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  • 1. cv_longo (100%)

    5-mar-2021 9.48.43

    Dimensional Lie Algebras and Local von Neumann Algebras in CFT”, BIRS, Banff, May 2006 “Topics in von Neumann Algebras”, BIRS, Banff, September 2006 “Micro-Macro Duality in Quantum Physics”, RIMS ... Lie algebras and local von Neumann algebras in CFT”, BIRS, Banff, May 2006 (with V.G. Kac

  • 2. cv prof. colesanti (100%)

    31-mag-2022 12.01.29

    ;, BIRS{Ban , Canada, 12-16 gennaio 2009. Comunicazione dal titolo: Recent contributions to the Christo ... internazionale: \Interplay of convex geometry and Banach space theo- ry", BIRS, Ban , marzo 2013 ... -linear PDE's and their applications"; presso il BIRS International Research Center, Ban

  • 3. Lutto per il mondo accademico: Morta la prof. Maria Letizia Vittorelli (71%)

    15-dic-2017 11.28.31

    Scientifica” - BIRS, presso la Facoltà di Scienze e ne è stata presidente per due mandati. Tra i numerosi

  • 4. Esiti CdA - 08/10/2013 (71%)

    15-ott-2013 12.06.00

    e maggiore spesa di € 5.000,00 per Summer School on Advanced Biotecnology “BIRS” SI E’ DELIBERATO

  • 5. CV Busà Rosalia (71%)

    17-set-2018 12.59.34

    ; BIRS Scientists around the world” il 23 dicembre 2013 Attestato di partecipazione al Congresso

  • 6. feo salvatore (71%)

    27-mag-2024 9.05.24

    [Copia conforme] UNPA-CLE - Prot. 72438-15/05/2023 The international summer school on “Advanced Biotechnology” is organized yearly Venue: UNIPA, Orto Botanico, Via Lincoln 2 by several members of Biotechnet Switzerland in collaboration with the Master In Applied XVII Summer School on Biotechnology, BIRS, at the University of Advanced Biotechnology Palermo. The workshop will take place in the splendid setting of the Palermo Botanical Garden, with September 3-6, 2023 the sponsorship

  • 7. cvburatti (62%)

    21-apr-2020 16.44.13

    , The Croatian Science Foundation. BIRS, The Ban International Research Station (Canada). Ko c University

  • 8. cv prof. mercaldo (62%)

    31-mag-2022 12.01.28

    Analytic Inequalities, BIRS, Ban , 11 - 15 Luglio, 2016 - \New P olya-Szego type inequalities"