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  • 1. 2012 JME Di Betta Amenta 08997764 (100%)

    24-set-2013 11.54.09

    This article was downloaded by: [Paolo Di Betta] On: 15 June 2012, At: 12:25 Publisher: Routledge ... : 15 Jun 2012 To cite this article: Paolo Di Betta & Carlo Amenta (2012): The Media as a Policy ... of Media Economics, 25:2, 109-129 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes

  • 2. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (84%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 3. GabrieleFiciPapers (65%)

    17-set-2023 19.30.57

    :// Refereed Journal Articles [J39] Gabriele Fici ... Indexing. J. Exp. Algorithmics, 26:Article No.: 1.10, pp. 1–6, 2021. doi:10.1145/3461698. [J34 ... : Factorizations of the Fibonacci Infinite Word. J. Integer Seq., 18: Article 15.9.3, 2015. https ... Remarks on Differentiable Sequences and Recursivity. J. In- teger Seq. 13, Article 10.3.2, 2010. https ... . Proc. in Informatics, Article No. 10; pp. 10:1–10:18, 2023. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CPM.2023.10 [C28] Golnaz Badkobeh

  • 4. Short Biography (62%)

    25-gen-2024 14.41.49

    (Article 24, paragraph 3, letter a) of Law 240/2010) for the disciplinary scientific field ICAR/07 ... has been a Tenured-track Researcher (Article 24, paragraph 3, letter b) of Law 240/2010 ... (Article 24, paragraph 3, letter a) of Law 240/2010) for the disciplinary scientific field ICAR/07 ... , he has been a Tenured-track Researcher (Article 24, paragraph 3, letter b) of Law 240/2010

  • 5. 2020-2021 Corso di Social Media Studies - PROGRAMMA DEFINITIVO (61%)

    19-mag-2021 10.33.01

    in Italy, Gianna Cappello & Francesca Rizzuto Etica dei social network, Adriano Fabris ... Maddalena GIANNA MARIA CAPPELLO /sites/portale

  • 6. TRINCHERO (55%)

    8-mag-2018 17.14.20

    day, but are we aware of it? The article describes the characteristics of what we call «cognitive war ... information credibility, the article provides a set of key criteria to be taken into account ... di un 1

  • 7. Aroldi (55%)

    12-ott-2017 17.09.12

    creating synergies, other times generating tensions and conflicts. The article analyzes the status ... in Estonian Families, «Observatorio (OBS*) Journal», ... :// (ultimo accesso: 04.04.15). Williams L

  • 8. CV_Gabriele_Fici (55%)

    28-giu-2024 0.43.56

  • 9. 2020-2021 Corso di Social Media Studies. PROGRAMMA DEFINITIVO (53%)

    5-mag-2021 8.27.47

    in Italy, Gianna Cappello & Francesca Rizzuto Etica dei social network, Adriano Fabris

  • 10. LLL2 20-21 (53%)

    21-set-2020 17.33.50

    /lettere/article/viewFile/203/152 Per Lucano: E. Narducci, Un’epica contro l’impero (Bari, Laterza ... antropologica del de reditu di Rutilio Namaziano, in 4

  • 11. About me (53%)

    27-feb-2024 18.36.43

    World online magazine 2017 - Mineral and Waste planning magazine 2017 - Article on Weibold! about Rheometryof rubberized binders 2017 - Tyre Asia "Blends for Sustainability" 2016 - Article

  • 12. Three_Late_Qing_Chinese_translations_of (43%)

    19-gen-2021 10.45.43

    , 1909).2 This article discusses three translations of Robinson Crusoe in the first decade ... disagreeable article himself.” 19 Whether Chinese readers supported the establishment of industry

  • 13. Ultime cinque pubblicazioni su riviste ISI (43%)

    24-gen-2017 18.40.34

    Ultime cinque pubblicazioni su riviste ISI ISI, paper, Noto Antinoro, C., Arnone, E., Noto, L.V. (2017). The use of soil water retention curve models in analyzing slope stability in differently structured soils. Catena, 150, pp. 133-145. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2016.11.019. Caracciolo, D., Istanbulluoglu, E., Noto, L.V. (2017). An Ecohydrological Cellular Automata Model Investigation of Juniper Tree Encroachment in a Western North American Landscape. Ecosystems, pp. 1-20. Article in Press. DOI

  • 14. Curriculum vitae (43%)

    19-mar-2024 11.26.50

    language, history and temporality; an article on ‘History as Translation / Anachronism

  • 15. Curriculum (43%)

    19-mar-2024 11.47.59

    language, history and temporality; an article on ‘History as Translation / Anachronism as Synchronism

  • 16. Curriculum (43%)

    19-mar-2024 11.48.04

    language, history and temporality; an article on ‘History as Translation / Anachronism as Synchronism

  • 17. Events & Media (43%)

    22-dic-2023 8.47.26

    ) Article published in the newspaper "La Repubblica" on September 20, 2023. (Article


    28-ago-2021 18.07.09

    autonomous in learning processes. In this article, a bilateral view of university tutoring is provided

  • 19. The Economist 14 Nov 2015 (39%)

    24-nov-2015 16.39.46

    article). And household debt looks as if it is bottoming out. Much the same is happening in Britain


    30-dic-2022 17.43.12

    ?option=com_content&view=article&id=719:gssi-award2017&catid=56&Itemid=118 Abstract