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1. Workshop Digital Numismatics and interdisciplinary interconnections (100%)
26-nov-2023 19.05.11Workshop Digital Numismatics and interdisciplinary interconnections numismatica, monete, patrimonio numismatico, digital mapping, Museo Salinas, Culture e Società , Unipa Lunedì 27 novembre 2023, dalle 9.00 alle 18.00, presso l'Aula 807 e il Laboratorio di Informatica del Dipartimento Culture e Società (Campus, Edificio 15, piano VIII), si svolgerà il Workshop dal titolo Digital Numismatics and interdisciplinary interconnections, organizzato a cura della cattedra di Numismatica dell'UniversitÃ
2. Workshop Digital Numismatics and interdisciplinary interconnections (94%)
26-nov-2023 19.05.11Workshop Digital Numismatics and interdisciplinary interconnections numismatica, monete, patrimonio numismatico, digital mapping, Museo Salinas, Culture e Società , Unipa Lunedì 27 novembre 2023, dalle 9.00 alle 18.00, presso l'Aula 807 e il Laboratorio di Informatica del Dipartimento Culture e Società (Campus, Edificio 15, piano VIII), si svolgerà il Workshop dal titolo Digital Numismatics and interdisciplinary interconnections, organizzato a cura della cattedra di Numismatica dell'UniversitÃ
3. new-page (29%)
7-mar-2014 11.32.23imagery for digital mapping and on GNSS applications. He is author of about 90 papers published
4. cv (29%)
7-mar-2014 11.26.27for digital mapping and on GNSS applications. He is author of about 90 papers published on national
5. new-page (29%)
3-mar-2014 15.24.14for management of cultural heritage; - high resolution satellite imagery for digital mapping
6. Curriculum (29%)
3-mar-2014 15.25.05for management of cultural heritage; - high resolution satellite imagery for digital mapping
7. new-page (29%)
19-feb-2014 12.42.35, integrated GPS/GIS techniques for vehicle control, high resolution satellite imagery for digital mapping, MMS applications to road layouts, time series analysis. GINO DARDANELLI
8. ICAR06 - Topography and Cartography - Research (29%)
27-apr-2016 13.40.55production; study of issues relating to cartographic derivation and production of 3D digital mapping
10. cv raffaella brumana (25%)
29-apr-2020 12.12.33structure of digital-mapping for the GIS and the web. Responsible of Polimi UB Prof. R. Brumana
11. DI LUGGO Antonella-CV breve 2019 (25%)
23-apr-2020 16.29.24, R. (2016). Digital mapping for archaeological heritage. pp.1-10. In SCIRES-IT - ISSN:2239-4303 vol
12. Brumana_CV_PA_Palermo (25%)
5-mag-2020 12.17.57Programme, Evolved structure of digital-mapping for the GIS and the web. Responsible of Polimi UB Prof
13. Albo Dottori XXIV ciclo Anno 2014 (25%)
14. 2014_1973_bando_di stefano (25%)
20-mag-2014 10.06.43databases and digital mapping and processing of geological sections 2D and 3D models. To achieve
15. cv_brumana (21%)
30-mag-2023 11.08.20-Christian frescos) . PRIN 2004-06, National Research Programme, Evolved structure of digital-mapping