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  • 1. Request form for NEWS/EVENTS (100%)

    18-gen-2017 12.43.07

    Request form for NEWS/EVENTS articolo, notizia, unipa, news, events, request form, form, diid Il DIID ha predisposto un modello online per << Submit form >> GIUSEPPE CUFFARI

  • 2. Application Form (93%)

    15-mag-2014 7.15.42

    Application Form application, form, psicologia ApplicationForm italiano ApplicationForm Inglese ApplicationForm spagnolo GIANFRANCO MUSACCHIA

  • 3. Abstract submission form (89%)

    23-mag-2014 12.00.59

    Congresso Scientifico: Ricerca di base, interdisciplinare e traslazionale in ambito Biologico e Biotecnologico ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM Title (14 pt with initial caps, left, bold) (one line blank) Presenting author's Name, Author(s)' Name(s), Corresponding Author,* (11pt, left, normal text) (one line blank) Affiliation(s) (italic, 10 pt, left) e-mail address of the presenting ... . Abstract submission form Giovanni PDFCreator Version 1.7.2 GPL Ghostscript 9.10

  • 4. Registration form (84%)

    22-mag-2014 16.08.34

    Congresso Scientifico: Ricerca di base, interdisciplinare e traslazionale in ambito Biologico e Biotecnologico 26 - 27 Giugno 2014 Dipartimento STEBICEF, Aula Mutolo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 16, Palermo SCHEDA DI REGISTRAZIONE Cognome e Nome Affiliazione email Firma …………………………………………………. Da compilare e inviare entro il 05 Giugno 2014 alla Segreteria Organizzativa e-mail: Registration form Giovanni

  • 5. Abstract submission form (84%)

    23-mag-2014 11.57.32

    Abstract submission form congresso, abstract submission form, ricerca biologica e biotecnologica Title (14 pt with initial caps, left, bold) (one line blank) Presenting author's Name, Author(s)' Name(s), Corresponding Author,* (11pt, left, normal text) (one line blank) Affiliation(s) (italic, 10 pt, left) e-mail address of the presenting author; *e-mail address of the corresponding author (10pt ... wide. Please do not exceed this size. 3 Oral presentations are limited to 15 min. Download form

  • 6. form (83%)

    4-nov-2022 17.59.03

  • 7. h2020-manuale_amga_last (75%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11

    .......................................................................22 CHAPTER 3 GRANT 26 ARTICLE 5 — GRANT AMOUNT, FORM OF GRANT ... ..................................................................... 374 8 ARTICLE 5 — GRANT AMOUNT, FORM OF GRANT, REIMBURSEMENT ... ..................................................................... 410 ARTICLE 5 — GRANT AMOUNT, FORM OF GRANT, REIMBURSEMENT RATES AND FORMS ... ..................................................................... 441 ARTICLE 5 — GRANT AMOUNT, FORM OF GRANT, REIMBURSEMENT RATES AND FORMS ... ..................................................................... 472 ARTICLE 5 — GRANT AMOUNT, FORM OF GRANT, REIMBURSEMENT RATES AND

  • 8. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (70%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    beneficiaries, if they sign their ‘accession form’ (see Annex 3 and Article 40): 2. PANEPISTIMIO ... ...................................................................................................................................13 5.1 Form ... Grant form: Lump Sum Grant mode: Action grant Budget categories/activity types: Lump sum ... or through an accession form). Affiliated entities (AE) — Entities affiliated to a beneficiary within ... [are]: (a) entities that form a sole beneficiary [(i.e. where an entity is formed of several entities

  • 9. Form di Raccolta dati attività di TM (56%)

    9-gen-2024 9.11.57

    i docenti afferenti al Dipartimento Promise possono usare i form ai seguenti link per comunicare ... Form di Raccolta dati delle attività di Terza Missione articolo, notizia, unipa, promise ... sia stato interamente organizzato dall'Ateneo/Dipartimento: con patrocinio Promise; con logo Promise ... , che non sono stati considerati fra le entrate derivanti da progetti competitivi Ad ognuno dei Form ... il form viene inviata una notifica mail all'AdS, al delegato per la TM e al responsabile dell'U.O

  • 10. Form di Raccolta dati delle attività di Terza Missione (55%)

    26-giu-2024 10.30.04

    i docenti afferenti al Dipartimento Promise possono usare i form ai seguenti link per comunicare ... Form di Raccolta dati delle attività di Terza Missione articolo, notizia, unipa, promise ... sia stato organizzato dal Dipartimento: con patrocinio Promise; con logo Promise; docenti afferenti al Dip ... fra le entrate derivanti da progetti competitivi Ad ognuno dei Form soprastanti è associato un flusso di automazione, per cui ogni volta che viene compilato e inoltrato il form viene inviata

  • 11. Registration_Form (49%)

    22-ott-2013 13.56.39

    FEM 2013 M.S. Yalin Memorial Mini-Colloquium on Fluvial Eco-Hydraulics and Morphodynamics: new insigths and challenges 28-29 November, 2013 Palermo, Italy Registration Form Please fill out and return by e-mail both to: 1. Participant Information Title FORMCHECKBOX Mr. FORMCHECKBOX Mrs. FORMCHECKBOX Miss FORMCHECKBOX Dr. Prof. FORMCHECKBOX Other, specify: First and Last name Institution/Affiliation

  • 12. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (43%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.34

    other beneficiaries, if they sign their ‘accession form’ (see Annex 3 and Article 40): 2. DANMARKS ... 5.1 Form of grant ... 100 3 346 455.00 3 346 455.00 Grant form: Budget-based Grant mode: Action grant Budget categories ... (BEN) — The signatories of this Agreement (either directly or through an accession form). Affiliated ... ’) (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1): “affiliated entities [are]: (a) entities that form a sole

  • 13. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (43%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    other beneficiaries, if they sign their ‘accession form’ (see Annex 3 and Article 40): 2. DANMARKS ... 5.1 Form of grant ... 100 3 346 455.00 3 346 455.00 Grant form: Budget-based Grant mode: Action grant Budget categories ... (BEN) — The signatories of this Agreement (either directly or through an accession form). Affiliated ... ’) (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1): “affiliated entities [are]: (a) entities that form a sole

  • 14. Registration form (42%)

    28-mag-2014 9.17.33

    Congresso Scientifico: Ricerca di base, interdisciplinare e traslazionale in ambito Biologico e Biotecnologico 26 - 27 Giugno 2014 Dipartimento STEBICEF, Aula Mutolo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 16, Palermo SCHEDA DI REGISTRAZIONE Cognome e Nome Affiliazione email Firma …………………………………………………. Da compilare e inviare entro il 05 Giugno 2014 alla Segreteria Organizzativa e-mail: Cavalieri STEBICEF

  • 15. call and form SUMMER COURSE DIALOGO INTERRELIGIOSO-Programma EN (41%)

    26-apr-2021 14.45.57

    management of conflicts and ethnic and cultu r wings that form the background to the current ... registration requests. Each candidate must fill in an attached form at the end of this announcement ... online on the department's website starting from .......), the registration form will be available ... September 20 21 - director Prof. Antonio Ingoglia " The registration form can be written

  • 16. call and form SUMMER COURSE DIALOGO INTERRELIGIOSO- del 26.04.2021 (41%)

    27-apr-2021 14.36.36

    wings that form the background to the current migration . The course is aimed at the acquisition ... in an attached form at the end of this announcement, to which he must attach his own curriculum vitae ... from .......), the registration form will be available, to be sent, with the curriculum vitae and studiorum ... ; The registration form can be written in Italian , English and Spanish. ROOM AND BOARD

  • 17. call and form SUMMER COURSE DIALOGO INTERRELIGIOSO-Programma EN Prot n. 1249 del 26.04.2021 (39%)

    26-apr-2021 15.58.08

    wings that form the background to the current migration . The course is aimed at the acquisition ... in an attached form at the end of this announcement, to which he must attach his own curriculum vitae ... from .......), the registration form will be available, to be sent, with the curriculum vitae and studiorum ... ; The registration form can be written in Italian , English and Spanish. ROOM AND BOARD

  • 18. Titoli di accesso alla classe A-46-Giurisprudenza-MAGISTRALE (38%)

    23-gen-2020 13.01.09

    FORMATIVE DI CONTESTO Gruppo di attiv. form. 4.0 opzionali Attiv. form. a scelta dello 12.0 ... TRIBUTARIE 6.0 IUS/12 ELEMENTI DI CONTABILITÀ 3.0 IUS/12 PUBBLICA Gruppo di attiv. form. 4.0 ... INTERNAZIONALE II Insegnamenti a scelta Gruppo di attiv. form. opzionali II cfu ssd 10144 ... TEDESCA 4.0 SPECIALISTICA 10147 - LINGUA SPAGNOLA 4.0 SPECIALISTICA Attiv. form. a scelta dello studente (consigliate) cfu ssd Attiv. form. a scelta dello studente (consigliate) cfu

  • 19. ZebraFish PA Registration Form (36%)

    16-nov-2017 15.41.14

    ZF-MED Zebrafish and other aquatic models in Mediterranean labs THE ZEBRAFISH MODEL IN BIOTECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH SCIENCES Cognome Nome Istituzione Città Provincia CAP Telefono Indirizzo email Per iscriversi al corso è necessario compilare in ogni parte il form di registrazione ed inviarlo a: Il corso è gratuito. Le iscrizioni ... i z V under the patronage of with a REGISTRATION FORM PALERMO, DECEMBER 12 t r o S e n r i C e t

  • 20. Hotel_Registration_Form (35%)

    15-gen-2014 14.41.26

    INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET HOTEL ACCOMMODATION FORM Please complete this forms before 10 March 2014 and send it by email to and ( Prof. ( Dr. ( Mr. ( Mrs. ( Ms. Family Name First Name Middle Name Sex ( Male