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1. XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Aim (100%)
26-lug-2018 15.54.03XIII Summer School on Advanced Biotechnology - Aim summerschool, advanced biotechnology, recombinant proteins, drug discovery, proteomics, nanotechnology, biomedicine, bioinformatic tools The summer school focuses on developments and current methodologies in industrial biotechnology, such as: - production of recombinant proteins - drug discovery - functional genomics - nanotechnology - biomedicine - bioinformatic tools Moreover, the school promotes contacts between attendants and encourages
2. Dottorandi 39° Ciclo (24%)
24-mag-2024 10.37.18communities through multi-omics approaches and bioinformatic tools Tutor: Roberto Danovaro; Co-tutor
3. Dottorandi e Dottori di ricerca (24%)
24-mag-2024 10.37.54communities through multi-omics approaches and bioinformatic tools Tutor: Roberto Danovaro; Co-tutor
4. cv_buono (21%)
8-apr-2021 13.35.31;  Bioinformatic Tools;  Use of Physical Activity Scale, questionnaires;  Measures of cardiorespiratory
5. cv prof. maurizio casiraghi (21%)
31-mag-2022 12.32.31Agostinetto, at the University of Milan-Bicocca. Research on bioinformatic tools. 2014-2018
6. Scheda_Biodiversity (21%)
18-lug-2023 12.12.24multi-omics approaches and bioinformatic tools CV 1: Long-term analysis of protection