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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. COSTVademecum (100%)

    9-ott-2017 10.51.16

    .................................................................................................. 8 1.1. COST Action Overview ... ........................................................................... 9 1.3. COST Action Scientific Reporting ... . COST Action Management ... ) .......................................... 14 2.3. COST Action Grant Agreement and Work and Budget Plan ............................................. 15 COST Action Grant Agreement Amendment

  • 2. Registration (87%)

    15-gen-2014 12.29.21

    Registration orca meeting, registration, cost action Registration to the 6th ORCA Meeting is free for COST ORCA members according to the COST vademecum rules. For non-members of the COST Action, a registration fee will be applicable as follows: Registration Fee Until 10th March 2014 Until 10th April 2014 Academic registration 100 euros 200 euros Student registration 50 euros 100 euros Industry affiliated registration 200 euros 300 euros Conference registration fee (except for accompanying

  • 3. Registration (87%)

    13-feb-2014 13.25.35

    Registration orca meeting, registration, cost action Registration to the 6th ORCA Meeting is free for COST ORCA members according to the COST vademecum rules. For non-members of the COST Action, a registration fee will be applicable as follows: Registration Fee Until 10th March 2014 After 10th March 2014 Academic registration 100 euros 200 euros Student registration 50 euros 100 euros Industry affiliated registration 200 euros 300 euros Conference registration fee (except for accompanying

  • 4. 6th ORCA Meeting (87%)

    14-mag-2014 16.14.06

    6th ORCA Meeting meeting, organocatalysis, Cost Action The 6th ORCA Meeting, will be held on May 7th-10th, 2014, at the Hotel La Torre, Mondello in Palermo, Italy, to discuss the latest advancements about organocatalysis and the future of this Cost Action. GIOVANNI MORICI /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/comunicazioni/

  • 5. ORCA cost action (67%)

    26-nov-2013 13.04.55

  • 6. Horizon 2020 - COST Action IC1406 - cHiPSet: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (60%)

    26-ott-2015 11.39.30

    Horizon 2020 - COST Action IC1406 - cHiPSet: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications internazionalizzazione, Horizon 2020, Salvatore Vitabile, L’Università degli Studi di Palermo partecipa alla COST Action cHiPSet: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications con una unità coordinata dal prof. Salvatore Vitabile del Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Biotecnologie Mediche. Scopo della Action è la creazione di una rete di eccellenza costituita

  • 7. Horizon 2020 - COST Action IC1406 - cHiPSet: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (60%)

    26-ott-2015 11.39.30

    Horizon 2020 - COST Action IC1406 - cHiPSet: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications internazionalizzazione, Horizon 2020, Salvatore Vitabile, L’Università degli Studi di Palermo partecipa alla COST Action cHiPSet: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications con una unità coordinata dal prof. Salvatore Vitabile del Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Biotecnologie Mediche. Scopo della Action è la creazione di una rete di eccellenza costituita

  • 8. EthMigSurveyData COST ACTION: ad UniPa il meeting di ricerca internazionale sull’analisi dei fenomeni migratori (60%)

    5-mar-2019 10.38.48

    EthMigSurveyData COST ACTION: ad UniPa il meeting di ricerca internazionale sull’analisi dei fenomeni migratori articolo, notizia, unipa, Culture e Società, COST, EthMigSurveyData Il network di ricerca internazionale “Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities Survey Data Network” (EthMigSurveyData COST ACTION), che si occupa di temi relativi allo svolgimento di survey per l’analisi dei fenomeni migratori delle popolazioni a minoranza etnica o linguistica, si incontrerà all’Università degli Studi

  • 9. 1st Conference of the ETHMIGSURVEYDATA Cost Action (56%)

    9-mar-2019 14.08.11

    1st Conference of the ETHMIGSURVEYDATA Cost Action articolo, notizia, unipa Nei giorni 6, 7 e 8 marzo 2019 si svolgerà presso l’Università degli Studi di Palermo il meeting scientifico dei partecipanti al network di ricerca COST su “Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities Survey Data”. Il network è costituito da studiosi di 35 Paesi che lavorano sul miglioramento dell’accesso, dell’utilizzabilità, della disseminazione e degli standard di produzione dei dati quantitativi, costruiti tramite survey

  • 10. Palermo Meeting Cost Action 17112 (56%)

    28-ott-2019 11.01.48

    Lucia Craxì Maria Calderone 2nd Working Groups 3rd Core Group Meeting COST Action 17112 Aula

  • 11. cv prof. colla (42%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.55

    giugno 2013, Agripolis, Padova. Comitato Scientifico del 1st Meeting of COST Action FA1204, 11-12 Marzo 2013, Atene, Grecia. Comitato Scientifico del 1st Annual Conference COST Action FA1204- 1st ... del 2st Annual Conference of COST Action FA1204, ‘Innovation in Vegetable Grafting for Sustainability’, 20 -22 Ottobre 2014 Carcavelos, Portogallo. Comitato Scientifico del 3rd Meeting of COST Action ... Comitato Scientifico del 3rd Annual Conference of COST Action FA1204 ‘Rhizosphere and Rootstock’, 13-16

  • 12. commendatore (42%)

    16-apr-2020 8.56.10

    periodo 2012-2016, è stato coordinatore della COST Action IS1104 "The EU in the new complex ... - COST Action IS1104 - Gecomplexity - The open issues of European Integration, Department of Economics ... COST Action IS1104 – The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models, tools and ... /5041535155414c45434f4d4d4... (GeComplexity), Heraklion, Creta, Grecia. 10-12 Febbraio 2016: COST Action ... , Italia. 20 Maggio 2013: Madrid, meeting of the Working Group 4, COST Action IS1114 “The EU in the new

  • 13. Concessione spazi al Complesso Monumentale dello Steri, Patrocinio dell’Ateneo e utilizzo del Logo – “COST ACTION: RNA communication across kingdoms: new mechanisms and strategies in pathogen control (exRNA-PATH). Stakeholder event” – 13 e 14 ottobre 2022 – Chiesa S. Antonio Abate e Spazio Buvette (41%)

    29-nov-2022 15.15.19

    0 71615 0,00 Concessione spazi al Complesso Monumentale dello Steri, Patrocinio dell’Ateneo e utilizzo del Logo – “COST ACTION: RNA communication across kingdoms: new mechanisms and strategies in pathogen control (exRNA-PATH). Stakeholder event” – 13 e 14 ottobre 2022 – Chiesa S. Antonio Abate e Spazio Buvette concessione, spazi, cerimoniale, rettorato ROSANNA CUFFARI /sites/portale/_categories/decreto/

  • 14. giancola_cv (37%)

    22-apr-2020 14.19.47

    Properties COST Action: European network on Self-Assembled Guanosine Structures for Molecular ... 2009 - maggio 2011). 13. Membro dell’European network on Epigenetic Chemical Biology (COST Action ... 2010. 3. “Kinetics and Thermodynamics of G-Quadruplexes. Part II” COST Action MP0802 Training ... -quartets and quadruplex nucleic acid (COST ACTION MP0802). È stata Chairperson del “Third ... della “COST Action MP0802 Training School” dal titolo "Fundamentals of Guanosine Self- Assembly and

  • 15. cv prof. giancola (37%)

    14-apr-2022 16.51.45

    Properties COST Action: European network on Self-Assembled Guanosine Structures for Molecular Electronic ... - maggio 2011). 13. Membro dell’European network on Epigenetic Chemical Biology (COST Action CM1406 ... . 3. “Kinetics and Thermodynamics of G-Quadruplexes. Part II” COST Action MP0802 Training School dal ... -quartets and quadruplex nucleic acid (COST ACTION MP0802). È stata Chairperson del “Third international ... parte dell’European network on Epigenetic Chemical Biology (COST Action CM-1406). L’attività di ricerca svolta

  • 16. cv_venturino (35%)

    16-feb-2021 15.40.59

    Program on Emerging Challenges in Mathematical Biology”. • COST Action CA 16227-supported visit to Univ ... Committee) member since 2015 for Italy for COST Action: FA 1405 - Food and Agriculture: Using three ... • MC (Management Committee) member since 2017 for Italy for COST Action: CA16227 - Investigation and

  • 17. cv_riso (31%)

    5-mar-2021 9.48.44

    HDHL) Patrizia Riso è inoltre parte delle seguenti COST Action: -COST Action CA16112 (2017): Personalized Nutrition in aging society: redox control of major age-related diseases - COST Action CA15132 (2015): “The comet assay as a human biomonitoring tool – hCOMET” - COST Action CA15136 (2015 ... function" (Rif Pratica 2010-2303) - SUBSTITUTE MEMBER COMMITTEE of COST Action FA1001 2010: "

  • 18. Riesame 2013 RD_approvato_CdD_27_10_2016 (31%)

    1-dic-2016 14.40.36

    di “Tecnologie e processi quantistici” fa parte della cost action MPNS COST Action MP1209 ... ” fa parte della cost action MPNS COST Action MP1209 Thermodynamics in the quantum regime mentre il gruppo di ricerca di “Biofisica molecolare e nanotecnologie” è coinvolto nel COST Action CA15126: Between Atom and

  • 19. cv prof. fontanesi (31%)

    15-apr-2022 13.38.20

    tra cui Erasmus Mundus e COST-Action o Short Term Scientific Missions. CAPACITÀ E COMPETENZE Dal 1992 ... . 5) Chair della COST Action TD1101 "A Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology ... Committee e fondatore. 10) Componente del WG1 della COST Action PiGutNet, FA1401 (2014- 2018). 11) Componente del Management Committee (MC) della COST Action "Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes ... /CA15112. 12) Componente del Management Committee (MC) della COST Action "Innovative approaches

  • 20. campagna_cv (28%)

    22-apr-2020 14.19.46

    . - Principale investigatore COST action 11, Supramolecular Chemistry - Principale investigatore COST action 14, Functional Molecular Materials. - Membro del Management Committee COST action 35