strategies. Intervengono: Xin Chen, University of Virginia, Usa - Shangai ... of the Concept of 'World History' in the experience of globalization lunedì 24 giugno Can Public History lead to a paradigm shift in History? Visualizza la locandina > FILOMENA CIAVANNI Palermo | 18 giugno

  • 4. BA, MA, Specialization Courses (78%)

    30-set-2013 11.48.27

    Responsibility) - BA Course in Philosophy - 2010-11 Models of reading of texts: theories of texts History of Contemporary Philosophy Programs, -, History, of, Philosophy Le dinamiche della storia del pensiero (The Dynamics of the History of Thought) - BA Course in Philosophy of Knowledge and Communication ... Determinism in the History of Western Philosophy) - BA Course in Philosophical and Historical Studies - 2013 ... in the History of Western Philosophy) - BA Course in Philosophical and Historical Studies - 2012-13

  • 5. “History & Politics Summer School” – Al via la quinta edizione (62%)

    24-ago-2020 12.07.29

    History & Politics Summer School” – Al via la quinta edizione articolo, notizia, unipa, summer school, history & politics summer school, dems, marsala Lunedì 24 agosto, alle 10.30, nella Sala conferenze del Complesso Monumentale San Pietro di Marsala, prenderà il via la quinta edizione della “History & Politics Summer School” organizzata dal Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle ... . La prolusione sarà tenuta da Romano Prodi. I webinar della “History & Politics Summer School

  • 6. Ciclo di seminari "Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach" (61%)

    19-giu-2018 10.20.31

    Edificio 12, Campus universitari, viale delle Scienze 38.1030482 13.347894200000042 Ciclo di seminari "Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach" articolo, notizia, unipa, "Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach" Nell'ambito delle attività finanziate grazie al programma CORI 2017 per l'avvio ... sul tema "History of Philosophy and History of Science: Nietzsche, Darwin, Boscovich and Mach

  • 7. History & Politics Summer School 2020 (59%)

    30-lug-2020 18.00.18

    Sala conferenze, Complesso Monumentale San Pietro, Marsala (TP) History & Politics Summer School 2020 articolo, notizia, unipa, History & Politics Summer School, summer school Lunedì 24 agosto, alle 10.30, nella Sala conferenze del Complesso Monumentale San Pietro di Marsala, prende il via la quinta edizione della "History & Politics Summer School" organizzata dal Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali (DEMS) dell'Università degli Studi

  • 8. Ciclo di lezioni: Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach (58%)

    18-mag-2018 9.54.01

    Ciclo di lezioni: Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach dipartimento scienze umanistiche, ciclo di lezioni, Perspectives in the History Il Professor Pietro Gori dell'Università di Lisbona terrà dal 28 maggio all' 1 giugno un ciclo di lezioni sul tema Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach nell'ambito del progetto CORI 2017. Visualizza locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 9. Seminari plenary: “On a Quantum Future: History and Society” (57%)

    28-mag-2018 16.21.51

    Aula Capitò - Scuola Politecnica, in viale delle Scienze Seminari plenary: “On a Quantum Future: History and Society” Seminari plenary, On a Quantum Future: History and Society, Rosario Lo Franco, Lunedì 28 maggio 2018, alle ore 15, nell’Aula Capitò della Scuola Politecnica, in viale delle Scienze, si svolgeranno i Seminari plenary: “On a Quantum Future: History and Society”. L’evento è sponsorizzato dal progetto CORI (Cooperazione Internazionale per la formazione e la Ricerca) – Unipa

  • 10. Teacher body (54%)

    14-nov-2023 19.26.52

    Studies and Planning UNIPA - DARCH AGNELLO Fabrizio Representation, Restoration, History: studies ... Centered Approach UNIPA - DARCH AVELLA Fabrizio Representation, Restoration, History: studies ... BARBERA Paola Representation, Restoration, History: studies on architectural heritage UNICT - DICAR BARONE Zaira Representation, Restoration, History: studies on architectural heritage UNIPA - DARCH ... Teresa Representation, Restoration, History: studies on architectural heritage UNIKORE - ARCH

  • 11. History and Politics Summer School "Planet, Women, Peace" (54%)

    22-giu-2023 14.45.53

    Ex Stabilimento Florio delle Tonnare - Favignana (TP) articolo, notizia, unipa, trapani, history and politics, summer school, planet, women, peace Da mercoledì 28 giugno a sabato 1 luglio, nell'Ex Stabilimento Florio delle Tonnare di Favignana (TP), si tiene l'VIII edizione della History and Politics Summer School dal titolo "Planet, Women, Peace", diretta dal prof. Giorgio Scichilone ... . Visualizza la locandina History and Politics Summer School "Planet, Women, Peace"

  • 12. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (52%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

    Introduction to Assessment and Examinations in Post-Primary Education ………………….. 53 Irish Educational History ... ................................................................................. 70 History of Education ... .................................................................................................................. 111 History ... O’Connell Irish Educational History and Policy John Walsh History ... Brendan O’Shea (Year 1) Geography Frank Milling (Year 2) TBC History David

  • 13. Ciclo di lezioni: Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach (51%)

    18-mag-2018 9.35.06

    Ciclo di lezioni: Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach CdS, Studi filosofici e storici, dipartimento scienze umanistiche, ciclo di lezioni, bando Cori 2017, Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science Il Professor Pietro Gori dell'Università di Lisbona terrà dal 28 maggio all' 1 giugno un ciclo di lezioni sul tema Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach nell'ambito del progetto CORI 2017. Visualizza


    8-mar-2013 18.51.43

    Page 13 L-42 STORIA HISTORY Curriculum History - Curriculum Storia Page 14 Curriculum History of Art - Curriculum Storia dell’Arte Page 15 1 L- 1- CULTURAL HERITAGE BENI CULTURALI 1st YEAR credits Archaeology and History of Greek Art 12 Computer Science Laboratory ... Literature 12 Greek History 12 Group of optional educational activities 12 2nd YEAR credits Archaeology and History of Roman Art 12 Group of optional educational activities II 12 Group of optional

  • 15. scheda-trasparenza-history-of-migrations (43%)

    10-gen-2022 14.14.20

    , RIGHTS, INTEGRATION SUBJECT HISTORY OF MIGRATIONS TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY B AMBIT 50648-storico ... of contemporary history, with particular reference to the history of republican Italy LEARNING OUTCOMES - Knowledge and understanding: Students will gain knowledge of the major trends of history of human migrations, with particular reference to the history of immigration to Italy - Applying knowledge and comprehension: Students will learn to understand the history of migrations at an advanced

  • 16. (40%)

    11-apr-2022 16.25.49

    Dec. 2001- ... Full Professor of History of economics and International Economics (Università di Palermo, Department of Political Sciences). Nov 1998-2001: Associate Professor of History ... of History of Economic Thought (Università di Pisa, Law Faculty) Main research fields (current in bold) Economic History (banks; central banks and financial institutions; financial markets; economic policy; international monetary systems) History of Economic Thought (Keynes; Institutionalism

  • 17. UNIPA SPRINGER SERIES Book Proposal Form (39%)

    20-apr-2020 12.33.38

    Business Ethics E15000 History of Philosophy E16000 Logic E17000Medieval Philosophy E18000Metaphysics ... Philosophy E41000Moral Philosophy E42000 Philosophy of History E43000 Social Philosophy E44000 Philosophical ... , general K11001 Architects K12008 Architectural History and Theory K13004 Building Types and Functions ... L29000 Sport L29010 Sport Science L31000 History of Biology N Linguistics N00000Linguistics ... Linguistics N61000Language History N62000Language Change N63000Slang and Jargon N64000Language Policy and

  • 18. c v prof mosca (38%)

    20-mag-2022 12.25.15

    Lingue straniere conosciute Inglese, Francese Premi e Riconoscimenti 2019 Premio della History ... . 2009 Premio della History of Economics Society (USA) per il miglior articolo in Storia ... ;, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, XV, 2008, n.2, pp. 317-353. Attività ... Papers Journal of the History of Economic Thought History of Political Economy The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought History of Economic Ideas History of Economic Thought and

  • 19. Section History and Representation - SfeRA (38%)

    19-ott-2017 9.50.00

    Section History and Representation - SfeRA darch, architecture, Section Its main fields of research are history of architecture and representation. They share architecture and the city as a common domain to pursue analysis and research. History spans its interests from artistic aspects ... members: Full Professors ICAR 17 Drawing techniques and theories: Nunzio Marsiglia; ICAR 18 History ... : Raffaello Frasca; ICAR 18 History of Architecture: Stefano Piazza, Ettore Sessa; Assistant

  • 20. Section History and Representation - SfeRA (38%)

    19-ott-2017 9.50.00

    Section History and Representation - SfeRA darch, architecture, Section Its main fields of research are history of architecture and representation. They share architecture and the city as a common domain to pursue analysis and research. History spans its interests from artistic aspects ... Professors ICAR 17 Drawing techniques and theories: Nunzio Marsiglia; ICAR 18 History of Architecture ... , Laura Inzerillo, Francesco Maggio; ICAR 18 History of Architecture: Stefano Piazza, Ettore Sessa