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1. Final paper instructions (100%)
6-set-2014 11.10.05Final paper instructions final paper, dicam, unipa Download istructions from HERE GAETANO RUSSO
2. Final Paper Instructions (42%)
24-ott-2013 10.13.47Final paper instructions final paper, dicam, unipa In costruzione... GAETANO RUSSO
3. Final Paper Instructions (34%)
8-mar-2013 16.47.27Final Paper Instructions unipa, portale, universita Find attached the instructions for preparing the final manuscripts to be included in the conference proceedings. There are instructions for manuscript preparation in Word: rps-csm6-ms-word-template.doc rps-csm6-ms-word-template.dot rps-csm6-ms-word-template.pdf in LaTex: Allegato 1: rps-csm-6.cls Allegato 2: mathpazo.sty Allegato 3: palatino. sty Allegato 4: rps-csm-6-latex.tex Allegato 5: ch01f01.eps Allegato 6: rps-csm-6
5. CivilEngineeringDegree (10%)
7-apr-2017 16.50.32the oral presentation and at the end of the course, through the drafting of the final paper and multimedia
6. Cannarozzo (10%)
4-apr-2017 15.52.07and practical exercises aimed at writing a final paper which will be evaluated
7. Tagung-2017-11-Flyer-Final (10%)
21-nov-2017 18.05.58. Abschlussvortrag – Final Paper – Relazione conclusiva Praesentation of the book: 12.00 Gioacchino
8. word-template doc (10%)
8-mar-2013 16.47.37with the submission of the final paper. 8 Typesetting All manuscripts will be processed as how it is submitted
9. word-template dot (10%)
8-mar-2013 16.47.37with the submission of the final paper. 8 Typesetting All manuscripts will be processed as how it is submitted
10. word-template pdf (10%)
8-mar-2013 16.47.38; along with the submission of the final paper. also keep one line space after the text and start
11. DEADLINES-00001.html (10%)
8-mar-2013 22.47.56DEADLINES-00001.html unipa, portale, universita NEW DEADLINE October 31, 2012: final paper max 8 pages SISTEMA /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/
12. PhD Programs (9%)
16-giu-2020 11.11.00, support in drafting the final paper, assistance with exams, correction of written papers, and online
13. rps-csm-6-latex.pdf (9%)
8-mar-2013 16.47.36along with the submission of the tially in the text in Arabic numerals. (see final paper. Table 1
14. Dottorandi e Dottori di Ricerca (9%)
6-dic-2023 12.23.37to collaborate with ISMETT, where I started working on my thesis. My final paper was focused on the application