Ricerca avanzata per:
Risultati della ricerca
1. Seminario del Dottorato di ricerca in BIOMEDICINA E NEUROSCIENZE, Indirizzo Oncobiologia Sperimentale (100%)
18-feb-2015 11.23.21Seminario del Dottorato di ricerca in BIOMEDICINA E NEUROSCIENZE, Indirizzo Oncobiologia Sperimentale id genes, cancer progression, cancer metastasis Venerdì 13 giugno 2014 alle ore 09:00 nell’aula Nesci della Sezione di Anatomia del DPT BioNeC (Policlinico Universitario), il Prof. Ignacio Gil Bazo (Laboratorio “New Therapeutic Targets”, Department of Oncology, Clínica Universidad de Navarra) terrà un seminario dal titolo “The role of Id genes in cancer progression and metastasis"
2. Opportunità di Lavoro (60%)
30-mag-2022 10.17.01available - Cancer Metastasis and Exosomes - Weaver laboratory The Weaver laboratory at Vanderbilt ... exosomes drive cancer metastasis. Exosomes and other extracellular vesicles (EVs) carry autocrine and paracrine factors that promote cancer metastasis in multiple cancer types. The Weaver laboratory ... fellows for projects focused on 1) head and neck cancer metastasis and 2) breast cancer metastasls
3. Opportunità di Lavoro (60%)
24-gen-2024 10.13.40Di Majo Postdoc positions available - Cancer Metastasis and Exosomes - Weaver laboratory The Weaver ... to study how tumor and host cell exosomes drive cancer metastasis. Exosomes and other extracellular vesicles (EVs) carry autocrine and paracrine factors that promote cancer metastasis in multiple cancer ... early-stage postdoctoral fellows for projects focused on 1) head and neck cancer metastasis and 2
4. Bando-Coordinatore-Verbale-Candidatura-CV-S_Biologiche-2016 (36%)
10-ott-2016 14.00.23growth. Abstr. Intern. Conference on Biological and Therapeutic aspects of Cancer Metastasis. 14-17 ... . Intern. Congress Cancer Metastasis. 13-15 May 1987, Bologna (Italy). Minafra S., Ghersi G., Schillaci R
5. CV_Giorgio_Stassi_pub (30%)
12-mag-2022 13.49.12underlying thyroid cancer metastasis: emergence from tumor dormancy”. 2018-2022
6. Progetti di Ricerca (30%)
9-lug-2019 10.59.56thyroid cancer metastasis: emergence from tumor dormancy Molecular events underlying the Metastatic
7. Progetti di Ricerca (30%)
16-giu-2020 15.23.08thyroid cancer metastasis: emergence from tumor dormancy Molecular events underlying the Metastatic
8. PROGETTO DI RICERCA GIST Nadia Barraco (30%)
29-nov-2016 12.56.14chromatin state to promote cancer metastasis. Nature2010;464(7291):1071–6. (10) Kogo R, Shimamura T
9. UsmanNawazUnipaItaly.pdf (30%)
4-apr-2024 17.38.57) - ISSN 2278 – 3091 Predictive modeling to Study Lung Cancer Metastasis Published in (2021) Vol. 10
10. cv altomare (26%)
14-apr-2020 11.09.52from breast cancer metastasis: case report and review of the literature. Vulcano E, Montesano M
15-apr-2020 8.24.55of the American Society for Cell Biology, Washington, 1986 - Int. Congr. on Cancer Metastasis, Bologna, 1987
12. malaguarnera_lucia_ (26%)
22-apr-2020 14.50.28in tumorigenesis. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2004;23:367-87 72. Malaguarnera L, Musumeci M, Licata F
14. Di.Chir.On.S.2017 (26%)
4-mag-2023 17.12.00thyroid cancer metastasis: emergence from tumor dormancy” IG 16746 dal Gruppo di ricerca afferente
15. CV_FONTANA_marzo 2022 (26%)
17-mar-2022 10.03.04Genes Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer Journal
16. Scheda di Riesame della ricerca dipartimentale - anno 2017 (26%)
7-feb-2019 16.20.47thyroid cancer metastasis: emergence from tumor dormancy” IG 16746 dal Gruppo di ricerca afferente
17. 59 bando (26%)
3-dic-2019 12.58.23” - Title: “The role of altered mechanotransduction in Breast Cancer metastasis” - Descrizione
18. CV Giorgio Stassi PV (26%)
22-ott-2024 10.09.12Progetto AIRC: “Molecular mechanisms underlying thyroid cancer metastasis: emergence from tumor