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  • 1. Programma Welcome Day Lauree Magistrali 2021 - UniPa (100%)

    17-mag-2021 13.20.37

    Presentazione CdLM 15.00 LM-14 Italianistica 15.15 LM-37 Transnational German Studies Partecipa

  • 2. Curriculum: Biologia Cellulare (100%)

    21-nov-2013 16.24.43

    is an agreement with the University of Bonn which allows German students to enroll in the Cellular Biology

  • 3. Cell Biology (100%)

    3-mar-2014 10.36.32

    Cell Biology Curricula cell biology, doctorate, stebicef The Course of Cell Biology is part of the PhD School in Molecular and Biomolecular Sciences (University of Palermo, Italy) The research themes proposed in the Cell Biology curriculum are focused on current issues such as the study on: cancer cells and antiproliferative and/or cytotoxic effects of new molecules and their mechanisms of action ... ). In addition, there is an agreement with the University of Bonn which allows German students to enroll

  • 4. Cell Biology Curricula (100%)

    3-mar-2014 12.26.06

    Cell Biology Curricula cell biology, doctorate, stebicef The Course of Cell Biology is part of the PhD School in Molecular and Biomolecular Sciences. The research themes proposed in the Cell Biology curriculum are focused on current issues such as the study on: cancer cells and antiproliferative and/or cytotoxic effects of new molecules and their mechanisms of action, apoptotic and autophagic ... with the University of Bonn which allows German students to enroll in the Cellular Biology

  • 5. BCM & BIRS: Scientists around the world (100%)

    18-dic-2017 13.05.05

    BCM & BIRS: Scientists around the world Birs , Bcm , Biologia molecolare, Biotecnologie Il 22 Dicembre 2017 in aula Giudice della sez.Biologia Cellulare del Dipartimento si terrà il Meeting "BCM & BIRS Scientists Around the World": i giovani ricercatori cresciuti nei corsi ... of Neuroproteomics, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Technical University Munich. Munich, Germany ... 2017 in aula Giudice della sez. Biologia Cellulare del Dipartimento si terrà il Meeting "BCM

  • 6. Cell Biology Curricula (100%)

    2-apr-2015 9.38.13

    is also an agreement with The University of Bonn to allow German students to attend the Cell Biology

  • 7. Cell Biology Curricula (100%)

    22-set-2014 12.26.53

    Cell Biology Curricula cell biology, doctorate, stebicef Il Curriculum in Biologia Cellulare si propone di fornire ai suoi dottorandi le conoscenze teoriche e pratiche più avanzate a livello internazionale nell’ambito della Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare, di stimolarne la capacità critica nella elaborazione, analisi ed interpretazione dei dati sperimentali, di far loro apprendere e utilizzare ... with The University of Bonn to allow German students to attend the Cell Biology curriculum and obtain

  • 8. Biologia Cellulare (100%)

    20-feb-2018 12.46.51

    an agreement with The University of Bonn to allow German students to attend the Cell Biology