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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Cultivating the idea of biodiversity. The arts and their languages for an ecologist engagement in the public space 6 - 7 JUNE 2023 (100%)

    23-feb-2024 13.05.28

    Cultivating the idea of biodiversity. The arts and their languages for an ecologist engagement in the public space 6 - 7 JUNE 2023 convegno_R, Cultivating the idea of biodiversity, evento, Sum ... of Palermo will host the international workshop “CULTIVATING THE IDEA OF BIODIVERSITY: The arts and ... by Palermo’s focus on biodiversity as a fil rouge of the research agenda for the National ... : on the one side, the human approach to biodiversity protection in nature and, on the other side

  • 2. congresso-uzi-82-BOOK-ABSTRACT (81%)

    12-set-2023 16.00.50

    della zoologia nel National Biodiversity Future Center. Come studiare e conservare diversi aspetti ... di apertura: Moderatore: Vincenzo Arizza, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze e Tec- nologie ... Direttore Generale del Dipartimento della Pesca Mediterranea – Assessora- to dell’agricoltura ... The National Biodiversity Future Center: the post-pandemic recovery of Italy passes also through the contrast to the erosion of biodiversity SIMPOSIO 1: La divulgazione e la didattica innovativa

  • 3. DOCTORATE BOARD (48%)

    28-giu-2016 13.29.34

    DOCTORATE BOARD DOCTORATE,BOARD,unipa,biodiversity, N. Surname Name SSD* Username Institution** Research topics 1 Arculeo Marco BIO/05 UNIPA Biodiversity and phylogeography ... UNIPA Landscape biodiversity in the Mediterranean agricultural and agroforestry systems. 8 Barone Rossella BIO/02 UNIPA Biodiversity of algae ... UNIPA Biodiversity of algae; Biogeography of microorganisms; Limnology. 19 Palazzolo

  • 4. Obiettivi e tematiche del DIN in Biodiversity (43%)

    24-mag-2024 8.39.19

    Obiettivi e tematiche del DIN in Biodiversity biodiversità, One Health, KET, TRL, tecnologia, IoT, IA, intelligenza, sensoristica, scala Questo progetto di Dottorato di Interesse Nazionale ... Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC). Le azioni dell'NBFC opereranno per allineare la politica italiana ... di fornire beni e servizi ecosistemici. I dottorandi del DIN in Biodiversity nel contesto della visione ... , e sulla qualità della vita umana. Il Dottorato di interesse nazionale in “Biodiversity” si articolerà in 6

  • 5. Spadaro Vivienne CV (39%)

    28-nov-2023 14.43.35

    of Phanerogamy [BIO/02] (2 CFU) for the Degree Course of “Conservation and Enhancement of Biodiversity ... of Biodiversity” (Decentralized Pole) A.Y. 2004//2005 - Regional Medicinal Flora [BIO/15] (4 CFU ... of “Conservation and Enhancement of Biodiversity” (Decentralized Pole) A.Y. 2005//2006 - Pharmacognosy ... of “Conservation and Enhancement of Biodiversity” (Decentralized Pole) A.Y. 2006//2007 ... Enhancement of Biodiversity” (Decentralized Pole); - Fundamentals of Systematic Botany [BIO/02] (4 CFU

  • 6. Sara Paliaga (38%)

    17-lug-2024 18.07.29

    Sara Paliaga paliaga, saaf, agraria, dottorato, biodiversity, BAF, dottorandi, phd Ph.D. Student Sara Paliaga Photo Phone +39 334 8432677 E-mail Orcid ID Location Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle ... . Student in Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry (D083) since 2021 Expertise Soil physiochemical and ... Research interests Soil fertility, soil microbial biomass, soil biodiversity, bio-based plastic

  • 7. Elettorato attivo e passivo Dottorandi (37%)

    14-giu-2021 10.16.43

    DIPARTIMENTO SCIENZE AGRARIE, ALIMENTARI e FORESTALI Il Direttore – Prof. Stefano Colazza ALLEGATO N. 1 ELEZIONI DELLE COMPONENTI ELETTIVE DEL CONSIGLIO DI DIPARTIMENTO SCIENZE ... come componenti del Consiglio di Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali ... Bertacca Sofia Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry XXXVI 7 Borgia Davide Scienze Agrarie ... 9 Carella Alessandro Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry XXXVI 10 Cirlincione Fortunato

  • 8. Thematic-course-Abbruzzo (35%)

    4-mar-2024 8.33.26

    PhD in Biodiversity TITOLO DI DOTTORATO: BIODIVERSITY Th ematic Course PH.D. TITLE: ABcademic YIearO 2023-24 IVERSITY S ubject R Course for Biodiversity Analysis – Part ... . Participants will gain hands- Dipartimento Scienze Della Terra e Del Mare - UNIPA on experience ... to effectively use R for OBbjectives iodadta analysiis. versity Loss: A Global Problem - Biodiversity ... et. al. Re for datar sciensce. 2023i ty quantifiable in about 70% of t e biodiversity loss in terrestrial, freshwater

  • 9. Seminario "Alien invasions and the future of Mediterranean biodiversity under the climate crisis: perspectives from the Levant frontier" (34%)

    11-mar-2024 18.05.53

    Seminario "Alien invasions and the future of Mediterranean biodiversity under the climate ... , alle 11.30, nell’Aula C3 del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare, Via Archirafi n. 20, il Prof ... dal titolo "Alien invasions and the future of Mediterranean biodiversity under the climate crisis ... CONOSCENTI Venerdì 15 Marzo, alle 11.30, nell’Aula C3 del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare ... of Mediterranean biodiversity under the climate crisis: perspectives from the Levant frontier" /sites

  • 10. Home (33%)

    27-giu-2016 10.20.00

    Home doctorate,biodiversity,saf,palermo,italy,mediterranean, DOCTORATE IN “MEDITERRANEAN BIODIVERSITY” - XXXII COURSE Area CUN 07 Start: January 2017 Conclusion: December 2019 Coordinator: Prof. Maria Antonietta GERMANÀ Administrative centre: Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Università degli Studi di Palermo Contacts:; ph. +3909123896094; ph. +3909123896074 MARIO MINACAPILLI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 11. Nourhene Jouini (33%)

    17-lug-2024 17.33.46

    Nourhene Jouini jouini, saaf, agraria, dottorato, biodiversity, BAF, dottorandi, phd Ph.D.Student NourheneJouini Photo Phone (+39)3285318234 E-mail Orc-ID Location DepartmentofAgricultural,FoodandForestScience(SAAF),VialedelleScienze, Building4,UniversityofPalermo. Profile PhD in Biodiversity in forestry and agriculture, 2022- 2025. University ofPalermo, Italy. University of Coimbra 2023-2024 (Mobility of research)Thesis: "

  • 12. Silvia Riggio (33%)

    17-lug-2024 17.41.33

    Silvia Riggio riggio, saaf, agraria, dottorato, biodiversity, BAF, dottorandi, phd Ph.D. Student Silvia Riggio Photo Phone (+39)3206611901 E-mail Orc-ID Location Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Science (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4, Entry G Profile - Bachelor Degree in Livestock and Animal Welfare ... - Livestock biodiversity Link to publications Tolone, M., Sardina, M. T., Senczuk, G., Chessari, G

  • 13. Eugenia Guccione (33%)

    17-lug-2024 17.57.16

    Eugenia Guccione guccione, saaf, agraria, dottorato, biodiversity, BAF, dottorandi, phd Ph.D. Student Eugenia Guccione Photo Phone +393475591116 E-mail Orcid ID Location Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4, Entrance H, Palermo, Italy Profile - Qualification to practice ... with particular attention to the safeguard of agroecological biodiversity. Link to publications - https

  • 14. Daniela Pampinella (33%)

    17-lug-2024 18.12.15

    Daniela Pampinella pampinella, saaf, agraria, dottorato, biodiversity, BAF, dottorandi, phd Ph.D.Student Daniela Pampinella Photo Phone +393297881262 E-mail OrcID 0000-0003-3918-9958 Location Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4, Palermo (PA), 90128, Italy. Profile Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, 2019; Master’s degree in Chemistry, 2021; Ph.D. student in Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry (D083), since

  • 15. Sofia Maria Muscarella (33%)

    17-lug-2024 18.21.14

    Sofia Maria Muscarella muscarella, saaf, agraria, dottorato, biodiversity, BAF, dottorandi, phd Ph.D. Sofia Maria Muscarella Photo Phone +393894296577 E-mail OrcidID Location Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Sciences (SAAF), Viale delle Scienze, Building 4, Palermo (PA), 90128, Italy Profile Bachelor’s degree ... Technologies, 2020; Ph.D. in Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry, 2024 - AGRI-06/B Chimica Agraria (ex GR

  • 16. Rapporto-Annuale_autovalutazione_Dottorato_unipa BAF (1) (32%)

    12-giu-2024 18.38.47

    Dottorato di ricerca in “Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry” afferente al Dipartimento ... Rapporto annuale 2023 di Autovalutazione Corso di Dottorato di ricerca “Biodiversity ... “Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry” è stato redatto in conformità alle Linee guida ... di Dottorato di ricerca in “Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry” che ha conseguito il titolo ... in “Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry” è stato un solo dottorando. La percentuale dei dottori

  • 17. GSARA HOME @Laboratory of Ecology - DISTEM (32%)

    11-lug-2024 11.58.40

    GSARA HOME @Laboratory of Ecology - DISTEM marine, gsaralab, ecology, climate change, biodiversity, functional traits, marine biology Go to the Ecology Lab web page Go to Google Scholar web page Download CV Italiano Download CV English Go to Pubblication list Gianluca Sarà (Ph. D., 1994) is Professor of Ecology at University of Palermo (Italy) and leads the Ecology Laboratory (EEB) at Earth and ... , investigates the causes and consequences of environmental change, including climate, on biodiversity and

  • 18. Dottorandi 39° Ciclo (30%)

    24-mag-2024 10.37.18

    /2023 Asciutto Emanuele Importance of seamounts and upwelling systems for mesopelagic biodiversity ... communities and their implications for marine biodiversity conservation and management Tutor: Marco ... biodiversity in urban areas Tutor: Massimo Labra - Cotutor: Andrea Galimberti Bio/01; Bio/05 UNIMIB 01/11 ... role of microbial communities around the seamount systems: study of biodiversity of prokaryotic ... of emerging contaminants on Italian coastal marine biodiversity to create devices for continuous

  • 19. Dottorandi e Dottori di ricerca (30%)

    24-mag-2024 10.37.54

    /2023 Asciutto Emanuele Importance of seamounts and upwelling systems for mesopelagic biodiversity ... communities and their implications for marine biodiversity conservation and management Tutor: Marco ... biodiversity in urban areas Tutor: Massimo Labra - Cotutor: Andrea Galimberti Bio/01; Bio/05 UNIMIB 01/11 ... role of microbial communities around the seamount systems: study of biodiversity of prokaryotic ... of emerging contaminants on Italian coastal marine biodiversity to create devices for continuous

  • 20. D098 - BIODIVERSITY (29%)

    24-mag-2024 9.44.13

    DIN Biodiversity articolo, notizia, unipa GIANLUCA SARA'