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  • 1. Global History. Theories and strategies | Ciclo di seminari (100%)

    13-giu-2024 18.35.55

    Global History. Theories and strategies | Ciclo di seminari storia, public history, world history, studi globali, Culture e Società, Unipa Fino al 24 giugno 2024, presso l'Aula 807 del Dipartimento ... History. Theories and strategies. Intervengono: Xin Chen, University of Virginia, Usa - Shangai ... of the Concept of 'World History' in the experience of globalization lunedì 24 giugno Can Public History lead to a paradigm shift in History? Visualizza la locandina > FILOMENA CIAVANNI Palermo | 18 giugno

  • 2. Ciclo di lezioni: Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach (73%)

    18-mag-2018 9.54.01

    Ciclo di lezioni: Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach dipartimento scienze umanistiche, ciclo di lezioni, Perspectives in the History Il Professor Pietro Gori dell'Università di Lisbona terrà dal 28 maggio all' 1 giugno un ciclo di lezioni sul tema Perspectives in the History of Philosophy and Science. Nietzsche, Darwin, Mach nell'ambito del progetto CORI 2017. Visualizza locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 3. Teacher body (67%)

    14-nov-2023 19.26.52

    Studies and Planning UNIPA - DARCH AGNELLO Fabrizio Representation, Restoration, History: studies ... Centered Approach UNIPA - DARCH AVELLA Fabrizio Representation, Restoration, History: studies ... BARBERA Paola Representation, Restoration, History: studies on architectural heritage UNICT - DICAR BARONE Zaira Representation, Restoration, History: studies on architectural heritage UNIPA - DARCH ... Teresa Representation, Restoration, History: studies on architectural heritage UNIKORE - ARCH

  • 4. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (64%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

    Introduction to Assessment and Examinations in Post-Primary Education ………………….. 53 Irish Educational History ... ................................................................................. 70 History of Education ... .................................................................................................................. 111 History ... O’Connell Irish Educational History and Policy John Walsh History ... Brendan O’Shea (Year 1) Geography Frank Milling (Year 2) TBC History David

  • 5. scheda-trasparenza-history-of-migrations (55%)

    10-gen-2022 14.14.20

    , RIGHTS, INTEGRATION SUBJECT HISTORY OF MIGRATIONS TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY B AMBIT 50648-storico ... of contemporary history, with particular reference to the history of republican Italy LEARNING OUTCOMES - Knowledge and understanding: Students will gain knowledge of the major trends of history of human migrations, with particular reference to the history of immigration to Italy - Applying knowledge and comprehension: Students will learn to understand the history of migrations at an advanced

  • 6. (50%)

    11-apr-2022 16.25.49

    Dec. 2001- ... Full Professor of History of economics and International Economics (Università di Palermo, Department of Political Sciences). Nov 1998-2001: Associate Professor of History ... of History of Economic Thought (Università di Pisa, Law Faculty) Main research fields (current in bold) Economic History (banks; central banks and financial institutions; financial markets; economic policy; international monetary systems) History of Economic Thought (Keynes; Institutionalism

  • 7. Section History and Representation - SfeRA (48%)

    19-ott-2017 9.50.00

    Section History and Representation - SfeRA darch, architecture, Section Its main fields of research are history of architecture and representation. They share architecture and the city as a common domain to pursue analysis and research. History spans its interests from artistic aspects ... members: Full Professors ICAR 17 Drawing techniques and theories: Nunzio Marsiglia; ICAR 18 History ... : Raffaello Frasca; ICAR 18 History of Architecture: Stefano Piazza, Ettore Sessa; Assistant

  • 8. Section History and Representation - SfeRA (48%)

    19-ott-2017 9.50.00

    Section History and Representation - SfeRA darch, architecture, Section Its main fields of research are history of architecture and representation. They share architecture and the city as a common domain to pursue analysis and research. History spans its interests from artistic aspects ... Professors ICAR 17 Drawing techniques and theories: Nunzio Marsiglia; ICAR 18 History of Architecture ... , Laura Inzerillo, Francesco Maggio; ICAR 18 History of Architecture: Stefano Piazza, Ettore Sessa

  • 9. SiRe workshop 2024: Advances in the history of linguistics, May 27 & 28, 2024 (45%)

    22-apr-2024 8.36.40

    SiRe workshop 2024: Advances in the history of linguistics, May 27 & 28, 2024 convegno_R, notizia, unipa Leggi tutto SiRe workshop 2024: Advances in the history of linguistics, May 27 & 28, 2024 The emergence of syntactic categories in the history of linguistics: From Medieval to Early Modern Age A two-days colloquium on the history of linguistics to be held at the University of Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, organised under the auspices of the project funded

  • 10. Wartime North Africa. A documentary History, 1934-1950 (43%)

    22-mag-2023 17.18.52

    Wartime North Africa. A documentary History, 1934-1950 articolo, notizia, unipa, eventi, evento, eventidems2021 24 May 2023 H 15-17 DEMS ROOM Wartime North Africa. A documentary History, 1934-1950 Sarah Abrevaya Stein - Professor of History, UCLA The seminar is open to bachelor, masters' as well as Phd students. Locandina SALVATORE LORITO 24 May 2023 H 15-17 DEMS ROOM Wartime North Africa. A documentary History, 1934-1950 Sarah Abrevaya Stein - Professor of History, UCLA The seminar is open

  • 11. Avviso lezioni AFRICAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS prof. Luca Puddu (42%)

    28-feb-2023 11.48.46

    Avviso lezioni AFRICAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS prof. Luca Puddu articolo, notizia, unipa, corso2139 Si comunica che le lezioni di AFRICAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS (Prof. Luca Puddu) avranno inizio martedì 7 marzo 2023. Students are hereby informed that the AFRICAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS lessos will start on Tuesday 7th March. SALVATORE LORITO Si comunica che le lezioni di AFRICAN HISTORY AND ... that the AFRICAN HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS lessos will start on Tuesday 7th March. /sites/portale

  • 12. . (42%)

    6-ago-2014 15.14.38

    . history, summer school, advanced biotechnology 9th Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology The International Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology is organized by BIRS (Master degree in Biotechnology for Industry and Scientific Research, University of Palermo) and Biotechnet Switzerland (partnership of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences active in the field of biotechnology). 2006 ... ] [ History ] [ Program ] [ Conference Site ] [ Speakers ] [ Info ] [ Contact us ] [ Sponsors ] [ Home

  • 13. OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI_Curriculum 2 (41%)

    8-ott-2013 10.17.41

    and Planning 2_The History of Art and Architecture Curriculum offers an articulation of research ... are: A) History of Architecture The research topics include: history of architecture in ancient, medieval, early modern and modern age, urban history, construction history, history of architectural literature, history of architectural restauration; they also include history and theory ... are (ERC panels): - History of Architecture (SH5_9) - Cultural studies, cultural diversity (SH5_10

  • 14. Workshop internazionale “SiRe workshop 2024: Advances in the history of linguistics. The emergence of syntactic categories in the History of Linguistics. From Medieval to Early Modern Age” (39%)

    24-mag-2024 10.35.01

    Workshop internazionale “SiRe workshop 2024: Advances in the history of linguistics. The emergence of syntactic categories in the History of Linguistics. From Medieval to Early Modern Age” convegno_R, notizia, unipa Leggi tutto Il Workshop internazionale “SiRe workshop 2024: Advances in the history of linguistics. The emergence of syntactic categories in the History of Linguistics. From Medieval to Early Modern Age”, che si terrà a Palermo il 27 e 28 maggio, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze

  • 15. GAP_4th ISW Program_compressed (36%)

    18-ott-2022 16.34.46

    for Humanistic Training. An Experience of Learning and Service in Art History Studies at the University ... in Art History Studies at the University of Zaragoza. In recent years, European universities have ... developed in the teaching innovation project (PISOC 336/2021) in the History of Art are part of a broad ... the methodology of Learning and Service in teaching, which has a long history at lower educational levels ... , promoting training in civic and human values. BIO Pilar Biel holds a PhD in History of Art and

  • 16. Programma Convegno Dottorale Past, History, Memory (36%)

    15-giu-2022 13.09.34

    Scuola di Dottorato Dottorato in Lingue e Letterature Straniere Past, History and Memory in Language and Literary Studies Comitato Organizzativo 23 – 25 Giugno 2022 Comitato Scientifico ... . La persistenza on the History of Chinese Learning and Teaching in Italy. della memoria olfattiva ... by International and National Shared History Across the Ages. Author: A Study Through Critical ... e il Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere – Progetto di eccellenza: Le Digital Humanities applicate

  • 17. ReSignifications conference booklet (35%)

    6-giu-2018 12.38.44

    art, literature, cultural theory, history, and political practice. Scholars, writers, artists, and ... slave trade. Whether belonging to history, myth, legend, or the news, those who embody these voices ... , the Offi ce of the Provost, New York University, the Offi ce of the Dean history through the arts ... with this layered history. bring out some of the distinctive features of the Italian “racism without racists ... the ballroom sequence of his revisionist history of the unifi - Presenting an excerpt

  • 18. AVVISO - LM-49 - Economic history and tourism: theories and facts (35%)

    27-feb-2023 10.57.02

    AVVISO - LM-49 - Economic history and tourism: theories and facts calendario, lezioni, LM-49, Si comunica che le lezioni di Economic history and tourism: theories and facts (Prof. Simon) avranno inizio martedì 7 marzo 2023. Students are kindly informed that Economic history and tourism: theories and facts classes, held by prof. Simon, are going to begin on Tuesday March 7th 2023. EMANUELA MIRAGLIA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/comunicazioni/docenti/

  • 19. Open Call :AFTER. After History, Festival diffuso di architettura in Sicilia (35%)

    22-mar-2023 14.50.42

    Open Call :AFTER. After History, Festival diffuso di architettura in Sicilia darch, architettura, festival, :AFTER. After History, Afterlife è un festival di architettura che propone uno studio delle architetture che hanno caratterizzato gli ultimi 100 anni (1922-2022) dell’isola. Il programma di ricerca è per studiose e professionisti nei campi dell’architettura, del design, dell’arte ... . After History, Afterlife è un festival di architettura che propone uno studio delle architetture

  • 20. Area-lingue-straniere-2004-06 (33%)

    30-mag-2013 14.44.47

    , London (terza edizione). BASSNETT S., LEFEVERE A. (a cura di), 1990, Translation, History and Culture ... e A. LEFEVERE (a cura di), Translation, History and Culture, Printer, London, pp. 79-86. SNELL-HORNBY M