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    15-nov-2016 15.08.03

    Programme Guide CAPACITY BUILDING IN THE FIELD OF HIGHER EDUCATION This action which aims to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education ... Building in the field of higher education) WHAT IS A CAPACITY-BUILDING PROJECT? Capacity-building ... higher education institutions (HEIs) from Programme and eligible Partner Countries financed through ... the challenges facing their higher education institutions and systems, including those of quality


    15-nov-2016 15.03.24

    Part B – Mobility for higher education students and staff MOBILITY PROJECT FOR HIGHER ... : Student mobility: § a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution (HEI ... Countries, only higher education institutions from Programme Countries can apply and administer ... . When the activity is between two higher education institutions (student mobility for studies and staff ... Education (ECHE), higher education institutions commit to provide all the necessary support

  • 3. Green Paper Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission in Higher Education Institutions (39%)

    7-set-2016 9.00.07

    Green Paper Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions This Project ... effectiveness of education and training systems in Europe; * encourage and improve Higher Education Institutions’ contribution to society; * foster the creation of a European area of higher education; and ... Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions Aim Third Mission activity ... Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions Index 1. Introduction

  • 4. Green-Paper-Fostering-and-Measuring-Third-Mission-in-Higher-Education-Institutions (39%)

    12-gen-2022 16.59.22

    Green Paper Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions This Project ... effectiveness of education and training systems in Europe; * encourage and improve Higher Education Institutions’ contribution to society; * foster the creation of a European area of higher education; and ... Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions Aim Third Mission activity ... Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions Index 1. Introduction

  • 5. BRIDGE HANDBOOK (39%)

    8-mar-2013 17.33.52

    Vaht National commission for further and higher education, malta: James calleja, Jane Nind, Josephine sultana Directorate general for higher education, portugal: maria manuela couto paiva, Ana mateus ... in theframework of Erasmus mundus Action 3 - promotion of European Higher Education. the BRIDGE ... ends meet: the reference target pag. 22 3 BRIDGE HANDBOOK - Index 2.2 Higher education institutions and different qualifications pag. 24 2.2.1 Different types of higher education institutions


    13-gen-2017 11.33.08

    KNOWLEDGE ALLIANCES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Alleanze della Conoscenza per l’Istruzione Superiore ERASMUS+ KA2 Scadenza 28 febbraio 2017 Per “Alleanze della conoscenza” si intendono quei progetti transnazionali nell’ambito di Erasmus Plus orientati alla costituzione di relazioni affidabili, strutturate e durature tra gli Istituti di Istruzione Superiore e le imprese. Sono gestite a livello centralizzato dalla Agenzia esecutiva per l'istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura (EACEA

  • 7. European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme (2008), Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions (38%)

    13-feb-2024 12.57.38

    Green Paper Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions This Project ... effectiveness of education and training systems in Europe; * encourage and improve Higher Education Institutions’ contribution to society; * foster the creation of a European area of higher education; and ... Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions Aim Third Mission activity ... Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions Index 1. Introduction

  • 8. Italian Higher Education System (37%)

    9-mag-2016 16.24.46

    Italian Higher Education System unipa, portale, universita, Italian Higher Education System Mainstream Education 1st Cycle Laurea: (180 credits)three year course; Italian Laurea is comparable with international Bachelor Degree. (accessible with Italian school-leaving qualification, after completion of 13 years of global schooling, or foreign comparable qualifications; in this case, 12 years of global schooling are accepted): All students, both for free access courses and courses with a fixed

  • 9. Conferenze “White Privilege and Structural Discrimination in Higher Education: Perspectives from Research, Strategies for Change” (36%)

    9-mar-2022 14.11.04

    Conferenze “White Privilege and Structural Discrimination in Higher Education: Perspectives from Research, Strategies for Change” forthem, conferenza, white privilege, discrimination, higher education, mainz Il Lab Diversity and Migration del progetto FORTHEM offre una serie di conferenze sul tema “White Privilege and Structural Discrimination in Higher Education: Perspectives from Research, Strategies for Change”. Le attività sono organizzate dall’università di Mainz e si svolgeranno nei mesi

  • 10. 134 (35%)

    30-apr-2015 8.57.00

    . This paper focuses on applying marketing concepts to the higher education sector. It starts ... marketing concepts can be relevantly used for the higher education sector. The extent and limits ... ideas are already highly used in higher education and which ones still have to be developed. Keywords: marketing, higher education. 1. Introduction In the recent years, massive changes in policy, governance, structure and status of higher education have been taken place all over the world

  • 11. Curriculum Development of Cessation of Tobacco for Dental Schools - Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Programma ERASMUS PLUS KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education (34%)

    27-feb-2019 15.10.24

    Curriculum Development of Cessation of Tobacco for Dental Schools - Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Programma ERASMUS PLUS KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 ... Partnerships for higher education Il DICHIRONS è partner (contact person prof Olga Di Fede) di un progetto ... del programma ERASMUS PLUS KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education Project Title ... for higher education National Agency: TR01 THE CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN UNION EDUCATION AND YOUTH PROGRAMMES

  • 12. White privilege and structural discrimination in higher education: perspectives from research, strategies for change (33%)

    21-mar-2022 16.54.19

    online White privilege and structural discrimination in higher education: perspectives from research, strategies for change articolo, notizia, unipa, forthem, lab diversity and migration, white privilege, discrimination, higher education Da martedì 22 marzo a martedì 10 maggio si tiene online il ciclo di conferenze del Lab Diversity and Migration del progetto FORTHEM sul tema “White privilege and structural discrimination in higher education: perspectives from research, strategies for change

  • 13. Programme-Guide (32%)

    8-mar-2013 17.33.54

    1.4.1 A EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION (HEI ... ..................................................................................................... 9 1.4.5 AN ORGANISATION ACTIVE IN THE FIELD OF HIGHER EDUCATION ... is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education for:  the enhancement of quality in European higher education;  the promotion of the European Union as a centre of excellence in learning ... countries as well as for the development of third countries in the field of higher education. Erasmus


    30-lug-2021 9.59.19

    ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION 2021-2027 The European Commission hereby awards this Charter to: UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO The Institution undertakes to: • Respect in full the principles of non-discrimination, • Ensure the quality of the mobility activities and of transparency and inclusion set out in the Erasmus+ the cooperation projects throughout the application and Programme. implementation phases. • Ensure equal and equitable access and opportunities to • Implement

  • 15. ANVUR-Linee-Guida-per-il-riconoscimento-e-la-valorizzazione-delle-docenza-universitaria (20%)

    30-mag-2024 11.25.39

    Standards Framework (UKPSF) - Advance HE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.2 Higher Education Standards ... la mobilità di studenti e docenti all’interno dell’European Higher Education Area (EHEA ... on the Modernisation in Higher Education, 2013) che affronti le questioni dell’insegnare ... to National Authorities for the Enhancement of Higher Education Learning and Teaching in the EHEA”, elaborate ... e dell’apprendimento (higher education institutions’ and systems’ capacity to enhance learn- ing and

  • 16. Managing Sustainable Performance and Governance in Higher Education Institutions: A Dynamic Performance Management Approach (20%)

    27-apr-2023 8.44.17

    Managing Sustainable Performance and Governance in Higher Education Institutions: A Dynamic ... Performance and Governance in Higher Education Institutions : A Dynamic Performance Management Approach ... evolutionary process of global higher education systems systematically poses new challenges related ... . In the same vein, this book aims to draw on this flourishing debate on higher education policy and ... of higher education institutions, thus supporting a strategic learning perspective to design and

  • 17. THE - Times Higher Education Ranking (19%)

    18-giu-2024 12.51.15

    THE - Times Higher Education Ranking articolo, notizia, unipa THE - Times Higher Education Ranking (Nov 2023) Il ranking THE prevede, come QS, una Reputation Survey tra accademici e considera le attività e le risorse per la ricerca, la didattica e le prospettive internazionali. Utilizza il data base Scopus e dati dimensionali chiesti direttamente agli atenei. Criteri utilizzati Didattica ... Business and Economics 601-800 visita il sito di Times Higher Education World University Rankings

  • 18. FORTHEM_Lab D&M_ Final Report_compressed (19%)

    7-ott-2022 10.36.06

    Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility), and concluded ... higher education; a “European university” to promote the mobility of students and lecturers and ... (Diversity and Migration, Experiencing Europe, Multilingualism in School and Higher Education, Food ... and Structural Discrimination in Higher Education (Partner universities: Johannes Gutenberg ... with a strong higher education strategy, as developed within the Erasmus+ project, but also

  • 19. Peesentazione Progetto STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students) (17%)

    20-dic-2023 16.45.52

    Peesentazione Progetto STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students) underrepresented students, status, higher education institutions Domani alle 12, durante il Christmas Lunch Seminar, verrà presentato il progetto STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students). Appuntamento presso la Sala Meeting (III piano ed. 15), Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche, dell’Esercizio Fisico e della Formazione

  • 20. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (17%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    postgraduates and PhD fellows. Keywords: – Economics – Modernisation of Higher Education – Curriculum