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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Author Workshop del 5 novembre 2014 (100%)

    18-dic-2014 17.14.21

    Author Workshop del 5 novembre 2014 unipaspringer, news, author workshop, In data 5 novembre u.s., dalle 11.00 alle 13.00 presso Aula Capitò, Edificio 7, in Viale delle Scienze, si è svolto un incontro dedicato agli autori interessati alla pubblicazione delle proprie opere tramite l’editore Springer, ed alla presentazione della collana UniPa Springer Series. Il workshop è stato tenuto dai professori Carlo Amenta ed Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, delegati del Magnifico Rettore per il coordinamento

  • 2. Author resources di Wiley (99%)

    27-lug-2020 9.57.10

    Author resources di Wiley pubblicare, per chi pubblica, author resources, risorse per gli autori, writing skills Nelle pagine Author resources dell’editore Wiley sono presenti diversi consigli per scrivere efficacemente il proprio manoscritto. I suggerimenti riguardano l’importanza di una buona introduzione all’interno dell’articolo ma anche le tecniche per scrivere meglio, per realizzare un abstract attrattivo e per affinare alcune abitudini che assicurano una produttività eccellente. Il sito

  • 3. Team di ricerca UniPa primo classificato al 9° Challenge Internazionale di Author Profiling, la competizione sull'analisi automatica di testi e linguaggi naturali (87%)

    6-lug-2021 9.44.40

    Team di ricerca UniPa primo classificato al 9° Challenge Internazionale di Author Profiling, la competizione sull'analisi automatica di testi e linguaggi naturali articolo, notizia, unipa, ingegneria, ricerca, Author Profiling Un team di ricerca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, composto dal dottorando in ICT, dott. Marco Siino, dai proff. Ilenia Tinnirello ... partecipanti da tutto il mondo, al 9° Challenge Internazionale di Author Profiling indetto dal PAN

  • 4. Author Seminar su "How to write a great research paper – tips & tricks and what not to do" (81%)

    22-mar-2016 10.20.12

    Author Seminar su "How to write a great research paper – tips & tricks and what not to do" primopiano, evento, Author, Seminar, How to, research paper, tips & tricks Giovedì 24 marzo 2016, con inizio alle ore 9.30, presso il Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, viale delle Scienze, edificio 4, aula Ballatore. L'evento rientra nel Ciclo di eventi Formazione per la Ricerca, promosso dalla Università di Palermo, in collaborazione con il Gruppo di lavoro sulla Carta europea

  • 5. FAQ-IRIS-UniPa_EN (67%)

    30-ott-2023 12.24.47

    How do you fill in the author string? .................................................................................................................. 15 What does “author position” mean in the author string? ................................................................................ 18 What does foreign author mean ... an author does not yet have an identifier) or associate (if an author already has an identifier

  • 6. FAQ-IRIS-UniPa_EN_2021_09 (65%)

    30-ott-2023 12.34.42

    in? ................................................................................ 15 How do you fill in the author string? .................................................................................................................. 15 What does “author position” mean in the author string? ................................................................................ 18 What does foreign author mean ... in LoginMiur with the Iris profile, you must create (if an author does not yet have an identifier

  • 7. ServiziRicerca_Sincronizzazione identificativi autore_EN (63%)

    13-mar-2024 15.04.26

    Handbook for the disambiguation and synchronization of author profiles in ORCID and citation ... for the disambiguation and synchronization of author profiles Sistema bibliotecario in ORCID and citation databases ... AUTHOR ID ... di Palermo 2 Handbook for the disambiguation and synchronization of author profiles Sistema ... for the disambiguation and synchronization of author profiles Sistema bibliotecario in ORCID and citation

  • 8. LineeGuidaAutoarchiviazioneIris_EN (60%)

    12-mag-2023 14.26.24

    by the Author, he/she can arrange for the bibliographical record to be sent back to the Author for appropriate amendments before final validation by the Director of the department to which the author ... your public profile on LoginMiur and Iris, you must, for the first time only, create (if an author does not yet have an identifier) or associate (if an author already has an identifier) an ORCID ID ... ): all the research products, for which the author is the “data controller” (i.e. records entered

  • 9. SPARC AUTHOR ADDENDUM traduzione (1) (56%)

    10-ott-2017 15.13.21

    Author Addendum 2.1 3. Consenso dell’Editore a questo Addendum. L’Autore richiede che l’Editore accetti ... a questo Addendum. SPARC Author Addendum 2.1 SPARC AUTHOR ADDENDUM traduzione[1] ilaria pdfcreator Version 0.8.0 GNU

  • 10. Augmented Reality Gamification for Human Anatomy (51%)

    20-nov-2019 9.32.05

    ) Email author ( Fabio Bucchieri (3) Francesco Cappello (3) Francesco ... %20medical%20curriculum&author=BW.%20Turney&journal=Ann.%20R.%20Coll.%20Surg.%20Engl.&volume=89 ... /scholar_lookup? title=Anomalous%20origin%20and%20course%20of%20the%20right%20coronary%20artery&author=EA.%20Maresi&author=AM.%20Argo&author=GP.%20Span %C3%B2&author=GM.%20Novo&author=DR.%20Cabibi&author=PG.%20Procaccianti&journal=Circulation&volume=114&issue=22&pages=e609

  • 11. Authors & Editors (Springer) (50%)

    3-ago-2020 11.22.01

    Authors & Editors (Springer) pubblicazioni, per chi pubblica, writing skills, author, editor, open access, tutorials La sezione accoglie link alle pagine web che Springer dedica alla segnalazione delle proprie risorse e dei propri servizi editoriali destinati in primo luogo agli autori e agli ... networks. Journal article authors <> ... di autoapprendimento (Author tutorials), in parte utili anche a chi svolge la funzione di editore

  • 14. open-access (43%)

    19-giu-2024 11.54.12

    (APC, Article Processing Charge) in a journalstill sold by subscription (Author-pays solution ... : draft (manuscript) of the Author before submission to the publisher (pre-refereeing draft) • Postprint ... still with the layout of the Author (final draft post-refereeing) • Publisher's version: final ... without additional charges ● Corresponding Author: To benefit from these advantages, the author must be the corresponding author of the proposed publication. ● Institutional Email Address: It is explicitly

  • 15. CRediT Author Statement (42%)

    22-set-2021 7.47.12

    CRediT Author Statement PhD candidates preparing their manuscript will need to state either in the Introduction or in the main text of the thesis which part of their work results from collaboration. For these parts, the student will need to state the names of the collaborators and indicate their contributions. Contributor Role Taxonomy – CrediT - intends to recognize individual author contributions, reduce authorship disputes, and facilitate collaboration. CRediT offers authors

  • 16. Cv Luigi Vezzulli (41%)

    21-apr-2020 15.49.19

    of publications as corresponding author: 24 Total impact factor (SCI Journal Citation Reports 2016 ... is first author of the scientific software WinCPR ( ... Marina, 66(3), 205-214. *corresponding author 2. Vezzulli L*, Chelossi E, Riccardi G and Fabiano M ... (Western Mediterranean). Aquaculture International, 10(2), 123-141. *corresponding author 3. Chelossi ... ), 233-246. *corresponding author 6. Vezzulli L* and Reid PC (2003). The CPR survey (1948-1997

  • 17. ElencoDefinizioni_Luglio2021_TipologieSottotipologieprodottiscientificiIRIS_UniPa_v1-1_EN (40%)

    17-mar-2022 13.03.42

    Short writing with which the author or another person premises a work to introduction) illustrate ... a The abstract must be entered, synergistic work integrated between the authors. The author(s) must have ... or entire works of an author, with reference to their collocation and quotation preferably also ... acknowledgements are included The author must have direct copyright over all the content of the work ... editorial independence. 281 - Pubblicazione di fonti inedite preferably also in English. The author

  • 18. ManualeIrisUnipaValidazione_EN_Settembre2021 (40%)

    24-nov-2023 13.32.22

    on the type identified by the author, the correctness and completeness of the metadata entered ... of the author usually generates duplicates. You can deduce what step the product ... the choice of the individual author regarding adherence to the University Regulation for the Deposit ... /or addition.  Have important information on the choice made by the author regarding adherence ... e diffusione di Palermo della conoscenza scientifica The author must make his/her choice

  • 19. AuthorWorkshop_20141105_locandina (40%)

    11-nov-2014 9.48.30 sprspr ingeringer Author Workshop 5 novembre 2014 Università degli Studi di Palermo Dalle 11.00 alle 13.00 presso Aula Capito’ (Edificio 7) Viale delle Scienze, Palermo • Pubblicare un’opera scientifica; Trends, Impact Join Us Factors, Open Access, eBooks, Peer Review, e molto altro ancora... – tenuta da Francesca Bonadei. Executive Editor Maths @ Springer • Introduzione e breve dimostrazione dei servizi Springer – tenuta da Elisa Magistrelli, Account Development Specialist

  • 20. 5CSM Guide for Authors (39%)

    8-mar-2013 16.47.33

    document and name the file as follows: first three letters of the family name of the first author ... order of presentation: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Keywords, Abstract, Main text, Acknowledgements ... sensing for monitoring the changing landscapes Author(s) should start with the Initial(s) and ... Keywords, an Abstract and a Conclusions section. Corresponding author(s) The name and affiliation ... author should be given to the editor. If possible, also provide details of the other authors, especially