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  • 1. Impact details (100%)

    14-gen-2016 19.10.24

    Impact details Impact details Antonella PDFCreator Version 1.3.2 GPL Ghostscript 9.05

  • 2. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (52%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

    are actively engaged in high quality educational research. Details of the School research groups ... of the first part on 29 November and the main assignment on 6th May. Details of the assignment ... . Further details of these will follow at a later date. The Year 1 tutorial timetable for Thursdays ... this subject even if you complete the pedagogy module in this subject. For full details on Teaching ... . This module will take place for one hour each week online in Year 1. For details of the course see

  • 3. modelloA_2015JW9NJT (3) (43%)

    12-gen-2017 12.30.05

    Total months/person expected: 245,5 The information about the main staff involved are shown in details ... about the major new contracts for staff specifically to recruit are shown in details in B.2.6. The project ... as shown in details in the TAB.2. TAB.2 List of main Labs and related equipment values involved ... system (see TAB.2 for details). Specifically, the project will monitor and analyze the structural ... for details). The created active network among research groups, still ongoing in most cases

  • 4. CV-Europass-Campisi-ITA--link-pubblicazioni-2022 (33%)

    7-set-2022 16.28.54

    =1&mt=8; per Android ... ; per Android; sito

  • 5. CV-Europass-Campisi-ITA-2020 (31%)

    9-feb-2020 19.33.08

    :// in grado di fornire ... /store/apps/details?id=com.olomedia.iosonopulito; sito finalizzato alla diffusione

  • 6. CV-Europass-Campisi-ITA -link pubblicazioni nov 2017 (31%)

    9-feb-2020 18.55.37

    :// in grado di fornire ... /store/apps/details?id=com.olomedia.iosonopulito; sito finalizzato alla diffusione

  • 7. CV-Europass-Campisi-ITA-2020 (31%)

    9-feb-2020 19.32.29

    :// in grado di fornire ... /store/apps/details?id=com.olomedia.iosonopulito; sito finalizzato alla diffusione

  • 8. 2012 JME Di Betta Amenta 08997764 (31%)

    24-set-2013 11.54.09

    This article was downloaded by: [Paolo Di Betta] On: 15 June 2012, At: 12:25 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Media Economics Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: ... is that the theory “unfortunately predicts outcomes that tend to be sensitive to fine institutional details” (p

  • 9. new-page (31%)

    18-feb-2014 17.10.33

    CV-UK CV, lecturer, researcher, biography Master Degree in Civil Hydraulics Engineering in 1998 at the Università degli Studi di Palermo. In 2002 he attained the PhD in Geotechnical Engineering at the Università degli Studi di Catania. From 2005 to 2009 he was Research Fellow, at Università degli Studi di Palermo, for 2+2 years during which he carried out a research on small scale physical models and centrifuge experimentation on the effects of small constitutive details on the stability

  • 10. Syllabus_SEA_2018-19 (29%)

    17-ott-2018 22.09.10

    di gestione, valutazione, Bancaria Editrice, Roma, 2005. Contact details Prof. Enzo Scannella

  • 11. Syllabus_SEF_2018_19 (29%)

    17-ott-2018 22.08.28

    , valutazione, Bancaria Editrice, Roma, 2005. Contact details Prof. Enzo Scannella Department

  • 12. PRIN 2015 (29%)

    12-gen-2017 12.31.52

    PRIN 2015 Prin 2015, Progetti di ricerca, Unipa, Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca • Research Units Dipartimento per la formazione superiore e per la Ricerca • Labs • Institutions Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento, la promozione e la valorizzazione della Ricerca • Impact details • Real Case Studies • Structural Monitoring • modelloA_2015JW9NJT (3) PRIN: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE – Bando 2015 Research Project Title ADVANCED MECHANICAL

  • 13. Syllabus_SEF_2017_18 (29%)

    30-ott-2017 10.15.17

    details Prof. Enzo Scannella Department of Economics, Business and Statistics University

  • 14. Syllabus_SEA_2019_20 (29%)

    30-set-2019 16.13.06

    ). Contact details Prof. Enzo Scannella Department of Economics, Business and Statistics

  • 15. Syllabus_SEF_2019_20 (29%)

    30-set-2019 16.12.47

    ” (AIFIRM). Contact details Prof. Enzo Scannella Department of Economics, Business and

  • 16. Program and manual of civil procedure for Erasmus students (29%)

    12-set-2023 12.00.38

    Program and manual of civil procedure for Erasmus students articolo, notizia, unipa, diritto processuale civile, civil procedure, Russo, Erasmus, students, programma, program, manual, manuale Course attendance is recommended. This is the code of the Team: ryhd7k2 Manual suggested (in English): Author: Michele Angelo LUPOI, Title: Civil Procedure in Italy Edition: Wolters Kluwer ; (available also as e-book, on playstore:

  • 17. new-page (27%)

    24-gen-2014 11.49.27

    hydrological details of the watersheds. Study of a complex water supply system - modeling of water

  • 18. short biography (27%)

    24-gen-2014 12.00.58

    construction types and hydrological details of the watersheds. Study of a complex water supply system

  • 19. CURR_Mazzola_RSAI (25%)

    4-set-2015 12.59.22

    PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Fabio MAZZOLA Date and place of birth: October 7 1957, Palermo (Italy) Nationality: Italian Address: Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze economiche. aziendali e statistiche, Viale delle Scienze, Ed.13,Palermo (Italy) E-mail: FUTURE POSITION Vice-Rector, University of Palermo (Italy), beginning November, 1, 2015 CURRENT POSITIONS -Chairman, Department of Economics, Statistics and Business

  • 20. Events & Media (23%)

    22-dic-2023 8.47.26

    of universities."). For further details, visit the CISIA newsletter website (in Italian): click here. 3