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1. Soil REE patterns as tracers of the emplacement of metal-rich anthropogenic materials. A case study in Moa (Cuba) (100%)
24-feb-2019 6.56.16Soil REE patterns as tracers of the emplacement of metal-rich anthropogenic materials. A case study in Moa (Cuba) articolo, notizia, unipa, REY, anthropogenic soil All readers of this article via the shared link will also be able to use Enhanced PDF features such as annotation tools, one-click supplements, citation file exports and article metrics. https://rdcu.be/bn7Ak RICCARDO SCALENGHE /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/
2. Giuseppe Lo Papa (28%)
8-mar-2013 23.20.31climate; vii) Anthropogenic soil classification; viii) Soil modeling and informatics for Land
3. Determina semplificata fuori MEPA n 161 (28%)
23-giu-2022 14.18.13[Copia conforme] UNPA-334 - Prot. 4176-13/06/2022 DIPARTIMENTO SCIENZE AGRARIE, ALIMENTARI e FORESTALI Il Direttore – Prof. Tiziano Caruso Determina semplificata n. 161 del 13/06/2022 OGGETTO: Indizione della procedura di affidamento diretto, mediante indagine esplorativa Fuori MePA, per il servizio di pubblicazione articolo scientifico dal titolo “Microbiological Analysis and Metagenomic Profiling of the Bacterial Community of an Anthropogenic Soil Modified from Typic