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  • 1. Presentazione Cdl magistrale “European Master in Classical Cultures" (100%)

    6-mar-2018 9.47.46

    Chiesa Sant’Antonio Abate - complesso Steri Presentazione Cdl magistrale “European Master in Classical Cultures" students, Corso di laurea magistrale, European Master in Classical Cultures, Sarà ... , il Corso di laurea magistrale “European Master in Classical Cultures”. Il programma prevede: Ore 10 ... -Universität Freiburg) The Europaen Master 'Classical Cultures' (EMCC): Idea, concept and structure ... Master in Classical Cultures. Modera, Alfredo Casamento (Università di Palermo). Info:

  • 2. Apertura registrazioni corso online FORTHEM “Visual and digital cultures” (91%)

    19-mag-2022 8.07.21

    Apertura registrazioni corso online FORTHEM “Visual and digital cultures” forthem, visual and digital cultures, ub, digital academy, bando studenti La Facoltà di Lingue dell’Université de Bourgogne, partner insieme a UniPa dell’Alleanza FORTHEM, offrirà nell’Autunno 2022 un corso online interamente in Inglese, dal titolo “Visual and digital cultures”. Il corso, che rientra nella FORTHEM Digital ... che si verrà accettati, sarà possibile aggiungere il corso “Visual and digital cultures” al proprio

  • 3. Online Course – “Visual and Digital Cultures” promosso dall’University of Burgundy - 2 CFU (89%)

    21-nov-2023 11.09.56

    Online Course – “Visual and Digital Cultures” promosso dall’University of Burgundy - 2 CFU forthem, digital academy, online course, bourgogne, visual, digital, cultures Sarà disponibile a partire da gennaio 2024 un nuovo corso online, erogato in Inglese nell’ambito dell’UFR Language ... , intitolato “Visual and digital Cultures”. Il corso è aperto a tutta la comunità studentesca ... Cultures Course”. Per maggiori informazioni è possibile contattare il prof. Candice Lemaire e l’ufficio

  • 4. Summer school “Workshop: Palermo, a city of stratification of cultures and dialogue” – Palermo, 2-6 Maggio 2022 (81%)

    22-lug-2022 15.41.21

    Summer school “Workshop: Palermo, a city of stratification of cultures and dialogue” – Palermo, 2-6 Maggio 2022 forthem, summer school, workshop, palermo, stratification, cultures, dialogue L’associazione studentesca SEARCH, presieduta da Angelo Guddo, e sotto il coordinamento dei proff. Margagliotta, Corrao e De Marco, ha portato a termine con successo la summer school FORTHEM “Workshop: Palermo, a city of stratification of cultures and dialogue”. Il corso si è articolato in visite a monumenti

  • 5. 7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar (80%)

    3-giu-2024 18.53.01

    7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar European Master in Classical Cultures, EMCC, mondo antico, Ancient World, Scienze dell'Antichità, Culture e Società, Unipa Dal 4 al 7 giugno 2024, presso l'Università di Palermo, nell'ambito delle attività del Dottorato in Studi classici per la contemporaneità e del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze dell'Antichità del Dipartimento Culture e Società, si svolgerà il 7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar, sul tema New

  • 6. 7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar (80%)

    3-giu-2024 18.53.01

    7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar European Master in Classical Cultures, EMCC, mondo antico, Ancient World, Scienze dell'Antichità, Culture e Società, Unipa Dal 4 al 7 giugno 2024, presso l'Università di Palermo, nell'ambito delle attività del Dottorato in Studi classici per la contemporaneità e del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze dell'Antichità del Dipartimento Culture e Società, si svolgerà il 7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar, sul tema New

  • 7. 7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar (80%)

    3-giu-2024 18.51.33

    7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar European Master in Classical Cultures, EMCC, mondo antico, Ancient World, Scienze dell'Antichità, Culture e Società, Unipa Dal 4 al 7 giugno 2024, presso l'Università di Palermo, nell'ambito delle attività del Dottorato in Studi classici per la contemporaneità e del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze dell'Antichità del Dipartimento Culture e Società, si svolgerà il 7th European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar, sul tema New

  • 8. Specialists in the Translation Industry. Across Genres and Cultures. (73%)

    22-mag-2019 12.40.59

    Specialists in the Translation Industry. Across Genres and Cultures. Specialists in the Translation Industry. Across Genres and Cultures, convegno, SOSAC 23 Maggio 2019 Complesso Monumentale di Sant'Antonino, Aula Magna Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO

  • 9. Specialists in the Translation Industry. Across Genres and Cultures. (73%)

    22-mag-2019 12.39.43

    Specialists in the Translation Industry. Across Genres and Cultures. Specialists in the Translation Industry. Across Genres and Cultures, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, convegno Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 10. Call for papers_Peoples and Cultures of the World (72%)

    13-ott-2018 9.46.14

    Call for papers Peoples and Cultures of the World International Conference Palermo ... different peoples and cultures of the world by taking into account the various ways peoples and cultures define themselves and others, thus shaping their identities. The organising committee ... /or chronological dimensions. In our modern world, how can we still talk of homogeneous, spatially defined cultures ... , we would like to focus on the variety of cultures in the world, on their diversity comparatively studied

  • 11. Cfp Peoples and Cultures of the World (68%)

    3-ott-2018 17.06.59

    Call for papers Peoples and Cultures of the World International Conference Palermo ... different peoples and cultures of the world by taking into account the various ways peoples and cultures define themselves and others, thus shaping their identities. The organising committee ... /or chronological dimensions. In our modern world, how can we still talk of homogeneous, spatially defined cultures ... , we would like to focus on the variety of cultures in the world, on their diversity comparatively studied

  • 12. UFR Langues et Cultures Etrangères, Département d’Arabe, Accord Double Diplome_Palerme_MECO-fr_final (67%)

    17-ott-2014 12.26.26

    AG2C n° 2013/1094 ACCORD DE COOPERATION POUR UN DOUBLE DIPLOME ENTRE L’UNIVERSITE DE LORRAINE ET L’UNIVERSITE DE PALERME ENTRE : L’Université de Lorraine, établissement public scientifique, culturel et professionnel de l’enseignement supérieur, dont le siège social est situé au 34 Cours Léopold - CS 25233- 54052 Nancy Cedex France, siret n°130 015 506 00012, représentée par son Président, le Professeur Pierre Mutzenhardt, et plus particulièrement son UFR Langues et Cultures

  • 13. Call for papers-Peoples and Cultures of the World 2022 (67%)

    22-apr-2022 14.11.48

    Call for papers Peoples and Cultures of the World 2nd Edition International Conference June ... Department of Cultures and Societies Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement ... and Cultures of the World”, organized in 2019, was an important opportunity to focus on conceptual ... to speak of cultures that are somehow homogeneous and spatially circumscribed? Or, instead ... proposals taking into account single cultures (ethnic groups, communities, indigenous minorities, etc

  • 14. Tradition, translation, and experimentation across english and non-english cultures (55%)

    23-mar-2015 10.04.39

    Tradition, translation, and experimentation across english and non-english cultures cultura ... -English Cultures, finanziato dall’Università di Palermo e dal Comune di Palermo, si colloca ... Tradition, Translation, and Experimentation across English and non-English Cultures, which will be held ... immigrants who favour ‘contaminations’ between cultures and diverse peoples, contacts between tradition ... of cultural translation and forms of creolisation), in which English and non-English cultures attempt

  • 15. Giornata di presentazione del CdL magistrale "European Master in Classical Cultures" (46%)

    12-mar-2018 11.21.21

    Giornata di presentazione del CdL magistrale "European Master in Classical Cultures" articolo, notizia, unipa, eventi Uno spazio europeo per gli studi classici. Giornata di presentazione del corso di laurea magistrale “European Master in Classical Cultures”. Palermo, 6 | marzo | 2018 ... 10.50 Ralf von den Hoff (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) The Europaen Master 'Classical Cultures ... nell’European Master in Classical Cultures Organizzazione: Daniela Bonanno, Alfredo Casamento

  • 16. Call for papers: Peoples and Cultures of the World. International Conference. (41%)

    15-ott-2018 9.35.01

    Call for papers: Peoples and Cultures of the World. International Conference. articolo, notizia, unipa Call for papers: Peoples and Cultures of the World International Conference Palermo University, January 24-25, 2019 Building 19, Viale delle Scienze, Aula Seminari A and B Deadline for submitting proposals: 30 November 2018 Abstract: 250 words (max) Duration of each paper: 20 minutes Official ... Administration: Department of Cultures and Societies, Palermo University Viale delle Scienze, 90128

  • 17. Workshop FORTHEM "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" (41%)

    2-mag-2022 7.59.03

    Workshop FORTHEM "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" darch, architettura, iea, workshop, forthem, eventidarch, iheritagenews Workshop Forthem "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" organizzato dal CdS in Ingegneria edile - Architettura con l'Associazione studentesca SEARCH Palermo, 2-6 Maggio 2022 Locandina/Programma ANDREA SANTORO Workshop Forthem "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue"

  • 18. Workshop FORTHEM "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" (41%)

    2-mag-2022 7.56.11

    Workshop FORTHEM "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" darch, architettura, iea, workshop, forthem, eventidarch, Workshop Forthem "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" organizzato dal CdS in Ingegneria edile - Architettura con l'Associazione studentesca SEARCH Palermo, 2-6 Maggio 2022 Locandina/Programma ANDREA SANTORO Workshop Forthem "Palermo, a city of stratifications of cultures and dialogue" organizzato dal CdS

  • 19. 7th EMCC Blockseminar - New Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Ancient World (40%)

    3-giu-2024 16.10.18

    opening: Sala delle Capriate, Steri - piazza Marina, 61 articolo, notizia, unipa, culture e società, European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar Martedì 4 giugno, alle 9.00, nella Sala delle Capriate del Complesso Monumentale dello Steri (piazza Marina, 61) si tiene l'incontro di apertura della settima edizione dello European Master in Classical Cultures Blockseminar sul tema "New Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Ancient World". L'iniziativa, organizzata nell'ambito delle

  • 20. programma_People and Cultures of the World (39%)

    21-gen-2019 16.07.14

    Peoples and Cultures of the World International Conference University of Palermo, January 24-25, 2019 Building 19, Viale delle Scienze, Aula Seminari A and B Thursday, January 24th 09.00-09.30 REGISTRATION Building 19, Aula Seminari A 09.30-10.00 WELCOME Girolamo Cusimano, Presidente della Scuola delle Scienze Umane e del Patrimonio Culturale Michele Cometa, Direttore ... Cultures Roșu Răzvan, Local and national identities in the Transylvanian cultural enclaves and