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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. BANDO ERASMUS+ FORTHEM per la partecipazione al Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) dal titolo “Exploring the Circular Economy in Burgundy”, a.a. 2023/2024 (100%)

    13-feb-2024 14.16.48

    BANDO ERASMUS+ FORTHEM per la partecipazione al Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) dal titolo “Exploring the Circular Economy in Burgundy”, a.a. 2023/2024 saaf, agraria, bando, erasmus, erasmus+, internazionalizzazione, bip, burgundy Bando (pubblicato 07/02/2024) Allegato A Allegato B Allegato C Scadenza presentazione domande: ore 13:00 del 12/02/2024. Verbale Commissione BIC del 13/02/2024 - Elenco vincitori VALERIO LOMBARDO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 2. Nuovo Accordo D.T. con l'University of Burgundy (58%)

    2-nov-2021 14.34.08

    Nuovo Accordo D.T. con l'University of Burgundy articolo, notizia, unipa University of Burgundy DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE UMANISTICHE - Corso di Laurea in LINGUE MODERNE E TRADUZIONE PER LE RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI LM 38: Lingue moderne per la comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale Accordo Programma di Studio LM 38 Contatto +3909123899225 email: ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 3. Governance members_20.02.2023 (1) (47%)

    23-mar-2023 9.58.50

    Mainz Jyväskylä Burgundy Agder Opole Latvia Palermo Sibiu Valencia Picture Picture Picture Maria ... Mainz Jyväskylä Burgundy Agder Opole Latvia Palermo Sibiu Valencia Picture Picture Picture Fabio Mazzola ... Burgundy Agder Opole Latvia Palermo Sibiu Valencia Picture Picture Picture Dr. Barbara Esteban Sanchis ... Jyväskylä Jyväskylä Burgundy Burgundy Agder Agder Opole Picture Picture Saishashank Lisa Fredsvik ... of University of University of University of University of JGU Mainz Jyväskylä Burgundy Agder Opole Latvia

  • 4. Governance members_20.02.2023 (47%)

    22-mar-2023 10.17.46

    Mainz Jyväskylä Burgundy Agder Opole Latvia Palermo Sibiu Valencia Picture Picture Picture Maria ... Mainz Jyväskylä Burgundy Agder Opole Latvia Palermo Sibiu Valencia Picture Picture Picture Fabio Mazzola ... Burgundy Agder Opole Latvia Palermo Sibiu Valencia Picture Picture Picture Dr. Barbara Esteban Sanchis ... Jyväskylä Jyväskylä Burgundy Burgundy Agder Agder Opole Picture Picture Saishashank Lisa Fredsvik ... of University of University of University of University of JGU Mainz Jyväskylä Burgundy Agder Opole Latvia

  • 5. Online Course – “Visual and Digital Cultures” promosso dall’University of Burgundy - 2 CFU (38%)

    21-nov-2023 11.09.56

    Online Course – “Visual and Digital Cultures” promosso dall’University of Burgundy - 2 CFU forthem, digital academy, online course, bourgogne, visual, digital, cultures Sarà disponibile a partire da gennaio 2024 un nuovo corso online, erogato in Inglese nell’ambito dell’UFR Language et Communication realizzato dall’Université de Bourgogne in collaborazione con le università dell’Alleanza Forthem, intitolato “Visual and digital Cultures”. Il corso è aperto a tutta la comunità studentesca

  • 6. 2. Newsletter #2 Students (31%)

    12-mar-2021 9.42.07

    Burgundy launched a pilot working on projects which call and over 130 students further advance FORTHEM ... also communicate University of Burgundy have transnationally with other been hard at work, fostering ... develop a proposal Universities of Burgundy, within a student association, Jyväskylä, Mainz, Palermo ... University of Burgundy (Université de Bourgogne), France University of Jyväskylä (Jyväskylän yliopisto

  • 7. Bando BIP Dipartimento SAAF 23-24 (31%)

    7-feb-2024 12.10.26

    Erasmus+ BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) dal titolo: “Exploring the Circular Economy in Burgundy ... Intensive Programme (BIP) dal titolo “Exploring the Circular Economy in Burgundy”, a.a. 2023/2024 ... Programme) dal titolo “Exploring the Circular Economy in Burgundy”, realizzato nell'ambito ... dicitura: Domanda di ammissione Bando BIP “Exploring the Circular Economy in Burgundy.” Non

  • 8. FORTHEM Newsletter #2 (29%)

    1-mar-2021 11.30.25

    of Europe.” Professor Vincent Thomas, President of the University of Burgundy, said, “Dear Rectors ... ceremony. We are very proud, at University of Burgundy, to be coordinating one of the main missions ... forward to welcoming your colleagues and students to Burgundy for the first FORTHEM campus in autumn 2021 ... had a University of Burgundy in autumn 2021 and at the possibility to post about their interests ... Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), Germany University of Burgundy (Université de Bourgogne), France

  • 9. Newsletter Students 2021 Summer-3 (26%)

    28-giu-2021 7.49.04

    Burgundy. several activities in coordination This exciting one term study with their home ... . The courses offered FORTHEM Campus community at University of Burgundy are and promote the identity ... University of Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), Germany University of Burgundy (Université

  • 10. verbale 20 luglio 2023_firma forte_2346 (26%)

    9-nov-2023 13.19.24

    Addendum 1 – Course program – nel doppio titolo LM-38 University of Burgundy (Borgogne)– ref. Prof. Velez ... - nel doppio titolo LM-38 e Université de Burgundy (Borgogne) – ref. Prof. Velez 3) Richiesta ... University of Burgundy (Borgogne)– ref. Prof. Velez Vista la documentazione presentata dal Prof. Velez ... nello scambio del doppio titolo  LM-38 University of Burgundy (Borgogne)  Il consiglio approva

  • 11. 20220919_stud-conf_Feedback Student Conference 2022 (22%)

    19-set-2022 9.40.07

    FORTHEM STUDENT CONFERENCE UNIVERSITY OF BURGUNDY - SEPTEMBER 2022 Appreciation A big thank you to everyone who helped make this student conference a success. Special thanks to the professors and trainers who intervened with the students for targeted workshops. Thanks to the Forthem office staff for their work, their commitment and their availability. Thanks to the students of the partner ... the language cafe held on the esplanade of the University of Burgundy campus, students were able to meet UB

  • 12. Programma_Beyond the Horizon Europe and Green-Deal (22%)

    9-mar-2022 16.06.10

    ) & Frédéric Debeaufort (University of Burgundy) 9.40 - 10.40 SESSION A - “Food quality” Chair ... - 14.30 SESSION C “Biochemistry and consumer health” Chair: Fabrice Neiers (University of Burgundy

  • 13. Newsletter #3 General (18%)

    2-lug-2021 13.05.21

    , the University of Burgundy has the increase of student and staff member hosted two “speed dating” meetings ... (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), Germany University of Burgundy (Université de Bourgogne), France

  • 14. cv_attanasio (18%)

    11-mar-2021 11.39.28

  • 15. Internazionalizzazione (18%)

    16-apr-2024 18.08.29

    Assunta FRANCESE FRANCIA UNIVERSITY OF BURGUNDY 2039 - LINGUE MODERNE E TRADUZIONE PER LE RELAZIONI ... program LM 38 Contacts: +3909123899285 - email : University of Burgundy

  • 16. Poster_Forthem Winterschool Cellular Signaling_final (15%)

    16-set-2021 12.43.20


  • 17. Programma_Intercultural Sensitization_Gender and Diversity (15%)

    15-ott-2021 13.00.46

     Management  18 October 2021 ‐ 9:00 – 12:00 (CET)  online workshop, hosted by  University of Burgundy

  • 18. FORTHEM ALLIANCE: Avviso per Docenti, Staff e Associazioni studentesche per realizzare progetti di mobilità breve collettiva rivolti a studenti (15%)

    28-giu-2021 8.30.09

    Università europee: University of Burgundy (Francia), Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germania

  • 19. ALLEGATO B_Modulo Trasversale (15%)

    17-giu-2021 8.20.15

    to a industrial site producing food in Burgundy 6h 1 Sociology Tour Food democracy and territorial

  • 20. ub-campus-allegato-b (15%)

    18-mag-2021 10.37.17

    to a industrial site producing food in Burgundy 6h 1 Sociology Tour Food democracy and territorial