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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (100%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

    are actively engaged in high quality educational research. Details of the School research groups ... of the first part on 29 November and the main assignment on 6th May. Details of the assignment ... . Further details of these will follow at a later date. The Year 1 tutorial timetable for Thursdays ... this subject even if you complete the pedagogy module in this subject. For full details on Teaching ... . This module will take place for one hour each week online in Year 1. For details of the course see

  • 2. Launch of the Digital Academy - 8 giugno 2022 - online (95%)

    1-giu-2022 13.18.22

    Launch of the Digital Academy - 8 giugno 2022 - online Launch of the Digital Academy, Sum, registrazione Sarà presentata la Digitial Academy, una piattaforma per la mobility virtuale sviluppata all’interno del progetto Erasmus+ Forthem. All details are available here Link per la registrazione BIAGIA RUSSO Sarà presentata la Digitial Academy, una piattaforma per la mobility virtuale sviluppata all’interno del progetto Erasmus+ Forthem. All details

  • 3. Learning-Agreement (82%)

    6-dic-2013 9.22.44

    Modulo All. B LEARNING AGREEMENT Borse di studio MIUR per Studenti iscritti a Corsi di Studio con insegnamenti di lingua e/o cultura cinese A.A. 2013/2014 STUDENTE - STUDENT'S PERSONAL DATA Cognome e nome Family and First name Email Dipartimento - Corso di Studio Department - Degree course Docente italiano responsabile per la mobilità Italian Mobility Programme ... ATTIVITA' PROGRAMMATE - DETAILS OF THE STUDY PROGRAMME ABROAD Durata prevista periodo di studio

  • 4. Call for Papers - Doing English def (82%)

    24-mar-2022 10.10.34

    ’ and send proof with your abstract to the same email address. o The abstract must include details

  • 5. Summer School in Traduzione Letteraria (programma 6.2024 web)_DEF_295 (82%)

    30-mag-2024 9.03.12

    , PALERMO Il Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche (SUM) in partenariato con StradeLab ... dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo FRANCESCA PIAZZA Direttrice del Dipartimento di Scienze ... GILIBERTO Coordinatrice dei CdS di Lingue del Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche RENATA VINCI ... Se AInfoNrmTat,iAonN ShTeeOt foNr tIhNis sOtudy and have had ,details of the study explained ... Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche Universita` degli Studi di Palermo A 39 091.23867511

  • 6. GAP_4th ISW Program_compressed (78%)

    18-ott-2022 16.34.46

    . Ancarani's film dwells on some of the details of the articulated child universe that enters and leaves ... – Max-Planck-Institut; Università degli Studi di Palermo – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle

  • 7. ReSignifications conference booklet (73%)

    6-giu-2018 12.38.44

    , details that he gave them. He is black, under thirty, Italian name and surname and is an Italian