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  • 1. bando nursing_En_AL_2019_2020 (100%)

    12-lug-2019 21.30.47

    ;Definition of places available for enrolment in degree programs with national-level access ... . 1. Those candidates must hold a qualification obtained abroad and required for the enrolment ... will be declared automatically lapsed from the right to enrolment. Candidates are requested to read ... , they commit themselves to comply with the procedures and instructions required for the enrolment ... to the rankings drawn up as for the art. 7, will be included in the enrolment established quota. The admitted

  • 2. bando_nursing_2020_2021_in_inglese (75%)

    8-lug-2020 13.48.57

    hold a qualification obtained abroad and required for the enrolment at the Universities of their ... to the enrolment phase. Disabled candidates, pursuant to law no. 104 of 5 February 1992, modified ... 2020. It is underlined that candidates are obliged to respect this enrolment date. No exemption ... of the ISEE (University) valid at the time of undertaking the enrolment procedure; and candidates ... will be published on September, 23, 2020. Enrolment must take place no later than September, 30, 2020

  • 3. DR_LAUREANDI_Procedure_accesso_LM_2019_2020_english (70%)

    25-lug-2019 20.40.19

    ENROLMENT PROCEDURES FOR GRAD STUDENTS WISHING TO ENROL IN OPEN ADMISSION 2ND CYCLE DEGREE ... ENROLMENT Students in the last year of a 1st cycle Degree course or of a Degree Course under previous ... in the educational regulations. Universities may also permit enrolment in 2nd cycle Degree Course ... the relevant examination to fill possible curricular gaps before enrolment in the 2nd cycle degree ... enrolment to the chosen 2nd cycle degree Course may be done till November, 30, 2019, and

  • 4. DR_LAUREATI_Procedure_accesso_LM_2019_2020_english (70%)

    25-lug-2019 20.53.56

    ENROLMENT PROCEDURES FOR GRADUATES WISHING TO ENROL IN OPEN ADMISSION 2ND CYCLE DEGREE COURSES ... down in the educational regulations. Universities may also permit enrolment in 2nd cycle Degree ... relevant credits, enrolment is rejected by the system or by the Course Coordinator, and Graduates ... less than 95/110 will be subject to a test or interview before enrolment. The Board of the Degree ... . Graduates passing the assessment test/interview must pay the enrolment fees, in accordance


    24-giu-2022 8.53.11

    test Language proficiency test As required by the PROCEDURES FOR ENTRY, RESIDENCY AND ENROLMENT ... of the evaluation of linguistic knowledge must be certified in the pre-enrolment application and in the eventual ... element must be indicated in the pre-enrolment request and in the eventual letter of eligibility ... of the fixed quota of places. Exemption from the language test and quotas For enrolment to Laurea and ... abroad or other accredited institutions. For enrolment in Laurea Magistrale degree courses (should

  • 6. Esempio Convenzione doppio titolo_inglese (58%)

    6-ott-2020 13.22.33

    be presented in English. Fourth – Enrolment and tuition fees The student participating in the double degree program will pay the enrolment fees and taxes at their home university and they will be exempted ... be enrolled in the corresponding master’s program at the partner institution. The enrolment will be carried

  • 7. 6.-Esempio-Convenzione-doppio-titolo_inglese (58%)

    3-set-2019 12.00.54

    in English. Fourth – Enrolment and tuition fees The student participating in the double degree program will pay the enrolment fees and taxes at their home university and they will be exempted ... in the corresponding master’s program at the partner institution. The enrolment will be carried out

  • 8. winterschooldefeng.3-1 (58%)

    21-dic-2017 16.33.58

    a certificate, corresponding to 6 ECTS, after passing a test. ENROLMENT AND FEES Attached ... € includes the enrolment in the Course, the reading material, the final certificate, and ... -enrolment fees and registration fees (in particular the payment procedure) will be found

  • 9. Brochure Master UX Unipa ENG (39%)

    4-ott-2021 8.34.55

    Enrolment deadline 12 /11/2021Start date 28 January 2022

  • 10. Winter Course - PROGRAMMA.WS_en - Prof.ssa Affaticato (39%)

    13-gen-2017 10.37.50

    a test. ENROLMENT AND FEES Attached to this Call (on-line from Dicember 1st. 2016), a model

  • 11. convenzione_tipo_inglese (39%)

    8-mar-2013 17.31.33

    , temporary enrolment procedures and financial conditions

  • 12. TAX CODE (39%)

    30-nov-2021 18.26.45

    TAX CODE articolo, notizia, unipa The Tax Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) is an identification document necessary in any relationship between citizens and public administrations. It is necessary to open a bank or a postal account and to enroll in the National Health Service, as well as it must be shown during the enrolment process. It is also required to lodge at the Halls of Residence managed by the Regional Education Agency (A.R.D.S.U.) All students have to apply for this tax code and

  • 13. Registration-Guide-INCOMING-DOUBLE DEGREES-STUDENT (39%)

    6-giu-2024 10.08.00

    ENROLMENT AT UNIVERSITY OF PALERMO step 1 Enter on the student portal and select “applications” – “new application form” – “Concorsi e immatricolazioni” – “Domanda di preimmatricolazione – Immatricolazione a un corso di laurea – Immatricolazione a un corso di laurea magistrale” step 2 Select the first option step 3 Follow the line and choose “no” and “2020 - Anno prima immatricolazione” step 4 Select the course type step 5 Fill the form step 6 Wait the reply from the Coordinator step 7

  • 14. Registration-Guide-INCOMING-DOUBLE DEGREES-STUDENT_24 (39%)

    6-giu-2024 10.08.00

    have already been nominated by your University: the enrolment is mandatory in order to complete your

  • 15. correction_and_integration_of_the_rectors_decree_2802_2021 (39%)

    28-lug-2021 14.59.06

    [Copia conforme] UNPA-CLE - Prot. 72559-14/07/2021 - Rep. Decreti n. 2880/2021 Rettorato DEGREE COURSE IN NURSING – L/SNT1 (IN ENGLISH) CORRECTION AND INTEGRATION OF THE RECTOR’S DECREE N. 2802/2021 THE RECTOR HAVING REGARD to his own Decree no. 2802 of 7 July 2021; GIVEN the Ministerial Decree. of 13 July 2021 n. 794, concerning “The provisional definition of the places available for enrolment in the degree courses of the health professions in Italian and English

  • 16. Decreto Rettorale - Procedure di iscrizione ai corsi di Laurea Magistrali per Laureati (39%)

    25-lug-2019 21.01.13

    Decreto Rettorale - Procedure di iscrizione ai corsi di Laurea Magistrali per Laureati decreto rettorale, decreti rettorali, news, in primo piano, comunicazioni, laureati D.R. - Procedure di iscrizione per i Laureati che aspirano ad iscrivetrsi ai corsi di Laurea Magistrale ad accesso non programmato dell'Ateneo di Palermo - Anno Accademico 2019/2020 Visualizza - Enrolment procedures for graduates wishing to enrol in open admission 2nd cycle degree courses (“laurea magistrale

  • 17. Decreto Rettorale - Procedure di iscrizione ai corsi di Laurea Magistrale per Laureandi (39%)

    25-lug-2019 21.01.48

    Decreto Rettorale - Procedure di iscrizione ai corsi di Laurea Magistrale per Laureandi decreto rettorale, decreti rettorali, news, in primo piano, comunicazioni, laureati D.R. - Procedure di iscrizione per i Laureandi che aspirano ad iscriversi ai corsi di Laurea Magistrale ad accesso non programmato dell'Ateneo di Palermo - Anno Accademico 2019/2020 Visualizza Enrolment procedures for grad students wishing to enrol in open admission 2nd cycle degree courses ("lauree magistrali"

  • 18. ddg. n. 2753_prot. n. 55259_ area_sistemi_informativi_di_ateneo (36%)

    7-apr-2023 22.38.08

    la delibera del Consiglio di Amministrazione del 26.05.2022, n. 10/14 avente ad oggetto “Amministrazione centrale- articolazione Aree dirigenziali”; VISTA la delibera del Consiglio di Amministrazione ... amministrazione. Fornisce supporto al Responsabile alla Transizione digitale.  Garantisce la coerenza ... di rete di dorsale e delle strutture di Ateneo (Amministrazione, Dipartimenti, Scuole, …). o Gestione ... al pre-enrolment degli studenti extracomunitari.  Gestisce gli applicativi relativi alle richieste

  • 19. Opuscolo_Stud_22_23 (36%)

    6-giu-2024 10.08.00

    welcome to foreign students, as well as support for enrolment procedures. It also provides information

  • 20. Bando_Conservazione_Restauro_Beni_Culturali_2021_2022 (36%)

    21-lug-2021 22.12.47

    di Ateneo modificato con D.R. n. 341/2019; VISTA la delibera del Consiglio di Amministrazione del 11 ... ---enrolment/ Articolo 3 Domanda di partecipazione La domanda di partecipazione alla prova