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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Grants (100%)

    9-nov-2017 9.11.34

    Grants grants, ica2017, unipa We are happy to announce that student travel grants for the attendance of the 17th International Colloquium on Amphipoda are now made available. The grant will cover the ticket for the flight to the conference. All applications will be coordinated by Jan Beermann (Alfred Wegener Institute) and evaluated by members of the scientific committee. Interested individuals should send a brief application consisting of their CV, a copy of their submitted abstract and

  • 2. h2020-manuale_amga_last (87%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11

    of annotations on Article 4 of the MSCA-ITN and the MSCA-RISE grants 2 2.1 30.10.2015  New ... to the provisions of the H2020 MGAs. For a more general overview of how H2020 grants work, see ... 2 FRAMEWORK PARTNERSHIP 686 ARTICLE 2 — ACTION PLAN — AWARD OF SPECIFIC GRANTS — SPECIFIC ... Background information The General Model Grant Agreement (H2020 General MGA) is used for grants

  • 3. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (76%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    checks, reviews and audits in grants of other granting authorities..............40 25.3 Access ... -2023-CBHE Topic: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2 Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants Granting ... (for X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000) Reviews (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000) Audits (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000) Extension of findings from other

  • 4. ERC Starting grants - Scadenza 18 ottobre 2016 (41%)

    7-set-2016 15.54.47

    ERC Starting grants - Scadenza 18 ottobre 2016 articolo, notizia, unipa ERC Starting grants (ERC-2017-StG). Deadline 18 ottobre 2016. Il bando ERC Starting Grants sostiene il ricercatore promettente, con comprovato potenziale di leader indipendente nella ricerca, a costituire un gruppo di ricerca adeguato al fine di svolgere attività autonoma di ricerca in Europa. Le "ERC Starting Grants” sono sovvenzioni destinate a ricercatori (“Principal Investigators”) di qualsiasi nazionalità ed

  • 5. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (39%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.34

    ................................................................................ 50 25.2 European Commission checks, reviews and audits in grants of other granting ... Record-keeping (for X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000 ... of findings from other grants to this grant (no later than X years after final payment): 2 Impact evaluation (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000) 12 ... . EU grantsGrants awarded by EU institutions, bodies, offices or agencies (including EU executive agencies

  • 6. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (39%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    ................................................................................ 50 25.2 European Commission checks, reviews and audits in grants of other granting ... Record-keeping (for X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000 ... of findings from other grants to this grant (no later than X years after final payment): 2 Impact evaluation (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000) 12 ... . EU grantsGrants awarded by EU institutions, bodies, offices or agencies (including EU executive agencies

  • 7. REP. 202_2023 - Grant_Agreement_Core_Blue4all_Sarà (37%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.29

    ................................................................................ 52 25.2 European Commission checks, reviews and audits in grants of other granting ... Record-keeping (for X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000 ... of findings from other grants to this grant (no later than X years after final payment): 2 Impact evaluation (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000) 14 ... awarded in the context of this Agreement. EU grantsGrants awarded by EU institutions, bodies, offices

  • 8. REP. 202_2023-CDA - Grant_Agreement_Core_Blue4all_Sarà (37%)

    1-feb-2024 16.00.57

    ................................................................................ 52 25.2 European Commission checks, reviews and audits in grants of other granting ... Record-keeping (for X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000 ... of findings from other grants to this grant (no later than X years after final payment): 2 Impact evaluation (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000) 14 ... awarded in the context of this Agreement. EU grantsGrants awarded by EU institutions, bodies, offices

  • 9. Spencer Foundation - Large Research Grants on Education Program (37%)

    12-apr-2022 10.16.55

    Spencer Foundation - Large Research Grants on Education Program articolo, notizia, bando_ricerca, Spencer Foundation - Large Research Grants on Education Program The Large Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets ranging from $125,000 to $500,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. Eligibility, Deadlines and further details here EMANUELA MIRAGLIA Link Scadenza

  • 10. Sicily Report Open Government 2015 (37%)

    24-apr-2015 10.57.54

    Subsidies , grants , subsidies and Terms and conditions art. 26, c. 1 X x economic benefits Granting ... on enterprises art. 25 x x Tenders and contracts art. 37, c. 1, 2 X x Subsidies , grants , subsidies and Terms ... contracts art. 37, c. 1, 2 x x Subsidies , grants , subsidies and Terms and conditions art. 26, c. 1 x ... x x Subsidies , grants , subsidies and Terms and conditions art. 26, c. 1 x X economic benefits ... Subsidies , grants , subsidies and Terms and conditions art. 26, c. 1 x X economic benefits Granting acts

  • 11. Assegni di Ricerca 2020 - (Research grants) (33%)

    18-mag-2021 10.00.32

    Assegni di Ricerca 2020 - (Research grants) articolo, notizia, unipa Progetti di Ricerca 2020 Assegni di Ricerca 2020 (Research grants) ANNO TIPO COGNOME NOME PRESA SERVIZIO FINE D.R. IMPORTO TUTOR OGGETTO DELIBERA 2020 TIPO B LAGES JOAO PEDRO NOGUEIRA 04/06/2020 03/06/2022 D.R. 488_2020 50.000,00 € AIUPPA Alessandro Origine e riciclo della CO2 e dei gas nobili attraverso il vulcanismo d’arco CDD N.1_2020 P)5 2020 TIPO B Bosh Belmar Maria del Mar 26/06/2020 25/06/2021 DR 850 13/03/2020

  • 12. Assegni di Ricerca al 2018 - (Research grants) (33%)

    12-mag-2021 14.02.03

    Assegni di Ricerca al 2018 - (Research grants) articolo, notizia, unipa Progetti di ricerca 2018 (Research Projects Archive) Assegni di Ricerca al 2018 (Research grants) ANNO TIPO COGNOME NOME PRESA SERVIZIO FINE D.R. IMPORTO TUTOR OGGETTO DELIBERA 2017 AUTON. Tramati Cecilia 15/02/2017 14/02/2019 Mazzola Antonio 2017 AUTON. Gargano Maria Letizia 16/02/2017 15/02/2019 Calvo Sebastiano 2017 AUTON. Todaro Simona 07/07/2017 06/07/2019 Pietro Di Stefano 2018 TZEVAHIRTZIAN Athina 02/11/2018 01/11

  • 13. Assegni di Ricerca 2019 - (Research grants) (33%)

    12-mag-2021 13.56.03

    Assegni di Ricerca 2019 - (Research grants) articolo, notizia, unipa Progetti di Ricerca 2019 (Research Projects Archive) Assegni di Ricerca 2019 (Research grants) ANNO TIPO COGNOME NOME PRESA SERVIZIO FINE D.R. IMPORTO TUTOR OGGETTO DELIBERA 2019 Ascioti Fortunato Alfredo 12/03/2019 11/03/2020 D.R. 3281_2018 Sarà Gianluca 2019 Mangano Maria Cristina 24/05/2019 30/11/2019 D.R.851_2019 Sarà Gianluca DANIELA CORRAO

  • 14. Assegni di Ricerca 2021 - Research grants (33%)

    26-mag-2022 9.50.55

    Assegni di Ricerca 2021 - Research grants articolo, notizia, unipa Progetti di Ricerca 2021 (Research Projects Archive) Assegni di Ricerca 2021 (Research grants) ANNO COGNOME NOME INIZIO FINE BANDO IMPORTO TITOLARE RICERCA OGGETTO DURATA S.S.D AREA PROGETTO 2021 NOBRE MONTENEGRO VENTURA PATRICIA ALEXANDRA 03/08/2021 02/08/2022 D.R. 2080 del 30/04/2021 23.786,55 € Sarà Gianluca “Ricerche finalizzate alla raccolta con metodi partecipativi di dati dei sistemi socio-ecologici nell’ambito dei WP3

  • 15. Rights Equality and Citizenship (28%)

    26-set-2016 10.08.01

    SCADENZA Action grants to REC- REC-RDAT-TRAI-AG- 25 gennaio support ... - 2016: Rectricted ticipants/portal/desktop/en/oppor 2016 Action grants 2016 action grants ... platforms rights, anti- discrimination, REC-RRAC-HATE-AG- 5 gennaio preventing and 2016: Action grants ... gennaio 2016: Action grants to ticipants/portal/desktop/en/oppor 2017 foster the successful tunities/rec ... /par 28 febbraio 2016: Action grants to ticipants/portal/desktop/en/oppor 2017 support national

  • 16. Guide-on-conceptual-and-methodological (27%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.59

    legislation grants has stated that “while member states es- a right of permanent residence. The same

  • 17. 20231215_Public Selection RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (26%)

    15-dic-2023 17.54.02

    FELLOWSHIP GRANTS – TYPE B TO COOOPERATE WITH A RESEARCH PROGRAMME WITH SPECIFIC FUNDING (LAW 30 ... the minimum amount of research fellowship grants; HAVING REGARD to the article 15 of the Law n. 183 of 11 ... )", which allows, in a transitional regime, the assignment of grants for collaboration ... procedures for the awarding of research grants pursuant to article 22 of the law of 30 December 2010, n ... REGARD to the Rules for the awarding of research fellowship grants, issued with Rector’s Decree n

  • 18. 5461133 bando_prin 2022pnrr_proff. visconti-bivona_en (25%)

    7-giu-2024 10.15.34

    the minimum amount of research fellowship grants; HAVING REGARD to the article 15 of the Law n. 183 of 11 ... )", which allows, in a transitional regime, the assignment of grants for collaboration in research ... procedures for the awarding of research grants pursuant to article 22 of the law of 30 December 2010, n ... force of the decree-law 36/22; HAVING REGARD to the Rules for the awarding of research fellowship grants ... grants pursuant to art. 22 of the law 240/2010; • to have or not to have already been the holder

  • 19. Glossary_Global-ANSWER (24%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.58

  • 20. ELEZIONE-COORDINATORE-Scienze_Biologiche-2021_2024-Candidatura-CV-MuleF (24%)

    15-nov-2021 13.12.46

    , del Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche Chimiche e Farmaceutiche – (STEBICEF ... ”, del Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche Chimiche e Farmaceutiche - STEBICEF, per il triennio ... ) Università di Palermo Attività gestionale 2010-2012 Componente della Giunta del dipartimento ... Componente della Commissione AQ per la didattica del Dipartimento STEBICEF AttiPvriteàm ... A E 2002 Referee per l’assegnazione di grants per lo studio delle malattie infiammatorie intestinali