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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. draft Energy WP 2013 (100%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.32

    WORK PROGRAMME 2013 COOPERATION THEME 5 ENERGY (European Commission ... ..................................................................................................... 4 II.1. Activity Energy.1: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells ................................................................ 4 II.2. Activity Energy.2: Renewable Electricity Generation .................................................. 5 II.2.1. Area Energy.2.1: Photovoltaics ........................................................................ 5 II.2.2. Area Energy.2.2: Biomass

  • 2. Energy (91%)

    20-feb-2024 17.18.54

    Energy Engineering, Energy, Research The Energy Section Coordinator is prof. Rosario Miceli; it has 59 teachers and 8 Scientific- Disciplinar Sectors: The Energy branch develops research activities on the topic of energy, thus allowing to operate in different research areas, often characterized by a multidisciplinary approach aimed to the study and development of new energy models, technologies and energy systems. The research topics are mostly part of high interest research programs

  • 3. Home - Water&Energy (57%)

    6-apr-2016 15.24.18

    Home - Water&Energy Water&Energy, Home, DICAM New trends and research perspectives towards ... scarcity, pollution and climate change pose urgent water challenges in cities. Water and energy ... over the centuries. In the modern society water and energy are strictly interdependent. Water is used in energy production and energy is used in water treatment and transportation. Water and energy ... , the increasing use of energy and the resulting climate change. The seminar has the goal to present

  • 4. ROSSO (2015) UNIPA 2- energy dynamics (52%)

    31-mar-2015 17.13.17

    WATER-ENERGY-CARBON NEXUS IN WATER RECLAMATION, REUSE, AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT: 2. Energy ... Material Science Director Water-Energy Nexus Center University of California, Irvine, CA (USA) RATIONALE Water is energy, and vice versa • In the U.S. 40% of water is used for power ... On top of the world We have an immense potential to use water-energy efficiency as a renewable source of both water and energy   ENERGY MODELING Information and Improvement

  • 5. Energy (52%)

    5-mar-2020 16.27.56

    Energy Engineering, Energy, Research The Energy Section Coordinator is prof. Maurizio Cellura; it has 39 teachers and 8 Scientific- Disciplinar Sectors: The Energy branch develops research activities on the topic of energy, thus allowing to operate in different research areas, often characterized by a multidisciplinary approach aimed to the study and development of new energy models, technologies and energy systems. The research topics are mostly part of high interest research programs

  • 6. Energy Management (49%)

    14-set-2022 12.15.40

    Energy Management saaf, agraria, logistica, energia, gestione energia, energy, energy manager, energy management Referente del Dipartimento SAAF per la Gestione dell'Energia (Energy Manager): Prof. Luca Settanni Il Regolamento (UE) 2022/1369 del 5 agosto 2022 prevede misure volte a ridurre i consumi di gas naturale nel periodo 1° agosto 2022 – 31 marzo 2023. Coerentemente con tale previsione, il 6 settembre 2022 il Ministero della Transizione Ecologica (MITE) ha reso noto il “Piano nazionale

  • 7. Pubblicazione libro "Energy Geotechnics" (47%)

    7-set-2018 11.38.34

    Pubblicazione libro "Energy Geotechnics" Energy Geotechnics, news, DICAM "Energy Geotechnics" è il nuovo libro appena pubblicato per la Springer Series in Geomechanics and ... "Energy Geotechnics - SEG-2018", organizzato con il patrocinio della International Society ... OLIVERI "Energy Geotechnics" è il nuovo libro appena pubblicato per la Springer Series ... al Simposio Internazionale "Energy Geotechnics - SEG-2018", organizzato con il patrocinio

  • 8. c v prof aste (45%)

    20-mag-2022 12.25.18

    -2010 Researcher Energy department, BEST e ABC, Politecnico di Milano ▪ SSD Ing-Ind/11, Applied ... for the 21 st century - Abc 21 ” ▪ Funded in the framework H2020-EU.3.3.1.- Reducing energy consumption ... RE-COGNITION “REnewable COGeneration and storage techNologies IntegraTIon for energy autONomous buildings” ▪ Funded in the framework of H2020-EU.3.3.2. - Low-cost, low-carbon energy supply 2019 Research ... di Milano in collaboration with ENI ▪ Projec Energy and architectural design of the Oyo Center

  • 9. Supercritical Energy passa a Modena alla fase finale del PNI 2016 (43%)

    13-dic-2016 17.35.59

    Supercritical Energy passa a Modena alla fase finale del PNI 2016 Supercritical Energy, PNI 2016, Cleantech & Energy, Il Team di Supercritical Energy (secondo classificato alla StarModena Supercritical EnergytCup Palermo e finalista alla StartCup Sicilia) passa a Modena alla fase finale del PNI 2016 svoltasi nei giorni 1 e 2 dicembre per la categoria Cleantech & Energy. Un brillante posizionamento per il gruppo palermitano (G. Tumminelli, G. Tuzzolino, R. D’Agostino, P. Rubio, M

  • 10. Blended Intensive Programme: Positive Energy Districts (43%)

    28-ott-2023 18.36.36

    BIP Positive Energy Districts articolo, notizia, unipa, erasmus, Positive Energy Districts ... "Positive Energy Districts". Il corso intensivo della durata di due settimane si terrà ... Energy Districts MASSIMO MORALE /sites/portale/dipartimenti/ingegneria/cds/ingegneriadellenergiaedellefontirinnovabili2223/struttura/consiglio/.content/immagini/240902-13-Positive-Energy-Districts ... stato predisposto il corso BIP sui "Positive Energy Districts". La deadline prevista

  • 11. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (42%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.34

    EXECUTIVE AGENCY (CINEA) CINEA.C – Green research and innovation C.2 – Horizon Europe Energy GRANT ... power is one of the fastest-growing, most mature and cost-competitive renewable energy technologies ... that wind energy gains substantially more popular support, thereby enabling its role in Europe's ... , facilitating decision making towards lower impact and more participative wind energy deployment

  • 12. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (42%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    EXECUTIVE AGENCY (CINEA) CINEA.C – Green research and innovation C.2 – Horizon Europe Energy GRANT ... power is one of the fastest-growing, most mature and cost-competitive renewable energy technologies ... that wind energy gains substantially more popular support, thereby enabling its role in Europe's ... , facilitating decision making towards lower impact and more participative wind energy deployment

  • 13. Point 5 - Draft work programme 2013 - NMP_WD2013_Draft_130312_clean (39%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.35

    Exploration, optimisation and control of nano-catalytic processes for energy applications II.1.1 ... , optimisation and control of nano-catalytic processes for energy applications Error! Bookmark not defined.II.1.2 Nanotechnology for benefiting environment, energy and health NMP.2013.1.1-2 Self-assembly ... sensors for environmental monitoring II.1.2 Nanotechnology for benefiting environment, energy and health ... band gap semiconductor materials and structures for power electronics in energy technologies NMP

  • 14. Borsa di studio per Studenti UNIPA - Master in Energy Management - scadenza 30.06.2017 ore 12.00 (38%)

    15-dic-2017 11.01.10

    Borsa di studio per Studenti UNIPA - Master in Energy Management - scadenza 30.06.2017 ore 12.00 unipa, scuola politecnica, deim, ingegneria, laurea magistrale, elettrica, Master in Energy ... vincolato alla partecipazione al Master in Energy Management organizzato dal MIP Politecnico di Milano ... in Energy Management ha l’obiettivo di formare giovani professionisti da inserire nelle imprese operanti ... -in-energy/borsa-di-studio-toto-lo-bianco/ Scheda del Master:

  • 15. Master in Energy Management 2024 e Borsa di studio “Toto Lo Bianco” (38%)

    12-mag-2024 11.32.25

    articolo, notizia, unipa, bip, master, energy management, borsa di studio, Toto Lo Bianco A partire da ottobre 2024 avrà luogo la nuova edizione del "Master in Energy Management" ... . (updated: 2024-may-06) Master in Energy Management 2024 e Borsa di studio “Toto Lo Bianco” MASSIMO MORALE ... /consiglio/.content/immagini/240506-BIP-Master-Energy-Management---2.jpg?__scale=h:212,w:500 A partire da ottobre 2024 avrà luogo la nuova edizione del "Master in Energy Management"

  • 16. 221202 Enen++ Nuclear Energy for a Cleaner Future (38%)

    15-nov-2022 14.33.42

    80th Anniversary Fermi Pile articolo, notizia, unipa, nuclear, energy, fermi pile On December 2, 2022 we will celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the first criticality of the Fermi Pile, achieved so ... with a panel discussion on "Nuclear Energy for a Cleaner World". It will then ... is warmly invited to participate! (updated: 2022-nov-15) 221202 Enen++ Nuclear Energy for a Cleaner ... are running worldwide and several non-power applications of nuclear energy were made possible

  • 17. CV aste (37%)

    2-apr-2020 15.45.00

    ACTIVITIES Dal 2017 Collaboratore della ricerca International Energy Agency - Solar Heating and Cooling Programme ▪ “Deep Renovation of Historic Buildings towards lowest possible energy demand ... /ERC/BUD/2016/91004 SET4Food: Sustainable energy technologies for food utilization in refugee camps ... - Sustainable energy technologies for food utilization”, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea – DG ... Energy Agency: Energy Conservation through Energy Storage Implementing Agreement ▪ Attività

  • 18. Alla Dott.ssa Emna Kanzari il premio della Spanish Association of Energy Economics (37%)

    2-lug-2024 11.03.32

    Alla Dott.ssa Emna Kanzari il premio della Spanish Association of Energy Economics articolo, notizia, unipa, premi, emna kanzari, SEAS, conference of the spanish association of energy economics ... e ricercatori durante la “XIX Conference of the Spanish Association of Energy Economics ... stato conferito alla dott.ssa Kanzari per il contributo dal titolo "Analysing the energy stocksdynamics in european countries under an energy transition framework", co-autori il prof. Gioacchino

  • 19. Presentazione Bando Next Energy (37%)

    21-lug-2021 12.22.00

    Presentazione Bando Next Energy next energy, ingegneria elettronica, unipa Si informano gli interessati che giorno 6 ottobre 2017 alle ore 10.30, presso il Consorzio Arca, si svolgerà l'evento di presentazione del bando NextEnergy finanziato da Terna. NextEnergy, l’iniziativa dedicato al talento, alle idee e alle startup in campo energetico dove Terna, Cariplo Factory e Fondazione Cariplo ... elettrico. Next Energy è rivolta a: - Neolaureati con meno di 28 anni che abbiano conseguito

  • 20. Presentazione Bando Next Energy (37%)

    27-set-2017 8.14.50

    Presentazione Bando Next Energy next energy, ingegneria elettronica, unipa Si informano gli interessati che giorno 6 ottobre 2017 alle ore 10.30, presso il Consorzio Arca, si svolgerà l'evento di presentazione del bando NextEnergy finanziato da Terna. NextEnergy, l’iniziativa dedicato al talento, alle idee e alle startup in campo energetico dove Terna, Cariplo Factory e Fondazione Cariplo ... elettrico. Next Energy è rivolta a: - Neolaureati con meno di 28 anni che abbiano conseguito