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  • 1. guidelines-STRUCTURED-DIALOGUE (100%)

    15-nov-2016 15.09.21

    Part B – Meetings between young people and decision-makers STRUCTURED DIALOGUE: MEETINGS BETWEEN YOUNG PEOPLE AND DECISION-MAKERS IN THE FIELD OF YOUTH WHAT IS THE AIM OF STRUCTURED DIALOGUE ... fosters debate around topics centred on the themes and priorities set by the Structured Dialogue and the renewed political framework in the youth field. Structured Dialogue is the name used ... representatives of public authorities in charge of youth. More information about Structured Dialogue

  • 2. Summer school “Workshop: Palermo, a city of stratification of cultures and dialogue” – Palermo, 2-6 Maggio 2022 (51%)

    22-lug-2022 15.41.21

    Summer school “Workshop: Palermo, a city of stratification of cultures and dialogue” – Palermo, 2-6 Maggio 2022 forthem, summer school, workshop, palermo, stratification, cultures, dialogue L’associazione studentesca SEARCH, presieduta da Angelo Guddo, e sotto il coordinamento dei proff. Margagliotta, Corrao e De Marco, ha portato a termine con successo la summer school FORTHEM “Workshop: Palermo, a city of stratification of cultures and dialogue”. Il corso si è articolato in visite a monumenti

  • 3. EVENTI- Convegno internazionale The Akragas Dialogue (27%)

    11-ott-2016 11.59.56

    EVENTI- Convegno internazionale The Akragas Dialogue articolo, notizia, unipa, beni culturali, archeologia, comunicazioni, bacheca THE AKRAGAS DIALOGUE - NUOVE RICERCHE SUI SANTUARI DI SICILIA Colloquio internazionale sulla dimensione architettonica, rituale e sociale dei santuari greci di Sicilia, a partire dal caso di Agrigento Agrigento, 29-30 settembre 2016 Polo Territoriale Universitario ... comunicano che le tematiche del prossimo convegno "The Akragas dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui

  • 4. Official Program_Workshop_Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue (26%)

    8-lug-2022 10.32.07

    Workshop Palermo, a city of stratification of cultures and dialogue Palermo, 2nd-6th May 2022 Starting from the knowledge of Norman Architecture in Palermo, with seminars, visits and experiential activities, the workshop proposes an approach to Architecture as an instrument of communication ... the dialogue among people from different countries. MON Foreign student arrival Opening_15:00 (UTC +2 ... , Palermo, city of dialogue | prof. Antonino Margagliotta, UNIPA UNIPA Architecture and Heritage in Sicily

  • 5. Workshop FORTHEM "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" (25%)

    2-mag-2022 7.59.03

    Workshop FORTHEM "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" darch, architettura, iea, workshop, forthem, eventidarch, iheritagenews Workshop Forthem "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" organizzato dal CdS in Ingegneria edile - Architettura con l'Associazione studentesca SEARCH Palermo, 2-6 Maggio 2022 Locandina/Programma ANDREA SANTORO Workshop Forthem "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue"

  • 6. Workshop FORTHEM "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" (25%)

    2-mag-2022 7.56.11

    Workshop FORTHEM "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" darch, architettura, iea, workshop, forthem, eventidarch, Workshop Forthem "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" organizzato dal CdS in Ingegneria edile - Architettura con l'Associazione studentesca SEARCH Palermo, 2-6 Maggio 2022 Locandina/Programma ANDREA SANTORO Workshop Forthem "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" organizzato dal CdS

  • 7. The Akragas dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui santuari di Sicilia (22%)

    19-set-2017 15.56.16

    The Akragas dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui santuari di Sicilia articolo, notizia, unipa, eventi Traendo ispirazione dal paesaggio della Sicilia antica come luogo di incontro culturale, il convegno mira a creare una sinergia fra diversi approcci di ricerca all’archeologia del sacro. L’incontro unirà studiosi che svolgono ricerche sui santuari della Sicilia e specialisti della religione e del rito ... by Sicily’s ancient landscape of cultural encounter, the aim of the Akragas Dialogue conference

  • 8. call and form SUMMER COURSE DIALOGO INTERRELIGIOSO-Programma EN Prot n. 1249 del 26.04.2021 (20%)

    26-apr-2021 15.58.08

    6-11 September 2021 Summer Course Interreligious dialogue and rights The Summer Course (from now on, Summer Course ) with the theme "Interreligious dialogue and rights" ( Interreligious dialogue and rights ) is part of the initiatives of the Department of Law and ... . INTRODUCTION - KEY CONCEPT The axis of the Summer Course consists of the dialogue interfaith ... what aspect relevant interreligious dialogue confessional and intercultural , helping to shape

  • 9. call and form SUMMER COURSE DIALOGO INTERRELIGIOSO-Programma EN (20%)

    26-apr-2021 14.45.57

    Interreligious dialogue and rights The Summer Course (from now on, Summer Course ) with the theme "Interreligious dialogue and rights" ( Interreligious dialogue and rights ) is part ... of the Summer Course consists of the dialogue interfaith, meaning the faith-based tool for the prevention and ... systems legal religious, understanding what aspect relevant interreligious dialogue confessional ... dialogue actors. Scientific-disciplinary sectors The scientific-disciplinary sectors involved

  • 10. call and form SUMMER COURSE DIALOGO INTERRELIGIOSO-Programma EN Prot n. 1249 del 26.04.2021(1) (20%)

    27-apr-2021 11.13.22

    6-11 September 2021 Summer Course Interreligious dialogue and rights The Summer Course (from now on, Summer Course ) with the theme "Interreligious dialogue and rights" ( Interreligious dialogue and rights ) is part of the initiatives of the Department of Law and ... . INTRODUCTION - KEY CONCEPT The axis of the Summer Course consists of the dialogue interfaith ... what aspect relevant interreligious dialogue confessional and intercultural , helping to shape

  • 11. call and form SUMMER COURSE DIALOGO INTERRELIGIOSO- del 26.04.2021 (20%)

    27-apr-2021 14.36.36

    6-11 September 2021 Summer Course Interreligious dialogue and rights The Summer Course (from now on, Summer Course ) with the theme "Interreligious dialogue and rights" ( Interreligious dialogue and rights ) is part of the initiatives of the Department of Law and ... . INTRODUCTION - KEY CONCEPT The axis of the Summer Course consists of the dialogue interfaith ... what aspect relevant interreligious dialogue confessional and intercultural , helping to shape

  • 12. focus STRUCTURED DIALOGUE (19%)

    21-mar-2017 12.49.52

    STRUCTURED DIALOGUE - MEETINGS BETWEEN YOUNG PEOPLE AND DECISION- MAKERS IN THE FIELD OF YOUTH Dialogo Strutturato - Incontri tra giovani e decisori politici nel settore della gioventù ERASMUS Plus - KA3 Prossima scadenza 26 aprile 2017 I progetti sul dialogo strutturato promuovono la partecipazione attiva dei giovani alla vita democratica e si svolgono sotto forma di riunioni, conferenze, consultazioni ed eventi in cui i giovani hanno l’opportunità di discutere coi decisori

  • 13. DAAD Akragas dialogue in Augsburg 12_4_16 (18%)

    20-apr-2016 11.31.02

    The Akragas Dialogue DAAD international workshop for BA/MA and PhDs 19-22 April 2016 at Augsburg University Program Organization: Prof. Dr. Natascha Sojc (Augsburg University), Prof. Dr. Monica de Cesare (Palermo University), Prof. Dr. Elisa Chiara Portale (Palermo University) Specialists: Prof. Dr. Erich Kistler (Universität Innsbruck), Dr.-Ing. Clemens Voigts (Universität der Bundeswehr, München), Dr. Ioanna Patera (Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Antiques, Paris), Dr. Marina

  • 14. last_cv pollicino-eng (17%)

    14-apr-2020 11.19.34

    between Europe's Legal Systems: Judicial Dialogue and the Creation of Supranational Laws, Edward Elgar ... (For the protection of digital privacy: the dialogue between the European Court of Justice and ... Dialogue and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the New Digital Environment, The Case of Freedom ... of the European Courts, any room for judicial dialogue? in Italian) M. Nistico-P. Passaglia (eds ... . From Partial to Full Dialogue with Luxembourg: The Last Cooperative Step of the Italian Constitutional Court

  • 15. CV Nancy Jean-Luc (16%)

    20-mag-2013 10.49.33

  • 16. CV kearney Richard (16%)

    20-mag-2013 10.49.15

    part in a dialogue with Charles Taylor on the subject of 'The Sacred and the Secular' in Montreal ... “The Creativity of Language: Dialogue with Paul Ricoeur” in: A Ricoeur Reader: Reflection and ... the Ethics of Dialogue” in: Philosophy and Social Criticism , Vol. 19, Boston 1993, pp. 1-14 ... -8 “Aristotle, Ethics and Literature (a Dialogue with Martha Nussbaum)” in: Philosophy Now

  • 17. Convegno The Akragas Dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui santuari di Sicilia (16%)

    4-ott-2016 17.10.00

    Villa Genuardi - Polo Territoriale Universitario - Parco Valle dei Templi Casa Sanfilippo di Agrigento Chiesa di S. Antonio Abate - Complesso Monumentale Steri Convegno The Akragas Dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui santuari di Sicilia evento, convegno, polo agrigento, Colloquio internazionale sulla dimensione architettonica, rituale e sociale dei santuari greci di Sicilia, a partire dal caso di Agrigento. L’evento organizzato dal Dipartimento Culture e Società e dal Polo di Agrigento

  • 18. Convegno The Akragas Dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui santuari di Sicilia (16%)

    26-set-2016 12.29.50

    Villa Genuardi - Polo Territoriale Universitario - Parco Valle dei Templi Casa Sanfilippo di Agrigento Chiesa di S. Antonio Abate - Complesso Monumentale Steri Convegno The Akragas Dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui santuari di Sicilia evento, convegno, polo agrigento, Colloquio internazionale sulla dimensione architettonica, rituale e sociale dei santuari greci di Sicilia, a partire dal caso di Agrigento. L’evento organizzato dal Dipartimento Culture e Società e dal Polo di Agrigento

  • 19. Abstract del Convegno "The Akragas dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui santuari di Sicilia" (16%)

    19-set-2017 15.55.07

    Abstract del Convegno "The Akragas dialogue. Nuove ricerche sui santuari di Sicilia" articolo, notizia, unipa, eventi, Abstract A. Pautasso.pdf Abstract A. Rheeder.pdf Abstract C. Marconi.pdf Abstract D. Deplano.pdf Abstract D. Leggio.pdf Abstract E. Mango.pdf Abstract I. Mylonopoulos.pdf Abstract I. Patera.pdf Abstract J. Wallensten.pdf Abstract M. Albertocchi.pdf Abstract M. de Cesare, E.C. Portale.pdf Abstract N. Allegro, R. Anzalone.pdf Abstract N. Allegro.pdf Abstract N

  • 20. IIC Calendario (15%)

    7-set-2015 12.26.52

    de musique italienne 20h ›IIC Dialogue de saxophones musique 16 mer 17 ... Dialogue d’auteur 19 lun Rétrospective Pasolini cinéma ... di Pasolini 1 jeu 27 mar 2 ven 28 mer Dialogue ... . Ensemble ils créeront dans un dialogue fondé sur le contraste et le clair-obscur, et tenteront ... septembre à 20h vendredi 18 septembre à 20h30 Dialogue de saxophones: Alessandro Marangoni : Rossini